古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/09/13 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:10064  
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  近期关注本站的网友或许已经注意到我们金秋9月为大家推出的“古墓丽影粉丝艺术画展示”月活动:我们将在本月集中向中国玩家推荐一些世界各地古墓丽影粉丝创作的优秀艺术作品,而我们九月份的专访对象 - “古墓丽影帝国(Tomb Raider Empir)”正是古墓丽影粉丝圈中非常有影响力的艺术创作群体。他们的古墓丽影艺术作品风格独特,画风精美,受到了成千上万古墓丽影玩家喜爱,其中大部分作品还被古墓丽影官方和水晶动力工作室所转载并赞扬,而这一切荣耀的背后跟他们常年对古墓丽影系列的忠实支持和坚持不懈创作高质量艺术作品有极大关系。



  大家可以到古墓丽影阿拉伯官方粉丝网站做更多关于古墓丽影资讯的浏览:www.tombraiderarabia.com。也可以在推特和Tumblr上加入他们创建的“古墓丽影帝国(Tomb Raider Empire)” 社交网络获得全方位的古墓丽影信息。


  记者:能向中国玩家介绍一下你自己和你们的官方粉丝网站吗?你们是什么时间开始建立古墓丽影官方粉丝网站的?又是什么原因促使了你建立网站?(Could you talk about yourself and your website? Such as when and how did you decide to build a fan site?)

(My name is Ahmad from United Arab Emirates, I'm a fan since 1995 since they start to talk about the game in magazines for the first time ,1996 my brother bought the playstation console and I used to watch him playing Tomb Raider , in 97 I owned a playstation myself and that was my start with the series , the site was one of my dreams but I did not have much time for that even thought I have a good knowledge in the series but I didn't feel the need to open a site cause there's a plenty of them and I won't add more ,in 2011 I was asked by my dearest friends Ana and Inna to write Tomb Raider news for the Group on DeviantArt. tomb-raider-empire.deviantart.com , then in 2013 I was invited by Crystal Dynamics to an event to reveal the Arabic voice actress , from that point I decided to start an Arabic website and contact Crystal Dynamics to become an official)


  记者:你们的网站针对的玩家人群是哪里的?(Who do you feel is your primary target audience for your fan site?)

  (My site for anyone who can read Arabic or English , I tried my best to provide the news in both languages to reach more fans , I was planing to write also in Spanish but I'm not fluent in the language)

  记者:我们注意到你们网站的信息量非常广泛,例如视频、新闻、美术作品等,你最关注并最引以自豪的是哪个领域?你的收集信息的渠道是从何而来?(We notice you have very diverse collection of Tomb Raider information, such as videos, news, artworks, etc. Do you have any particular area or piece that you take the most pride in? How do you collect those resources?)

  (I'm proud of my collection I have been collecting since 1997 also especially that I'm the only Arabic person to have such a collection for Tomb Raider , I got most of my collection from auction sites or private dealers)

  记者:和你们一样,我们也一直关心致力于建设古墓丽影粉丝网站,以提供最好最新的古墓丽影信息给中国的玩家。但是我们在建立的过程中碰到例如语言和社交媒体的阻碍,对你们来说,最大的阻碍或者挑战又是什么呢?你们是怎么解决这些问题的?(same as you, we have been focusing on bring the best Tomb Raider news/information to the fans in China. However, we do have difficulties when it comes to language and social media barriers. What is the biggest barrier you have experienced while building the site? How do you solve such a problem?)

  (The only barriers I face was trying to do something new and attract visitors , being active as much as I could on social media , try to communicate with everyone , even if I had to use a translate , recording videos to provide best quality, also providing fans with images ,news and walkthrough)

  记者:你跟我提过你曾经到访过中国,你喜欢中国吗?有没有未来再次到中国旅行的计划?(You mentioned that you visited China before, how did you like it? Will you plan to come for visit again in the future?)

  (China is an Amazing country with really friendly people , Rich with history , a good place for anyone who is interested in archaeology like me , I'm sure I will be visiting China again in the future I just I love it , I'm also hoping to visit DisneyLand in shanghai)



  记者:你们分别是从什么时候开始接触古墓丽影游戏的?最喜欢哪一部游戏?喜欢的原因?(When did you start playing Tomb raider game? Which Tomb Raider game is your favorite? Why?)

  Ana: I started playing when I was about 11 or 12 and got a PS1 for my birthday. My cousin brought this cool new game home one day (Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation) and I loved it since we first tried it. Soon my friend got all the 4 games and we never stopped playing TR since, though it took us about a decade til we grew up and beat the games haha

  Inna: Many hard core fans have been playing TR since their childhood, but my very first TR game was Anniversary. So I was pretty late to the party, but after that I've played all the classic ones and world of Tomb Raider just took my heart once and for all. My all time favorites are TR2 with all the thrilling adventurous stuff happening there and exciting versatile locations. And Angel of Darkness which, despite being hugely critiqued upon, was really a great base for a phenomenal game had it enough time to be finished. But filling in the plot gaps and figuring out those mysteries that the game amply left just adds up to the thirst for uncovering secrets which is in the heart of every true TR fan, right?

