该商品原图为2013年DeviantART“古墓丽影:重生(TOMB RAIDER REBORN)”美术作品大赛一等奖获奖作品,作者Hamsterfly是一名来自俄罗斯的天才艺术家,目前居住在上海。
“这幅作品有着巨大的冲击力,让你感受到超强的动感,是技术娴熟的好作品,实至名归的第一名(This piece has great impact, you can feel the motion and intensity and it deserved the number one spot. Great work Hamsterfly)”——大赛评委,来自《古墓丽影9》的艺术总监布莱恩·霍顿(Brian Horton)如此评价这幅作品。
"Chase" by Tomb Raider deviantart contest winner Hamsterfly
Printing: Giclee prints are created typically using professional 8-Color to 12-Color ink-jet printers. These modern technology printers are capable of producing incredibly detailed prints for both the fine art and photographic markets. The quality of the giclee print rivals traditional silver-halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums, art galleries, and photographic galleries.
Artist: Hamsterfly is a talented artist now based in Shanghai but originally from Russia. He won the TombRaider deviantart contest, in which fans were asked to depict Lara Croft's latest transformation. Square Enix's Senior Art Director Brian Horton, says: "This piece has great impact, you can feel the motion and intensity and it deserved the number 1 spot. Great work Hamsterfly!" More of his work can be foundhere.
Artwork will ship in tubes and may take up to a week or more to process due to our new packing protocol.
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