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2024年2月29日官网新闻:像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽

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【古墓丽影网站】2024年2月29日官网新闻:像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽
Lara Frazier Header

  像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽
  Live Like Lara: Lara Frazier

  Feb 29, 2024

  Meet Lara Frazier, a pro wrestler who blends their love for adventure with passion for the ring. Join us for a candid conversation with the adventurous Lara Frazier.

【古墓丽影网站】2024年2月29日官网新闻:像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽
劳拉·弗雷泽比赛片段 01
Lara Frazier fight 01

  Q: Can you tell us a bit about your background in professional wrestling and how you got started? 

  劳拉: 我是在观看了网飞原创剧集《GLOW》后开始接触职业摔跤的。我曾在迪士尼乐园的大部分时间里,利用我学习戏剧所培养的技能工作。然而,在我父亲去世后,我发现那里的工作让我感到空虚。我咨询了一位从小就是职业摔跤迷的朋友,他帮我在湾区找到了一所摔跤学校进行训练。于是,我回到了我出生和长大的地方,开始了我的职业摔跤之旅!
  Lara: I got started in pro wrestling after watching the Netflix original show GLOW. I had been using the skills that I developed studying theatre for most of my life at Disneyland, and after my father passed away, I found working there to be unfulfilling. I consulted my friend who had been a pro wrestling fan since he was a kid, and he helped me find a wrestling school to train at in the Bay Area. So, I moved back to the region I was born and raised in and started my adventure into pro wrestling! 

  Q: Could you elaborate on your wrestling name Lara Frazier? 

  劳拉: 我当然是以古墓丽影中的主角、那位了不起的冒险家劳拉·克劳馥,以及《神秘海域》中的另一位冒险家克洛伊·弗雷泽为灵感来命名的。将这两个名字结合,就成了“劳拉·弗雷泽”!
  Lara: I named myself after, of course, Tomb Raider’s main badass adventurer Lara Croft and fellow adventurer badass; Uncharted’s Chloe Frazer. Those two combined became Lara Frazier! 

  Q: We've noticed you incorporating Lara Croft-inspired outfits into some of your matches. Could you elaborate on the significance of selecting outfits for matches and shed light on the creative process behind those choices? 

  劳拉: 我努力让我的比赛装备充满冒险主题,因为我称自己为“冒险家”。这既体现了作为一名女性冒险家的身份,也是对形容词“冒险的”的一种巧妙运用。我喜欢向冒险题材中的不同媒体致敬,包括但不限于《神秘海域》《夺宝奇兵》《木乃伊》《勇敢者的游戏》《丛林奇航》,当然还有《古墓丽影》。
  Lara: I try to keep my gear for matches very adventure-themed, since I call myself The Adventuress. It’s a combination of being a femme adventurer while also being a play on the adjective “adventurous.” I like to pay homage to several different media in the adventure genre including but not limited to Uncharted, Indiana Jones, The Mummy, Jumanji, Jungle Cruise, and of course, Tomb Raider. 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年2月29日官网新闻:像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽
劳拉·弗雷泽比赛片段 02
Lara Frazier Fight 02

  问: 是什么最初吸引了你塑造为劳拉·克劳馥这个角色?
  Q: What initially drew you to the character of Lara Croft? 

  劳拉: 我主要在迪士尼乐园的冒险区工作。我的主要岗位是在丛林巡航,我是那里的劳伦船长。我负责讲笑话和“射击”河马(指船上的互动环节)。我也曾在《印第安纳琼斯冒险》和《魔法提基屋》工作。2015年,我还获得了“年度最佳提基主持人”的称号!我想将我五年来对那个区域的热爱融入到我的职业摔跤角色中,而最著名的女性冒险家角色当然是劳拉·克劳馥了!我发现独立摔跤界并没有其他女性全职扮演这样的角色,所以我觉得这对我来说再完美不过了。我确实喜欢将她的惊人运动能力融入到我的摔跤动作中。
  Lara: I worked mainly at Adventureland attractions at Disneyland. My main home was Jungle Cruise, where I was Skipper Lauren. I told jokes and shot hippos. I also worked Indiana Jones Adventure and the Enchanted Tiki Room. I won Tiki Host of the Year in 2015! I wanted to incorporate my love of working in that area for five years into my pro wrestling persona, and the most well-known femme adventurer character is Lara Croft, of course! I couldn’t really find any other femme doing that gimmick full-time on the indies, so I figured it’d be perfect for me. I definitely like to incorporate her amazing athleticism into my moveset in the ring. 

