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发表时间:2024/08/31 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:1002  
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Lara Croft turining to gold in Palace Midas

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Update 3 Patch Notes

  Jun 6, 2024

  Hi Raiders!

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered receives an update today across all platforms that makes improvements across all three games and adds a highly-requested Outfit Selector!

  Patch Notes

  ● 你们要求的来了!我们已经在游戏中添加了服装选择器。
  You asked for it! We've added an in-game Outfit Selector to the game.

    · 服装选择器可从暂停菜单中访问。
    The Outfit Selector is available from the pause menu.

    · 该功能在完成每款游戏的通关后解锁。
    The feature is unlocked specifically for each game after completing a playthrough of that game.

    · 一旦解锁,即可在三款冒险中的所有服装之间切换。
    Once unlocked, all Outfits from all three adventures can be switched between.

    · 它还包括切换劳拉·克劳馥经典的红色眼镜选项(这绝对是最时尚的选择!)
    It includes a toggle for Lara Croft's iconic red glasses (which is definitely the most stylish option!)

  ● 使用摇杆时,用快捷键不再会打断跑步或行走。
  Using a hotkey no longer interrupts running or walking when using a thumbstick.

  ● 劳拉·克劳馥在“与鱼共眠”中的海报现在以高清模式显示。
  Posters of Lara Croft in “Sleeping with the Fishes” are now appearing in HD mode.

  ● 三款游戏的声音效果均有所改进。
  Various improvements to SFX have been made across all three games.

  ● 三款游戏中的现代控制战斗得到了改进。
  Improved combat in Modern Controls in all three games.

  ● 对劳拉的模型进行了改进。
  Improvements to Lara's model have been implemented.

  ● 为《古墓丽影1》和《古墓丽影2》添加了缺失的水面折射效果。
  Added the missing water caustic effects to TR1 and TR2.

  ● 改进了《古墓丽影3》中“恒河”关卡的水色。
  Improved water color in “River Ganges” level in TR3.

  ● 《古墓丽影3》中“高度机密地区”的攀爬架现在更加显眼了。
  Monkey bars are now more visible in High Security Compound in TR3.

  ● 修复了现代控制中相机穿过角落时显示天空的问题。
  Fixed the issue with modern controls showing the sky when the camera goes through corners.

  ● 修复了某些菜单中希腊语翻译显示过宽的问题。
  Fixed an issue where Greek translations would show up too wide in some of the menus.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影2》“冷战”关卡中雪地摩托使用纹理错误的问题。
  Fixed an issue where the wrong texture was being used on the snowmobile in “The Cold War” level in TR2.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影2》“水下40英寻”关卡中部分几何体突出到关卡中的问题。
  Fixed an issue in TR2 where part of the geometry was protruding into the level in “40 Fathoms.”

  ● 为《古墓丽影2》“巴托利的藏身处”添加了爆炸效果。
  Added explosion FX for “Bartoli’s Hideout” in TR2.

  ● 三款游戏中的火焰效果均有所改进。
  Various improvements have been made to fire FX across all three games.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影1》中蝙蝠死亡时有时会闪烁的问题。
  Fixed an issue where bats would sometimes flicker upon death in TR1.

  ● 修复了英国玩家游戏选择图标的问题。
  Fixed game selection icons for UK players.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影3:失落的神器》中“威拉德巢穴”中缺失的窗户。
  Fixed a missing window in Willard’s Lair in TR3 The Lost Artifact.

  ● 为《古墓丽影3》中“神庙遗迹”的所有天花板开口添加了细节。
  Added details on all ceiling openings in Temple Ruins in TR3.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影1》“洞穴”关卡中雪位置不正确的问题。
  Fixed an incorrect snow position in Caves level in TR1.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影3》中蹲下时瞄准敌人的问题。
  Fix targeting enemies while crouched in TR3.

  ● 为控制器玩家添加了快速保存/重新加载的快捷键。
  Added quick save/reload hotkeys for controller players.

  ● 修复了《古墓丽影3》“丛林地带”关卡中因陀罗钥匙位置的问题。
  Fixed the Indra Key position in the Jungle level.

A bundle of items included in the Limited Run Games Collector's Edition of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered.

  如果您错过了,现在可以预订《古墓丽影I-III复刻版》的实体版,其中包括来自Limited Run Games的特别收藏版,包含劳拉标志性的双枪。
  In case you missed it, physical editions for Tomb Raider I-III Remastered are now available for pre-order, with a special Collector's Edition from Limited Run Games that features Lara's iconic dual pistols.

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