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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

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古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




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Shadow of the Tomb Raider


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  Top 5 Tomb Raider Motorbike Moments

  Sep 18, 2024


  Lara Croft has been using motorbikes as her main method of transportation ever since the original Tomb Raider. Fast and agile, these bikes helped her navigate treacherous terrain, escape dangerous foes, and add a rush of adrenaline to her adventures. Let’s dive into some of the standout motorbike moments from the Tomb Raider series.


  5. 前往开罗——《古墓丽影:最后的启示》
  5. To Cairo - Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
  After gathering parts of the Armor of Horus, Lara discovers a note from her former mentor, Von Croy, stating that he has kidnapped her friend Jean-Yves and will be taking him to Cairo. He demands a trade: the Armor of Horus for Jean-Yves’ life. Lara quickly jumps on a bike with a sidecar and heads for Cairo. While speeding through the desert, Lara encounters a swarm of locusts. As she nears the city gate, she drives past a crashed military helicopter. While this moment doesn’t feature any epic stunts, it perfectly sets up the dire tone of the next chapter, where Lara will use the same bike to navigate through Cairo.

Motorbike - Cairo

  4. 东京跳跃——《古墓丽影:传奇》
  4. Tokyo Jump - Tomb Raider: Legend
  Lara arrives in Japan to confront Shogo Takamoto, a Yakuza boss who has the artifact she’s after. After a brief but intense clash, Shogo flees to his headquarters across the street. Determined to follow, Lara "borrows" her friend Nishimura’s bike and launches herself over a ramp on what looks like a half-built bridge to reach the other side. Realizing she’s headed straight for a wall, Lara quickly grapples a pole, letting the bike crash and ignite nearby propane tanks. She lands on her feet and narrowly avoids the explosion.

Motorbike - Japan

  3. 有人想吃披萨吗?——《古墓丽影:历代记》
  3. Pizza, anyone? – Tomb Raider: Chronicles
  Lara meets up with Larson at an opera to exchange money for an artifact. Larson double-crosses her with Pierre’s assistance, but Lara manages to outsmart them and escape the opera. After her quick getaway, she stumbles upon a pizza delivery moped and jumps on it, knowing that Larson and Pierre will soon follow. An exciting chase ensues, with Lara on the moped and Larson and Pierre in a taxi. They manage to bump the moped a few times before Lara suddenly veers into a side alley with a large wrought iron gate that is half open. Lara skids the bike under the gate and glances back at her pursuers with amusement. The taxi crashes into the gate, abruptly stopping the car. Lara blows them a kiss and walks away with the artifact in tow.

Motorbike - Rome


  2. 西瓦尔巴与扬马延——《古墓丽影:地下世界》
  2. Xibalba and Jan Mayen – Tomb Raider: Underworld
  This entry is tied because both moments are short, but incredibly thrilling. In each case, Lara takes control of her All-Terrain Motorbike.

  In Southern Mexico, Lara is on the hunt for Thor’s Belt. To reach it, she must unlock the gates to Xibalba and race against time to enter before they slam shut. She makes it through, only to spot a pit of spikes at the last second. With swift reflexes, she skids to a halt right at the edge of the trap.

Motorbike - Xibalba
  Later, in pursuit of Thor’s Hammer, Lara reaches Jan Mayen Island and spots a massive entrance on the other side of a cliff. She revs up the engine and leaps over the precipice, soaring straight into the entrance.

Motorbike - Jan Mayen


  1. 奔向纳特拉的游艇——《古墓丽影》《古墓丽影:十周年纪念版》
  1. Race to Natla’s Yacht – Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider: Anniversary
  After collecting the final piece of the Scion, Lara is ambushed by Natla and her henchmen, but she soon manages to escape their captivity. Lara reaches her motorbike and races toward Natla’s yacht, which is on its way to Atlantis. Riding up through canyons and over rocks, she targets the road where she saw Natla’s car go. With Natla’s yacht now in sight, motoring away from the shoreline, Lara notices a lip on the headland. She pulls hard on the throttle, speeding toward the edge, and uses it to leap with her motorbike. Mid-leap, Lara steps up onto the bike and launches herself off it, soaring through the air before diving into the sea and reaching the yacht.

Motorbike - Tomb Raider '96

Motorbike - TRA

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