古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

官方博客 - 25周年庆:粉丝电影特辑 - 一月(英文原稿)

发表时间:2022/01/14 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:2242  
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  官方分享了三部粉丝电影《古墓丽影:亡灵节 - 克劳馥编年史(第一集)(Tomb Raider: Dia de Los Muertos - Croft Chronicles Episode 1)》(意大利)、《双人游戏(2PlayerGame)》先导预告(美国)、《克劳馥:古墓丽影传奇(Croft: Legend of the Tomb Raider)》(美国)。以下是原文,本站正在翻译中。


【古墓丽影网站】25周年庆:粉丝电影特辑 - 一月


  Fan Films - January

  In “Shadow of the Tomb Raider”, we meet Lara in Mexico, the strongest she’s ever been, after spending the last couple years taking down the Trinity organisation one cell at a time. In a desperate attempt to stop them from gaining a powerful artefact, she takes it from its resting place in a Maya Tomb and inadvertently triggers the apocalypse. She races against time to fix her mistakes and save the world.

  Enjoy these short films inspired by the final chapter in Lara’s origin story.

  “Tomb Raider: Dia de Los Muertos - Croft Chronicles Episode 1” (ITALY) Directed by Enidh Blackfield and Daniela “Tita” Valeri of Tomb Raider Italia.

  Starring Enidh Blackfield as Lara Croft.

  Cozumel, Mexico, Day of the Dead and there is one person not taking part in the celebrations. I really love the introduction to this episode! The use of what I presume is stock footage of a Day of the Dead festival lends a lot of weight to it and feels like something you would see on Netflix. It’s also a good way to get around filming during a pandemic. Great work and I’ll look forward to seeing part 2!

  “2PlayerGame” (US) Written and directed by Dan Hasegawa.

  Starring Tara Cash as Lara Croft and Emory Cash as Nathan Drake.

  Lara teams up with a fellow adventurer to stop Trinity forces. Great visuals and editing in this concept trailer! Both characters are on point played by husband and wife cosplay team “2PlayerGame”! I’d definitely watch a full web series or film of this! Who doesn’t love crossovers?

  “Croft: Legend of the Tomb Raider” (US)

  Written and directed by Josh Mason.

  Starring Sara Freites as Lara Croft.

  To end our series of fan film features, here’s a taste of what the future of the franchise could look like with a twin pistol wielding reboot Lara portrayed by actress/cosplayer, Sara Freites, in the first of Mason’s Tomb Raider film series. The second, “Power of Atlantis” was released in August and the third, “Tomb Raider: Apocalypse” is set to start shooting soon. One thing that is clear in Mason’s work is that he always makes the very best of the tools he has at his disposal despite only having a small budget. That and heaps of passion! Those are the best kinds of films to be involved with and I always look forward to seeing what comes next!

  I’d just like to sign off by saying thank you to Meagan and Neha, our community captains, for asking me to do these blogs and for everything else they’ve been doing behind the scenes! Organising year long celebrations is not an easy task, especially during a pandemic when you’re mostly working from home. We really appreciate it!

  Also, thank you to all the fans and filmmakers for continuing to create and share their own stories for Lara. It has been really inspiring watching everyone’s amazing work and I’ve really enjoyed spotlighting them for more people to see. If anyone is interested in following me and my projects, you can find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

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