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发表时间:2011/11/22 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者: Adam Chitwood   浏览次数:3181  
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Producer Graham King Provides Update on TOMB RAIDER Reboot; Says It’s More of a “Character Study” and Goes Back to Her Roots

by Adam Chitwood    Posted:November 20th, 2011 at 1:25 pm

While a reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise has been in the works for quite some time, we hadn’t really heard much about the film until early this year when a 2013 release was targetedIron Man scribes Mark Fergus and Hawk Otsby came aboard the project in May.  They stated at the time that their intention was to craft an origin story and solidify Lara Croft as a strong female character in the vein of Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor.

Steve is currently in New York covering press for Martin Scorsese’s Hugo and he sat down with producer Graham King who gave an update on the Tomb Raider reboot.  King said that they just got the script in and they hope to start production next year.  The producer also spoke about the direction and tone of the story they’ve come up with, and even mused on the prospect of bringing Angelina Jolie back in some capacity.  Hit the jump for the full interview.

King confirmed that they just received the script and now they’re looking ahead to production. As for the tone, King describes it as more along the lines of a character study:

“There’s something about her character and going back to her roots, and that’s what we’re doing with this. You’re actually gonna meet her before she has all her powers as Lara Croft. It’s more of a character study, but it’s a really fun, fun adventure story.”

King has a relationship with Jolie as he produced The Tourist and worked with her on her directorial debut In the Land of Blood and Honey. When asked whether or not he would bring her back in a cameo capacity, King laughed and said he didn’t know, but he did confirm that he and Jolie have talked about Tomb Raider. “We’ll have to see” King mused, so for fans of the original series the idea isn’t entirely off the table just yet. Since the script is now in, hopefully we’ll hear more about the project soon as a production start date looms.

Here’s the transcript followed by the full video interview itself, which includes a neat anecdote about test screening Jolie’s In the Land of Blood and Honey:


If I’m not mistaken, you’re one of the people bringing back Tomb Raider. Where is that and do you envision that it could be in front of cameras soon?

I think hopefully next year. We just got the script in on Tomb Raider and it’s really good. It’s something that, for me anyway, is different, you know rebooting a franchise that I didn’t produce to begin with. But there’s something about her character and going back to her roots, and that’s what we’re doing with this. You’re actually gonna meet her before she has all her powers as Lara Croft. It’s more of a character study, but it’s a really fun, fun adventure story.

You have a relationship with Ms. Jolie. Is there any chance that she could somehow cameo in the upcoming reboot?

(laughs) I don’t know, you know we’ve spoken about Tomb Raider and we’ll have to see. I mean she’s so wonderful, she just directed this movie for me, In the Land of Blood and Honey, which I think we’re about five weeks from releasing and I can’t wait for people to see that movie. She did an amazing job as a director, absolutely amazing. Maybe I’ll ask her to direct it (laughs). We did a screening of the movie in L.A., like a preview, and I didn’t tell anyone who directed it, then afterwards I asked the focus group who they think directed it, and they said Roman Polanski or Clint Eastwood, which is “wow.” But she’s that good, and the film is that good.


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