古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/12/04 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:ZZer  浏览次数:32845  
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探险家服装系列(Explorer Outfits)

探险队夹克(The Expedition)



英文介绍:The Expedition Outfit: “Lara prepares for her perilous journey knowing she will have to brave extreme weather situations. The water resistant, goose down, box wall construction expedition jacket provides warmth and maneuverability for the long road ahead, and features a black and white circular patch on the left arm. The red color provides a color contrast to an otherwise cool landscape. She completes the look with boot covers (gaiters), crampons, a climbing harness, ice screws, a climbing leash, a grey beanie, snow goggles, and her twin ice axes.”  - Brenoch Adams, Art Director 

沙漠无袖上衣(Desert Tank Top)



英文介绍:Desert Tank Top: “As a key part of her layering, Lara wears this ribbed grey tank top with built in support and slim fit to keep her agile and comfortable in warmer climates. The dark material balances well with her lighter value pants and the leather strap of her holster, a drop leg design that sits on her hips and keeps the tank comfortably in place.”- Brenoch Adams, Art Director

深色无袖上衣(Dark Tank Top)



英文介绍:Dark Tank Top: A variation of "Desert Tank Top". Currently available through use of third-party tools.

皮夹克(Leather Jacket)



英文介绍:Leather Jacket: “Lara’s leather jacket is a balance of style and warmth. The short cut and rugged leather keeps her protected from elements and acts as an outer shell with lighter layers underneath. Leather has a great material contrast to the dark denim, and the grey cotton hoodie provides a bit of anonymity when needed.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director

灰色亨利衫(Gray Henley)



英文介绍:Gray Henley: “The three-button ribbed Henley is a perfect layering option for the cold weather scenarios that Lara faces. It is light but long-sleeved for extra warmth, paired with her tan pants and leather holster worn at the hips. Her Desert Tank Top is worn underneath the Henley, and various jackets can be easily layered on top.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director

铁锈色亨利衫(Rust Henley)



英文介绍:Rust Henley: A variation of "Gray Henley". Currently available through use of third-party tools.

蓝色亨利衫(Blue Henley)



英文介绍:Blue Henley - Community reward for 2,000,000 tombs raided in the game world. Available in base camps since December 14th 2015.

战斗痕迹(Battle Worn)



英文介绍:Battle Worn Outfit: “The Battle Worn outfit is a twist on Lara’s Remnant ensemble. Her black cargo pants, boots, and scarf compliment the light grey camouflage jacket, allowing her to blend in with a cold forest environment. The jacket includes a hood to help break the strong Siberian winds. A matching black holster drops from one hip, with black leather cording wrapped around Lara’s waist and arms to cinch in the over-sized jacket.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

英勇探险家(Valiant Explorer)



英文介绍:Valiant Explorer Outfit: “Inspired by renowned aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart, the Valiant Explorer outfit combines style elements prevalent during the Golden Age of Flight. As a base layer, Lara wears a grey linen long-sleeve undershirt paired with tan cargo pants. For added warmth at high altitudes and in snowy tundra, a 1930’s leather aviator jacket with a wool lining cinches at the waist for added insulation. A red silk scarf adds a pop of color while a brown leather holster, gloves and 1920’s knee high boots round out the look.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director




英文介绍:Pioneer Outfit: “Inspired by Sir Edmund Hilary and the men who braved the treacherous terrain to summit K2, Lara is equipped with vintage climbing gear from the golden age of mountaineering. Specially designed for Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Endurance Mode, she’s outfitted with a quilted down high-altitude jacket in yellow to contrast with bleak mountain landscapes. Wool insulated pants and cloth boot wraps conserve warmth, as do the scarf, leather climbing cap, and gloves. Vintage crampons keep Lara on her feet, and the oxygen mask, climbing goggles, shoulder harness, and mountaineering rope work in tandem to prepare her for any expedition.”- Brenoch Adams, Art Director





雪白夹克(Whiteout Jacket)



英文介绍:Whiteout Jacket: White winter jacket with mountain climbing gear, worn with brown trousers. Community reward for 100,000,000 collectibles found in the game world. Available in base camps since December 28th 2015.

