- [#2753][Aspidetr网站2014年复活节关卡:森林小道(AETime 2014 - On the Paths of Forest)]下载
Lara is exploring the Casentinesi Forest, searching an ancient Etruscan temple and artifacts on behalf of a museum. Note: Since it is an Easter level located in a National Park Lara will not find any
- [#2752][剑魂三周年(泰利的故事):王者之剑传说(Excalibur Tales)]下载
Lara is on a journey to search from the legendary sword Excalibur said to be hidden in the Castle of Soulcalibur. (Calibur souls seemed to be it's "protection" name.) And along the way, she not only e
- [#2751][古老的尖塔(The Old Spire)] 下载
Rumors around a ruin of an old spire has come to Laras ears. Wanderers have told about strange lights and mysterious sounds. Now she will explore this location.
- [#2750][搜索黄金象(第2部:在瓦莱克废墟)(Inside Valek Ruins)]下载
I found my way through the external ruins, I found the two keys to open the secret door to enter the ruins and I defeated the icy guardian. Strange enough I encounter few mercenaries who wanted to fin
- [969/trle1124][地下世界的未竟事业(第一部):招聘小恶魔(UUB1 - Recruiting Demon Smalls)]视频攻略
- [1726/trle1610][地下世界的未竟事业(第四部):完成使命(Underworld UB4 - Taking Care of Business)]下载
Following the demise of The Lizard King, the three remaining Dark Souls, Belial, Madam Orr and Legion, are holed up in their stronghold at the base of Hell. Only Lucifer himself lies below them. It i
- [1197/trle1315][地下世界的未竟事业(第三部):鬼罐平原(Underworld UB3 - The Plain of Jars)]下载
The Lizard King is dead but the other Dark Souls are causing trouble - and threatening to send the whole Underworld into chaos. It is believed that the three principle Dark Souls have retreated to the
- [1039/trle1182][地下世界的未竟事业(第二部):奥尔城堡的幽灵列车(The Ghost Train at Castle Orr)]下载
It has been a long time since the Ghost Train was last summoned and no one is even sure if it still exists. If it does it currently idles in some lost dimension; dragging it back into your plain of ex
- [969/trle1124][地下世界的未竟事业(第一部):招聘小恶魔 (Underworld UB1 - Recruiting Demon Smalls)]下载
The diminutive Demon Smalls is the Underworld's most talented 'engineer'. Using the magic rules that govern the Underworld, Smalls is famed for having created many clever magical devises which almost
- [#2745][劳拉的二维冒险(Lara's 2D Adventure)]视频攻略