“古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)” 作者:Sam Spratt
数字墨喷印刷品(Giclee) | 限量240幅
The incredible illustration above was created by renown artist Sam Spratt for our final road to launch.
This listing is a guaranteed pre-order for one Sam Spratt Tomb Raider Giclee. This is a 100% guaranteed authentic, fully licensed giclee print. It was sold exclusively through the online Tomb Raider store and quickly sold out there.
This giclee print is limited to a singel run of 240 total prints. and each print is numbered.
The print measures 18"x24" (inches.)
Giclee prints, in case you're not familiar, are tremendously high quality archival prints.
They're printed on luxurious archival, cotton paper; are printed using archival inks; they have the deepest blacks; the lushest colors;
a superior sense of depth; and they also capture even the finest of details in ways that no other types of print can.
难怪所有人都喜欢这幅画,真的太漂亮了,而且整幅画喷墨效果非常棒,简直如同看真实的油画一样(如同有笔触的凹凸感)。官方限量240幅,分别在纽约(New York)和旧金山(San Francisco)两地印刷销售,各有120幅,所以画的编号是“…/120 NY”或“…/120 SF”。此画是官方商城所有艺术画中最快被预定一空的,而且是最早被下架的,甚至在发货前就被撤下来了(同时撤下来的还有也被预订一空的滑板和手柄,但后来这两个被恢复上线了,而这幅古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)却在官方商城再也看不到了)。
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