猎人服装系列(Hunter Outfits)




英文介绍:Huntress Outfit: “Lara’s huntress outfit uses the surrounding ecosystem to protect against the cold weather, and enable her to blend into the valley forest. Layers of Red Deer hide are hand-stitched together to create a tunic that drapes into organic cuts below her holster straps. Her boots use the longer, thicker fur from the tail of the Red Deer, fashioned into moccasins for deep snow traversal. Bone toggles keep the asymmetrical tunic flap fastened, and a patterned sash provides a base for the leather belt to rest on. A dark forest green variation of her cargo pants and leather fingerless gloves polish off the outfit.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director




英文介绍:Sparrowhawk: “Comprised of furs from animals indigenous to the Siberian wilderness, Lara’s Sparrowhawk outfit aims to blend in rather than stand out. The tunic is stitched by hand from sun-bleached red deer hide, falling in organic cuts below her holster straps. The blue accents complement the cream and brown garments, replicating the tones of a cold and forested environment. The rabbit fur hat with ear flaps provides extra insulation, layered over a scarf circling both her head and neck. A two-buckled heeled boot is wrapped with leathers and rabbit fur, worn on top of a dark brown variation of Lara’s cargo pants.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director 

“雀鹰”包售价15元人民币,内含可强化劳拉狩猎能力的“雀鹰”装束、“白寡妇”反曲弓造型,以及可让劳拉对动物造成 2 倍伤害,并从动物身上获得 2 倍资源的稀有“狩猎高手”亮面卡片。

顶级掠食者(Apex Predator)



英文介绍:Apex Predator: “The Apex Predator outfit salvages elements from the native bears Lara encounters in the harsh Siberian landscape. Dark fur contrasts with red accents in the waist sash and leg band, reflecting the violent altercations between Lara and predatory wildlife. The claws of the bear dangle around her neck as both a sign of victory and a warning to any who oppose her. She ritualistically displays the blood of the hunt on her face to intimidate enemies. A two-buckle heeled boot is wrapped with leathers, topped with fur for extra warmth. Apex Predator represents Lara at her most savage.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director


灵魂编织者(Spirit Weaver)

获得方法:“遗民反抗行动包(Remnant Resistance Pack)”所含内容,单独购买,部分零售商销售版本免费赠送。


英文介绍:Spirit Weaver Outfit: “Sun-bleached deer hide is stitched together for this look, layered over the top of a deep red, long-sleeve tunic. The gold accents and intricate bracer are inspired by traditional Byzantine designs, also mirrored on the ornate trim on the hem of her shirt. Weathered leather straps circle Lara's midsection to keep chain mail in place, and are also used to secure a simple hide holster on her hip. Leather pants and boot covers finish off the outfit, with rabbit fur accents added for extra warmth.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

遗民反抗行动包售价15元,包含“遗民”装束,可以让劳拉有机会不使用任何资源的情况下进行包扎,“月影”重型手枪皮肤以及罕见的“子弹抗性”亮面卡片,可以让劳拉在枪战时获得额外的损伤抵抗力(Includes the 'Remnant' outfit which gives Lara a chance to bandage without using any resources, the 'Moon Shadow' Heavy Pistol Skin, and the rare 'Bullet Resistance' foil card, which gives Lara extra damage resistance to gunfire.)。


获得方法:《芭芭雅嘎:女巫神庙》DLC所含内容,完成“打败女巫(Defeating the Witch)”任务获得。


英文介绍:Wraithskin Outfit: “The Wraithskin outfit comes paired with the Dreamstinger Bow and is available after Lara ventures through the Wicked Vale in Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch. Featuring a headpiece made from modified bear skull and sheep horns, the outfit strikes terror into the hearts of enemies and increases the duration of poison arrow clouds. Atop the skull is a piece of bear fur that drapes over the back of Lara’s neck. A two tone, sleeveless stitch patchwork leather tunic with hood matches asymmetrical  leather arm gauntlets and bear claw finger extensions. Layered skirting stays in place with a leather waist wrap threaded through hanging human skulls sawed off at the lower rear section of the cranium. Bound bear fur moccasins cover her feet. The Dreamstinger Bow is crafted out of smooth Manzanita wood, a leather grip with feather cluster accents and a bone vertebrae bow arm reinforcement. At the ends, the lower jaw of the bear splits into matching covers, with metal grommets to provide strength and stability reinforcement.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director


获得方法:“荒野幸存者(Wilderness Survivor)”包所含内容,单独购买。


英文介绍:Nightshade Outfit: “Hand-stitched leather bleached in the sun makes up the bulk of the Nightshade outfit, with a wolf-fur stole draped over the shoulders for extra warmth. Orange accents – such as the gloves, scarf, and sash around the waist – are a color shift from similar wilderness ensembles, making it the best choice for blending into an autumn environment. Leather and fur wrapped boots ensure pelt scraps are put to good use, layered over the top of gray trousers. Rounding out the look, Lara’s iconic red climbing axes are swapped for ancient Byzantine blades in this ensemble.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

“荒野幸存者(Wilderness Survivor)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉有一定的机率从一般动物身上掠夺到稀有动物资源的“夜影”装束、“死亡之歌”血腥手斧,以及内含 5 张卡片的卡片包,其中保证有 2 张是稀有卡片,另外 3 张也有较高的机率为稀有卡片。

