到目前为止饰演该角色的人选还没确定,但至少已经有一位女星(即杰米•亚历山大)表示希望追求这个机会。杰米•亚历山大因在目前正热映的电影《雷神》中饰演Sif一角而闻名。她也曾在电视剧《神奇小子》、《护士当家》和《Watch Over Me》中展现自己。
Jaimie Alexander wants to be the next Lara Croft! |
May 11th, 2011 |

In an interview with Movieline, actress Jaimie Alexander would like to pursue the role of Lara Croft in the upcoming Tomb Raider movie reboot from GK Films slated for 2013 release. No actress has been named until now, but at leaste one actress has taken it upon herself to go after the job. Jamie Alexander is know for her role as Sif in the Thor movie that is in theaters now. She also has done TV work in Kyle XY, Nurse Jackie and Watch Over Me. "I can tell you what I’m interested in right now," Jaimie Alexander told Movieline. "I’ve obviously been hearing about a Tomb Raider reboot, which I think would be pretty awesome — Lara Croft. Anything that’s very physical. I’m reading a few scripts here and there, and we’ll see. It’s all sort of up in the air." "I'm not going to try and be Angelina Jolie," Alexander said when asked about how she'd play the iconic video game character. "She's her own woman, and she did a fantastic job as Lara Croft. If that opportunity arises for me, then I would put my own spin on Lara Croft. There's no way I would try and copy what she did. I think that's a huge mistake with actors and actresses who are taking on a role that was previously done by someone else." Should Jaimie Alexander be the next Lara Croft? Let us know your thoughts on Twitter or Facebook |