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Croft Couture #41: Evan

The Tomb Raider community is full of talented artists, entertainers, and phenomenal cosplay talent. “Croft Couture” aims to showcase these dedicated fans, and give Lara costumers a spot to share their experiences while paying tribute to gaming’s leading lady. 

Meet Evan - our pioneering male Lara Croft cosplayer in Croft Couture! He’s been a fan of the franchise for nearly 20 years since picking up the original Tomb Raider. We’re impressed by this self-proclaimed “silent mega-fan” and how he aims to live out an adventurous life like Lara.

It may have been a while since you’ve heard this phrase so for old time’s sake: check out his photos above and Q&A below! 

Fast Stats

  • Name: Guillermo M. Carrizo (Evan)
  • Country: Argentina
  • Occupation: Archaeology student (break at the moment), Bellboy.
  • Fan Since: 1997
  • Favorite Tomb Raider Game: Tomb Raider (2013)
  • Favorite Tomb Raider Character (Non-Lara): Winston
  • Favorite Tomb Raider Villain: Mark Willard (Spider Form)
  • First Lara Croft Cosplay: Tomb Raider Reboot
  • Favorite Lara Croft Cosplay:  All of them!
  • Number of Lara Croft Cosplays: 4
  • Future Lara Croft Cosplay: Rise of the Tomb Raider (Green jacket)



What first drew you to the Tomb Raider franchise, and what initially inspired you to cosplay as Lara Croft?

I was around 7 or 8 years old and I went to an electronic store where my father used to visit due to his former job. I was waiting in the car and that same week he bought the original PlayStation and when I came back he bought me a gift from the store owner: it was the original Tomb Raider. I fell in love with Lara immediately for some reason as soon as I saw her in the cover. However, it wasn’t until late 2012 or early 2013 when I felt the need of cosplay her. The way she was portrayed in the reboot completely touched me deep and I wanted to show my passion and love for the franchise in a way I never did before.

What was your very first Lara Croft costume?

It was the reboot one. I had similar clothing and the Dr. Dre Beats earphones like in the first CGI trailer so I thought it would be nice to try to wear it on a proper way to make them look a-la Croft.

What’s been your favorite Lara Croft costume?

Hard question, but I will choose the one she uses in TR3 in the South Pacific. I simply love it.

Do you plan to make any additional Lara Croft costumes in the future?

Yes! I found it highly challenging try to look a lot like Lara Croft being a male cosplayer, especially the classic ones. There is some sort of empowering feeling when you see yourself looking like the one you admire since you’re a kid.

Which Lara costume or prop was the most difficult to construct? Any lessons learned you’d like to share?

Definitely the classic one. It is so iconic that wearing that for a guy is not easy task, but it is harder to get the right material to make it. I found myself sewing and cutting and taking measurements for models and since I never did that before it became quite a challenge. It’s not done yet, but as you can see on the pictures I am on the right way, or at least I try, which is the best. My advice is have fun, you don’t need to be an expert, but whatever you do, do it with conviction and passion and wear it proudly, because it’s all about that. The difference between a good or a bad cosplay is the process, and you know it’s good when you had fun doing it!

Lara Croft’s lifestyle is full of intrigue and adventure. Do you have any memorable photoshoots or convention appearances that pay tribute to Lara’s lifestyle? Have you traveled anywhere exotic that made you feel like a fellow adventurer?  

I’ve never been on a convention or met any other Tomb Raider fan sadly, however I am what I call a silent mega-fan, because I am not the kind of fan who wears t-shirts with Lara or TR logos on it, or has tattoos or memorabilia, but instead I felt so connected to during so many years I end up doing what she does, wearing as she wears and risk to say thinking what she thinks. Last year, for example, I’ve lived 4 months on board of a Cruise working all across North Europe because I wanted to feel what Lara felt being a crew member. Sea is the cradle of heroes and I knew it was going to be helpful to paid my studies and make me grew up as a person, and it did. It was my tribute to Ernest Shackleton as well due to the 100th anniversary of his renamed expedition. It was meant to be.

What about Lara’s physical strength or mental prowess most inspires you? Has this, or your desire to cosplay Lara, influenced your daily life?

Lara is inspiring in many ways for me. I used to see Lara as someone who built a big wall between the world and herself, and I always felt intrigued by this apparent cold surrounding her. Her Manor was a clear metaphor of her own, a magnificent fortification filled with beautiful things but away from everyone and with many rooms, yet they were all locked. The reboot proved me right and I think now people can understand why Lara was the way she is. Her ability to move forward despite all the challenges and carry on no matter what Is my biggest inspiration. On other hand, I have done from gymnastics in 2008 to archery last year, and I am surprisingly good at them! I recently bought my first recurve bow so I can practice daily at home and I have plans to add it to the cosplay gadgets as well.

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