战术服装系列(Tactical Outfits)




英文介绍:Commando Outfit: “The Commando outfit offers Lara a flexible and lightweight approach to combat in the Siberian Wilderness. Snow camo patterned cargo pants are paired with a custom ballistic vest and ammo pouches, all layered on top a dark gray tank. Nylon injected molded knee pads offer added protection when scrambling along the forest floor, and the durable double strap tactical leg holster keeps her pistol handy at a moment’s notice. Reinforced fingerless gloves give extra grip for traversal, and the hardened knuckles pack a punch in combat.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams 


获得方法:在苏军设施关完成“不幸的人(Unlucky Ones)”任务。


英文介绍:Infiltrator Outfit: “A tactical ensemble crafted from Trinity gear, the Infiltrator outfit is well suited for forest environments, with camouflage pants and a long sleeve quilted crewneck shirt with cargo pocket. A bulletproof Kevlar vest and knee pads provide extra protection, topped off with fingerless gloves and a black and white tasseled scarf. Black leather tactical boots help Lara keep her footing on tough terrain, and the climbing rope and carabineers aid her in rock traversal. A ballistic nylon gun holster and extra ammo pouches complete the look, ensuring Lara’s prepared for a variety of combat scenarios.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director 

魅影行者(Shadow Runner)

获得方法:“战术幸存者(Tactical Survivor)”包所含内容,单独购买。


英文介绍:Shadow Runner Outfit: “Ideal for situations requiring stealth, the Shadowrunner outfit utilizes dark tone tactical equipment to help Lara blend into her environments. For quick traversal through enemy territory, a rope rig and simple climbing carabineers attach at the waist. When low to the ground Lara relies on high density double loop knee pads and black leather boots to keep her steady and agile. To provide extra protection and storage, she dons a tactical collared polyester mesh constructed vest with ammo pouches. For easy access during unavoidable combat, a pistol can be safely secured in the thermoplastic molded, double strap leg holster. A black knit hat and reinforced leather combat gloves finish the look, providing extra warmth for when stakeouts drag on during the harsh Siberian winters.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

“战术幸存者(Tactical Survivor)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉以较少资源制作特殊弹药的“战术套件”装束、“碳纤维”复合弓造型,以及可给予劳拉所有弓升级项目,进而提升杀伤力与缩放能力的稀有的“弓术大师”亮面卡片。

西伯利亚骑兵(Siberian Ranger)

获得方法:“西伯利亚骑兵(Siberian Ranger)”包所含内容,单独购买。


英文介绍:Siberian Ranger Outfit: “The Siberian Ranger outfit offers Lara the ability to store surplus special ammunition. Ballistic nylon gun pouches attach to her bulletproof Kevlar vest, which provides protection in combat scenarios. Leather gloves, boots and black knee pads provide extra durability when trekking through rough terrain, whether on solid ground, high up in the trees, or along the cliffs of the Siberian Wilderness. To stay warm in cold climates, Lara wears a knit long sleeve shirt underneath to retain body heat. When assembled together, this gear creates a combination fit for only the most strategic Tomb Raiding experience.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

“西伯利亚骑兵(Siberian Ranger)”包售价15元,内含可提升劳拉所有特殊弹药携带容量的“西伯利亚骑兵”装束、“暗夜之鹰”半自动手枪造型,以及 1 个卡片包,其中保证有 1 张是稀有卡片,其他卡片则有较高的机率为稀有卡片。




英文介绍:Ushanka Outfit: “The Ushanka outfit reduces Lara’s damage from melee attacks and, with the Voidhammer shotgun, poses a deadly combination in Cold Darkness Awakened. Lara dons a Russian Spetsnaz camouflage coat with a patch emblazoned on the left arm. The jacket is worn asymmetrically so the right side wraps over left for added warmth. A fur collar and lining on the jacket and a red linen scarf provide extra insulation. Black military heavy cotton cargo pants, leather winter gloves, and Russian army combat boots are worn on her lower half. Slung across her hips, a black leather ammo belt, holster, and pouch store survival gear. Her hair tucks into a Russian mink fur Ushanka, with ear flaps tied up to help her listen for oncoming threats. The Voidhammer is a modified break-action shotgun customized with a shortened muzzle break and wood stock for added damage, aiming and stability. Worn brown leather wraps around for improved grip, while a brass plate gives added detail on the trigger and hammer mechanisms.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director

盔甲服装系列(Armor Outfits)

神圣暗影(Sacra Umbra)

