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发表时间:2025/02/08 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:437  
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  Kurtis Trent’s Curated Beats for Demon Hunting

  Jan 24, 2025

  To celebrate the upcoming release of Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered, we’ve put together a music playlist inspired by Kurtis Trent. Kurtis’ musical tastes were outlined in his Core Design developer Fact File, authored by Murti Schofield. According to the file, his preferences include Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Mozart, and Sun Ra. Interestingly, one of Kurtis' early character models featured a shirt with the Motörhead logo - another strong clue about the kind of music he enjoys. 

  Before we dive into the playlist of demon-hunting beats, let’s take a moment to answer the question: Who is Kurtis Trent? 

  ● 库蒂斯·海斯特斯图姆6月26日出生于美国犹他州盐滩。
  Kurtis Heissturm was born on the 26th of June in Utah Salt Flats, USA 

  ● 3岁的库蒂斯在父亲康斯坦丁的指导下,成为真理之光的入门者。这个古老组织正遭到埃克哈特和卡巴尔的无情追捕。
  Kurtis, 3 years old, is being trained by his father Konstantin as a Lux Veritatis initiate. The ancient order is being ruthlessly hunted by Eckhardt and the Cabal. 

  ● 16岁的库蒂斯经历了真理之光入门训练中最残酷的阶段。
  Kurtis, age 16, undergoes the most intense stages of his Lux Veritatis initiation. 

  ● 19岁时,库蒂斯失踪并加入了外籍军团,改名为特伦特。他不想参与那场摧毁了无数生命、除了父亲之外只留下三位高手存活的“影子战争”。他在军团中隐藏了五年,但不断受到与神秘主义相关的怪异事件的袭击。他获得了“猎魔人”的绰号。
  At age 19 Kurtis disappears and joins the Foreign Legion, changing his name to Trent. He wants no part of the ‘Shadow War’ which has devastated so many lives and left only three of the Adepts besides his father alive. He stays hidden within the Legion for five years but is constantly assaulted by bizarre events linked to the occult. Gets the nickname ‘Demon Hunter’. 

  ● 库蒂斯离开了军团。他开始为各种雇佣兵和半合法机构做自由职业者。他收到了父亲的消息,但再也没有见过活着的父亲。
  Kurtis leaves the Legion. He begins freelancing with a variety of mercenary and semi legal agencies. He hears from his father but never sees him alive again. 

  ● 康斯坦丁被埃克哈特谋杀。这是库蒂斯的警钟。他收到了两件护身符物品:圣环碎片和可怕的奇鲁盖刀。他踏上了向埃克哈特复仇的任务。
  Konstantin is murdered by Eckhardt. This is Kurtis’ wake up call. He receives two talismanic items, the Periapt Shards, and the terrifying Chirugai blade. He goes after Eckhardt on a vengeance mission. 

  With such a rich history, the playlist aims to capture the duality of Kurtis Trent's upbringing and character. It highlights the contrast between his tough, hardened persona - shaped by his time in the Foreign Legion - and his spiritual Lux Veritatis heritage. On one hand, Kurtis' biker side gravitates toward hard rock and heavy metal—the kind of renegade, youth-rebellion tracks that perfectly accompany riding an 800cc motorbike and taking down bad guys like the members of the Cabal. On the other hand, his spiritual Lux Veritatis side leans toward more experimental, ethereal sounds. His fashion and overall look are influenced by a mix of older gothic rock and grunge aesthetics. 

  You can find the Spotify playlist here:


  Kurtis Trent’s Curated Beats for Demon Hunting: 

  1. Le boudin - Chorale Du 6ème Régiment étranger De Génie  第六外籍工兵团合唱团

  2. Lake of Fire – Nirvana  涅槃乐队

  3. Venice Queen – Red Hot Chili Peppers  红热辣椒乐队

  4. The Navajo Know – Pixies 像素妖精乐队

  5. Hunted Down - Soundgarden 音响花园乐队

  6. Come As You Are – Nirvana  涅槃乐队

  7. The Outsider – A Perfect Circle 完美圆圈乐队

  8. I Stand Alone – Godsmack 神迹乐队

  9. Mein Herz Brennt – Rammstein  拉姆斯坦乐队

  10. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) – Metallica  金属乐队

  11. Guerrilla Radio – Rage Against The Machine 反抗机器乐队

  12. Ace of Spades – Motörhead 摩托头乐队

  13. Paranoid – Black Sabbath 黑色安息日乐队

  14. Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf 狼队

  15. House of the Rising Sun – The Animals 动物乐队

  16. Immigrant Song – Led Zeppelin 齐柏林飞艇乐队

  17. Hellraiser – Ozzy Osbourne 奥兹·奥斯本

  18. Kickstart My Heart - Mötley Crüe 莫特利·克鲁乐队

  19. Riders on the Storm – The Doors 大门乐队

  20. A Means to an End – Joy Division 快乐分裂乐队

  21. Framed In Blood – The 69 Eyes 69只眼睛乐队

  22. I Don’t Wanna Be Me – Type O Negative O型乐队

  23. Laura – Fields Of The Nephilim  拿非利人之田乐队

  24. Black Planet – Sisters of Mercy 慈悲姐妹乐队

  25. Babe I’m Gonna Leave You – Led Zeppelin 齐柏林飞艇乐队

  26. Bird on the Wire – Leonard Cohen 莱昂纳德·科恩

  27. A Horse with No Name – America 美国乐队

  28. Song Yet To Be Sung – Perry Farrell 佩里·法雷尔

  29. Pyramid Song – Radiohead 电台司令乐队

  30. Is There Anybody Out There? – Pink Floyd 平克·弗洛伊德乐队

  31. Path Vol. 2 – Apocalyptica 启示录乐队

  32. Overture Of The Rebel Angels – Danzig 丹兹格乐队

  33. Furious Angels – Rob Dougan 罗布·道根

  34. Harmageddon – Apocalyptica 启示录乐队

  35. La Légion Marche - Musique Principale de la légion étrangère 外籍军团进行曲

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