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维加斯的梦魇 - 奖励关卡
Nightmare in Vegas - bonus level

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered: Bonus Levels

  Mar 28, 2024

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered holds many secrets, quite literally. But did you know that collecting all the secrets in some of the games unlocks bonus levels?

  The first time players are rewarded for collecting all secrets is in Tomb Raider II’s expansion, Golden Mask. After finding an old newspaper dating back to 1945 with a photo of an Inuit hunter holding an ancient mask, Lara sets off to Melnikov Island in the Bering Sea, believing that the mask she saw in the photo is the Mask of Tornarsuk. The expansion consists of four main levels, with a total of twelve secrets hidden throughout. Should players manage to collect all twelve, they'll be granted access to a bonus level called ‘Nightmare in Vegas’. In this dream sequence, Lara finds herself in a Las Vegas hotel room, only to discover that things aren’t quite as they seem when she encounters unexpected familiar faces in the most peculiar of places. 

Lara standing on the Lara Croft Star Easter Egg in the level Nightmare in Vegas.

  Without spoiling too much, we’d like to highlight a particularly special Easter Egg that can be found within the Nightmare in Vegas level: the ‘Made in Derby’ cast iron plaque featuring Lara Croft. Since Tomb Raider was conceived at Core Design in Derby, UK, the developers of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered decided to pay homage to its birthplace in this unique manner. 

  Jonell Elliott (Lara Croft VA) and Eric Loren (Kurtis Trent VA) posing with the Lara Croft cast iron plaque in Derby, UK. Photo by Raidercast

  Jonell Elliott (Lara Croft VA) and Eric Loren (Kurtis Trent VA), photo by Raidercast/Chris Carpineti

  《古墓丽影III》拥有一个隐藏的奖励关卡,名为“诸圣堂”。要解锁这个关卡,玩家必须收集遍布《古墓丽影III》主游戏中的所有秘宝。原本,“诸圣堂”是打算作为伦敦章节的一部分,紧随泰晤士河畔关卡,并设置在圣保罗大教堂内部。然而,由于其挑战性,该关卡最终从游戏正式版本中删除,这是关卡创作者安迪·桑德姆在接受Tomb of Ash采访时透露的。
  Tomb Raider III has its own hidden bonus level named ‘All Hallows’. To unlock this level, players must collect all the secrets scattered throughout the main Tomb Raider III game. Originally, ‘All Hallows’ was intended to be part of the London section, following Thames Wharf and situated inside St. Paul’s Cathedral. However, due to its challenging nature, it was ultimately cut from the final version of the game, as revealed by the level’s creator, Andy Sandham, in an interview with Tomb of Ash. 

All Hallows Bonus Level by Hashta

  Screenshot by @hashta_vp 

  The inspiration for ‘All Hallows’ comes from a real-life location known as All Hallows-by-the-Tower, said to be one of London’s oldest churches. This connection adds an intriguing layer for fans of Tomb Raider interested in exploring the game's roots. While the layout of the level may not perfectly mirror the church itself, visiting All Hallows-by-the-Tower can still be an engaging experience, especially since the church includes a Crypt Museum. 

“万圣教堂”照片由Tomb of Ash提供
  All Hallows-by-the-Tower by Tomb of Ash

  “万圣教堂”,照片由Ash Kapriyelov拍摄,来自tomb-of-ash.com
  All Hallows-by-the-Tower, photo by Ash Kapriyelov, tomb-of-ash.com 

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is out now!   

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