获得方法:完成“地热山谷”关“远古遗秘(Ancient Secrets)”任务。


英文介绍:Sacra Umbra: “A fan favorite, the Sacra Umbra outfit is an ancient Byzantine suit of armor forged from dark steel. A green patina has appeared over time, contrasting Remnant symbols etched in gold. Worn leather straps hold the gun holster in place, secured with ornate gold buckles. Panels of tattered chainmail are layered over a thick padded underskirt, both providing extra protection in close-range combat. Brown leather pants made of deer hide, brown leather boots, and wolf fur accents complete the look.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

希望堡垒(Hope’s Bastion)

获得方法:“希望堡垒(Hope's Bastion)”包所含内容,单独购买;在亚马逊网站预订期间免费赠送。


英文介绍:Hope’s Bastion Outfit: “The Hope’s Bastion outfit boosts Lara’s charged bow shots and comes with the “Wreckoner” Battle Axe. Made up of multiple furs and hides, this outfit includes a wolf fur tunic and boot accents, bear fur skirt and brown deer hide pants and gloves. For added protection, a torn chainmail suit with stitched leather patches layers atop a blue knit long sleeve shirt. Ancient Byzantine silver leaf gauntlets made of forged steel with etched Remnant symbols provide extra shielding. To guard against close range attacks, Lara wears a thick padded fabric underskirt with stitched Remnant symbols and buttons. Worn leather straps and a gun holster with gold Byzantine buckles add gear storage and brown leather boots round out the look. The Wreckoner Battle Axe is made of Byzantine steel with embossed detailing on the blade. A bronze accent reinforces and secures the axe head to the worn wooden handle, which is wrapped in leather for better grip.” - Brenoch Adams, Art Director

“希望堡垒(Hope's Bastion)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉使用弓进行更强集气射击的“希望堡垒”装束、“惩罚者”战斧造型,以及让劳拉在每次杀敌后皆可在限定时间内额外提升防御力的稀有“无上之力”亮面卡片。

不死守护者(Immortal Guardian)

获得方法:“先知的遗赠(Prophet's Legacy)”包所含内容,单独购买。


英文介绍:Immortal Guardian: “The Immortal Guardian outfit reduces Lara’s damage from Greek fire utilizing a combination of torn chainmail and ancient Byzantine armor for protection. Remnant symbols are etched onto the armor and adorn the thick fabric underskirt and buttons. As a base layer, Lara wears a red knitted fabric long-sleeve shirt and boot wraps. Salvaged bear pelts are repurposed into a fur tunic, skirt and boot accents to keep warm. Combined with brown leather pants and boots, and gloves made of deer hide, this ensemble prepares adventurers for traversing through rough terrain. Worn leather straps and a gun holster with gold Byzantine buckles finish the look by providing easy access to gear.”  - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

“先知的遗赠(Prophet's Legacy)”包售价15元,内含可让劳拉减少受到希腊火伤害的“不死守护者”装束、“残忍真相”匕首,以及内含 5 张卡片的卡片包,其中保证有 2 张是稀有卡片,另外 3 张也有较高的机率为稀有卡片。

远古先锋(Ancient Vanguard)

获得方法:“远古先锋(Ancient Vanguard)”包所含内容,单独购买。


英文介绍:Ancient Vanguard: “With ornate Byzantine accents etched throughout, the Ancient Vanguard outfit projects a sense of traditional Remnant attire. Layered atop a knitted fabric long-sleeve shirt, Lara dons a torn chainmail suit with stitched leather panels. For added protection, a thick padded fabric underskirt adorned with gold Remnant symbols and buttons is worn underneath. Gold leaf gauntlets made of forged steel with etched Remnant symbols guard her wrists, along with worn leather straps and a gun holster with gold buckles which hold gear in place. To keep warm, hunted bear pelts are joined together to craft a fur skirt and boot accents. Leather pants bleached in the sun, deer hide gloves and brown leather boots complete the look.” - Art Director, Brenoch Adams

“远古先锋(Ancient Vanguard)”包售价15元,内含可缩短劳拉生命值恢复前延迟时间的“远古先锋”装束、“引导之光”弓造型,以及内含 5 张卡片的卡片包,其中保证有 2 张是稀有卡片,另外 3 张也有较高的机率为稀有卡片。

经典服装系列(Classic Outfits)

All of the following outfits are included in the "20 Year Celebration" pack and are available here.

经典古墓丽影2皮肤(Classic Tomb Raider II)

经典黑暗天使皮肤(Classic Angel of Darkness)

经典古墓丽影2飞行夹克皮肤(Classic Tomb Raider II Bomber Jacket)

经典克劳馥庄园训练装皮肤Classic Croft Manor

经典历代记皮肤Classic Chronicles Catsuit

经典南极装皮肤Reimagined Antarctica Outfit

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