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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


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The first level of my map, you can download the entire game here:
Level2 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ltvbzh...
The map is perfectly scaled to the original game Tomb Raider 1, fans will be happy :)
What could I say about the level 1, mmm... the level is really flat and long, the 3rd secret is hard to find even in the original game, this is the first time we see a lever, doors, time-limit and dynamic environment with the bridge that break, one thing is missing, water! All levels have water expect level 1 ;) the only slippery ground is used for the first secret. There is also one useless room with the bear with a rare pressure plate on the ground, I think developers tried many stuffs here, like the sound fx for the snow or the bats :)
Enjoy! I'll add other level next ;)
Screenshot of the ENTIRE map:





Download the adventure here easy and free without shity boring stuffs:
Level1 is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILhk_M...
The second level of the adventure :)
Fun fact for fans of tomb raider's games:
I skiped the second secret, one of the lever open a door in the water (on the left) many room are useless, like the door with the bear (not in the video). Basically you don't have to go in the water to complet the level. The first part of the level (before the key-door) is a giant square, everybody got lost the first time here. Also the Gold Idol is useless because you take it with the key (in the same room), developers added a second lever at the end of the level wich allows you to come back at the start "if" you missed the Iron Idol... (I'm truly sure less than 5% of players know that) it's also usefull to find the secrets... using the room with the pool would be a better location for the Idol because 50% of the space is a loss.
I watched every room step by step while I crafted the adventure so I tried to understand the big "WHY" of things and most of times it was funny to see how developers was lazy, for exemple when you see the "overview" of the map you will see that every secret uses the useless space of the level, they truly added the secrets at the end of the game design ^^
Here a screenshot of the level from the sky: 
I don't know why but I really enjoy seing that as a fan :) if you take the original game from that view you would see the same :)




Download the map here:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1...

More infos for fans:
-Oh yeah :D I'm back for another freaky description ;p This is the 3rd level of the game, the one with the T-REX OMG! :D Sadly I wasn't able to put a 3d trex on the game without mods but the lost valley was already cool. This is a funny level with wolf, waterfall, including flow and raptors, truly the most famous level of the original game, everbody would remember the first meet with REX, wet pants and nightmares after that too...
It's also the level with the most amount of secrets, 5! :D Did you know that? Everybody remember the secret at the beginning of the water or after the flow cut but you can find 3 other secrets in the lost valley, the most epic stuff is the shotgun, you can find it and use it on the Trex, if you took every secrets of the level 1&2 you will be able to kill him easily, but for some reason people always start the level by going on the wrong side... and beating Rex with pistols is a bit...you know what I mean ;p Especally when the area is DAMN DARK because they couldn't add the sky in 1996 :S "oops". You must find 3 gearwheels to remove the waterfall to end the level, in minecraft I used some tricky pistons that only work when you activate the three at once, even if you remove the first wheels to activate the second one it won't work :) 
This is one of the hardest redstone circuit I made in the game, I used 2 separated circruits of water for each piston, when you press the lever one distributor send an item in the water, the item activates a pressure plate for one piston, but if there is no "wheels" the water won't bring the item at the good place, and nothing will happen. Each pressure plate are connected to a main redstone wich blow up the TNT and teleporte the player to another location, once you arrive on this new location you can still go on the lost valley but this is another level pasted on the first one, this time with different water path, ouch.
I used this trick for many levels of the game (The Cistern, Tomb of Tihocan) and it wans't easy because I had to craft ALL the level before the copy/paste and remove some doors or item that could had been cloned, and thease "new levels" must be close to the previous ones to be loaded before the teleportation, or you would see some glitchy walls at spawn :P
Overview of the Lost Valley with the copy/past part used for dynamics environments:
I don't know if I'll post others level, depends of the number of views (cause it take a long time to synch the video)




Link to the topic with download:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1...
Link the the walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILhk_...
More infos:
Hi all ;D I'm back for another adventure on minecraft, one year after Craft Bandicoot I publish now a new map based on the game Tomb Raider (1996) but this time with the download link ;) 
So have fun! ;D
Why Tomb Raider and not Crash Bandicoot 2 or Spyro? 
-For the simple raison that Crash need some ability that can't be reproduce on minecraft (I mean without mods) Spyro also fly wich isn't easy on minecraft.
-Tomb raider 1 also uses some square for game design, water... lava... trap... doors... like minecraft and for the super reason that many people uses the name "tomb raider" to promote their map, I never found a nice map that make me feel nostalgic with that game so I crafted it myself.
Keeping in mind that fans will be strict, this game need no mod, just peacefull and daytime only, I tried to add some creatures but they activates some traps and it's very boring! 
The most important update wich is very rare for minecraft is the checkpoint area, it's auto and fixed, when you complete de level 1 you unlock the level 2, and if you die you can play the level 2 again, but it wasn't enough, I added 1 to 4 checkpoints for EACH level, cool? 
Another very important point is the scale of the map, I watched every grounds, every walls or every levels from every angles of the PC game and crafted them with the basics color of minecraft, that means you can use every texturepack you want! The game will look nice!
All secrets (45), traps, holes or items you can found on the PC version are in the game, the game was tested by few people and I fixed problems for MAXIMUM FUN :D
So I hope you'll enjoy the adventure and like the vi...blablabla HAVE FUN :D
Version used 1.5.2

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