  问: 劳拉·克劳馥有哪些特点或品质对你有启发,或者你想将其融入到你的摔跤角色中?
  Q: Are there any characteristics or qualities of Lara Croft that you find inspiring or try to incorporate into your wrestling persona? 

  劳拉: 即使在我还是个孩子的时候,我就一直很钦佩那些了不起的动作女英雄。我进入演艺圈,部分原因就是想扮演这类角色。职业摔跤是我实现成为像劳拉·克劳馥那样的了不起女性冒险家梦想的方式。
  Lara: Even as a kid, I always admired badass action heroines. I got into acting partially because I wanted to do those kinds of roles. Pro wrestling is my way of living out that dream of being a badass femme adventurer like Lara Croft. 

  问: 摔跤有着其独特的挑战。你能谈谈其中的一些挑战吗?你能分享一下你从借鉴的角色中获得了哪些帮助来克服或应对这些挑战吗?
  Q: Wrestling presents its unique set of challenges. Can you discuss some of these challenges and share how the characters you draw inspiration from contribute to overcoming or navigating them? 

  劳拉: 职业摔跤确实很痛,而且是实实在在的痛。它让人受伤很多。但你不会看到劳拉、印第安纳琼斯或内森·德雷克在冒险过程中因为疼痛而放弃,尽管他们显然很痛苦。他们继续前进是因为他们很坚强,也很有决心。这就是为什么我们支持他们,也是为什么我希望人们支持我。
  Lara: Pro wrestling is painful, legitimately. It hurts a lot. You don’t see Lara or Indy or Nathan Drake giving up during their adventures because they’re clearly in pain, though. They keep going because they’re tough, and they’re determined. That’s why we root for them. That’s why I want people to root for me. 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年2月29日官网新闻:像劳拉一样生活 - 劳拉·弗雷泽
劳拉·弗雷泽比赛片段 03
Lara Frazier fight 03

  问: 你如何安排你的摔跤训练计划?
  Q: How do you approach your training routine in wrestling? 

  劳拉: 我每周会进行两到三晚的摔跤训练。我在公寓里有一个划船机,我几乎每天都会花一些时间在上面,同时我也会使用哑铃和弹力带进行锻炼以保持体形。我尽量每周休息一天,以免过度劳累。
  Lara: I do about two to three nights of in-ring training a week. I have a rowing machine in my apartment that I spend some time on nearly every day, and also will work out with dumbbells and bands to stay in shape. I try to take one day of rest each week just so I don’t wear myself out. 

  问: 如果你能和一个虚构角色进行摔跤比赛,你会选择谁,为什么?
  Q: If you could have a wrestling match against a fictional character, who would it be and why? 

  劳拉: 我会选择来自詹姆斯·邦德电影《雷霆杀机》中的梅伊·戴,因为我觉得那场比赛一定会非常火爆。格蕾丝·琼斯是个偶像,也是那部电影中最精彩的部分。
  Lara: May Day from the James Bond movie A View to a Kill because I feel like that match would be a banger. Grace Jones is an icon and was the best part of that movie. 

  问: 如果你能给正在阅读这篇文章的古墓丽影粉丝们传达一个重要的信息,那会是什么,为什么这对你来说很重要?
  Q: If you could communicate one significant message to the Tomb Raider fans who will be reading this, what would it be, and why is it important to you? 

  劳拉: 不要害怕尝试新事物。它可能会引领你走向惊人的冒险,并给你一个意想不到的机会去实现你的梦想。
  Lara: Don’t be afraid to try new things. It may lead to amazing adventures and give you a chance to live out your dreams in an unsuspecting way. 

  You can follow Lara’s work below: 

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  · Facebook
  · TikTok 

  Do you want to nominate someone who Lives Like Lara for a spotlight in our series? Tag us with your suggestions on social! 

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  感谢Chris Jung为本文提供的照片!
  Thank you to Chris Jung for the photos used in this article!

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