  记者:劳拉克劳馥是如何激励你们的?你觉得你自己和劳拉有没有相同之处?(How does Lara Croft inspire you? Do you see any of your own personality with in Lara Croft?)

  Ana: I can't really tell. She's been inspiring me with her awesomeness since I was a kid, so I may be more nostalgic about it than I am reasonable. A lot of people say it's because she's intelligent, sexy, strong, etc. Those are all true but I'll just have to go with badass. It's why I liked her in the first place!

  Inna: Lara Croft really is a unique and fantastic character. She is both a role model to aspire to with her intelligence, strength, cleverness and charm, and she's so amusing to make fun of. Logics of Tomb Raider world - or vast lack of it, to be precise - is just what you're seeking in an exciting adventure! You don't want things to be realistic, you just want to have fun. Flying statues, conveniently hidden keys in the corners of long sunk ships, never ending stream of boulders that must have a crazy crush on Lara for chasing her so persistently, and many more. Sign me up! That's the thrill of adventure and what makes us love TR games so much. This fantastic mysterious world full of secrets and picturesque locations has always been a huge source of inspiration for my personal art and this is smth I always turn to when my creative engines start running low. Lara Croft is my muse in many ways. 

  记者:你们二人在【古墓丽影阿拉伯】网站的站内任务是什么?(How do you assist with Tomb Raider Arabic? What are your roles for building the site?)


  Ana: Ahmad是我们的朋友和合作伙伴,我们一直都是一起共同合作,最早的时候是在DeviantArt群,我们的群名是“tomb-raider-empire.deviantart.com(古墓丽影帝国)”。他对古墓丽影非常了解,也是社交媒体的专家,所以他是我们对外宣传的主力军。他给予我们非常大的支持, 后来他也创建了Youtube和Tumblr主页,也是打理的很成功(这些都是他个人的功劳),最后他创立了【古墓丽影阿拉伯】粉丝官网,都是他的最爱。
  Ana: Ahmad is our friend and our collaboration started with the first thing we ever did together, which was opening an art group on DeviantArt. It's tomb-raider-empire.deviantart.com. He knows everything about Tomb Raider, has been an expert on social media networking before we even dreamed of expanding outside of DA, and we just kind of agreed he'd be our go-to guy when it comes to all cool things Tomb Raider :D He's been an enormous source of help and awesomeness <3 In time he opened a Youtube and Tumblr account and has been managing them successfully ever since (and that's his brainchild, we can't take any credit for that!), and after that he opened Tomb Raider Arabia. It's also his baby! 

  Inna: TRArabia is purely Ahmad's brainchild and he's doing a fantastic work with it! Ahmad is one of the first people I got to know when I only came to deviantaArt and he became my great friend who's always supporting me in everything and who always seems to know everything about TR! He definitely deserves a badge of Tomb Raider Expert! :D So when later on I met Ana and we opened Tomb Raider Empire group we definitely wanted him on board with us! 

  记者:我非常喜欢你们俩的古墓丽影艺术作品,非常漂亮的艺术画!哪幅作品是你们的得意之作?我们能向中国的玩家分享你们的作品吗?I am a big fan or both of you guys’ artworks, they are stunning! Which is your favorite Lara Croft artwork? Can we show these pictures along with the interview? (Or could you provide some of your own favorite artwork so we can share them with the fans in China?)

  Ana :Thank you! Well, choosing your favorite artwork is like choosing your favorite child, you just can't. But we'd have to go with the Selfie series! And maybe the official render remakes. Both were projects we continuously worked on. The remakes are very special to us because we came up with a puzzle-riddle kind of game for the members of our DA group and we opened those seasonally. There was a winner for each game and what they got was a cup with an art print! Since the games were seasonal, we chose renders which represented each season so it was a lot of fun working on those. The selfie series though is more of a personal project - now that we're finally collaborating when it comes to art, we decided to bring to life our silly ideas. We would often send each other funny fangirly sketches and laugh our butts off. We had this idea that was inspired by extreme selfies, and who is more extreme than Lara Croft? That's still an ongoing project and we're hoping to make many more! :)
  And sure, you can share what you like :) 
  Official render remakes: http://lararobsgraves.deviantart.com/gallery/57715770/Classic-TR-Remakes
  Selfie Chronicles: http://lararobsgraves.deviantart.com/gallery/57715805/Selfie-Chronicles



  Inna: My personal favorite is definitely this one! 
  Selfie shots became such a huge part of modern society, both loved and hated upon. So one day catching a glimpse of new trend of "extreme selfies" Lara immediately came to mind. This is exactly what I've been talking before about TR being a perfect subject to make fun of in a good way. So I suggested this idea to Ana and we decided to start a series of extreme selfies. Lara Croft style. TR has provided rich material of comical situations and ridiculous logics so we buckled up out creative belts and started brainstorming! We have more stuff planned, both in selfie series and some new ideas, but LRG is only our side art account for having fun so there's not as much time for it as we'd like to. But hey, it's all gonna happen! 
  Thanks for having us ,we wish you the best of luck and happy 20th Anniversary to our beloved Lara









  更多古墓丽影的美术作品请到他们的艺术网站欣赏: http://lararobsgraves.deviantart.com/



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