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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

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Tomb Raider: Legend

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劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2018/05/20 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“陈君君(June Chen)”翻译整理  浏览次数:3423  
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  Does the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer feature Lara's in-game model?
  o Yes.

  答: 代表了劳拉将随着游戏剧情的发展完成她成为“古墓丽影”的旅程,这也是重启剧情的最终篇章。
  Why does Lara's hair look shorter in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer than in the game itself?
  o "The End of the Beginning" trailer features Lara's in-game model. Her hair is the same length in both.

  Why does Lara's hair look shorter in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer than in the game itself?
  o "The End of the Beginning" trailer features Lara's in-game model. Her hair is the same length in both.

  Why is Lara covered in mud in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer?
  o In Shadow of the Tomb Raider Lara can truly become one with the jungle and use mud as a camouflage in order to instill fear in enemies to sow chaos.

  The Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer featured Lara swimming underwater. Is this an in-game mechanic?
  o Yes, fan-favorite underwater exploration has returned in a deadly new setting. Players will also be able to fully explore underwater environments filled with crevasses, deep tunnel systems, and ancient artifacts. This underwater survival is about risk vs. reward: The further you explore, the more you can find, but these spaces are full of deadly creatures and you never know where the next pocket of air will be.

  In the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer, Lara uses a rope arrow to string a Trinity soldier up in a tree. Is this an in-game mechanic?
  o Yes. As Lara becomes one with the jungle, she’ll use guerrilla combat, cover herself in mud as camouflage, and employ fear tactics to defeat Trinity.

  In the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer, Lara can wall run, is this an in-game mechanic?
  o Yes. Lara is more capable than ever before, and her climbing skills have advanced to the point that she is now able to wall run. These new game mechanics give the player more ways to explore the vast world, solve puzzles, while also increasing the challenge of traversal.

  答: 美洲豹是亚马逊当地非常凶猛的捕猎者,如同崛起中出现的西伯利亚熊,这些美洲豹会成为丛林的守护者出现在暗影游戏中。
  There is a Jaguar in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer. Will they be featured in the game?
  o Jaguars are the apex predator of the Amazon, and will be featured in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Similar to Siberia's bears in Rise of the Tomb Raider, these jaguars act as guardians to the secrets within the jungle.

  What is Lara afraid of becoming, as questioned in the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal trailer?
  o Lara's journey is fueled by a drive that borders on obsession, and as such, she struggles to avoid becoming the enemy she fights in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. She questions what type of Tomb Raider she will become.



  答: 暗影中劳拉的战斗能力将更丰富,这也体现在她的塑型上,她的确比以前更强壮,并尽其所能抵御圣三一。
  Lara looks much stronger. Has she become more physically capable?
  o In Shadow of the Tomb Raider Lara is more capable and driven than ever before, and this is reflected in her model. She is the strongest she has ever been, and prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat Trinity.

  答: 劳拉将保持她在之前游戏中获得的技能从而成为真正的“古墓丽影”。
  Does Lara keep all skills learned in Rise of the Tomb Raider as she starts Shadow?
  o Lara will keep many of her skills she earned through her previous adventures, to reflect her becoming a seasoned Tomb Raider.

  What does Lara's Shadow of the Tomb Raider outfit say about her? It looks more militant and as if she is more prepared.
  o Lara is more prepared than ever at the start of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. She's brought the best survival gear along this time, and her outfit reflects the tactical mindset needed to keep her alive in such a brutal environment.

  答: 暗影是重启三部曲的终结篇,劳拉在暗影中会更加强大,同时也更加孤掷一注。劳拉本人,她的朋友们,甚至玩家都会在剧情中对她的某些动机产生怀疑,而她本人有许多内心挣扎,努力不让自己成为敌人的样子。
  What is Lara's state of mind in Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
  o This is the end of Lara's origin story. She is more capable and driven than ever before, and that drive borders on obsession. Lara, her friends, and at times even the player may question her motives, as she struggles to avoid becoming the enemy she fights.

  答: 暗影剧情的重点是劳拉终将成为真正的“古墓丽影”,未必会用双枪来代表其曾经的经典形象,但是暗影中的劳拉是重启三部曲中最能体现经典劳拉特质的。
  Will Lara have two pistols at the end of Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
  o The narrative will redefine what it means to become a Tomb Raider. This doesn’t mean a dual pistol wielding, classic Lara, though it will represent the most driven and capable version of Lara Croft ever seen in the reboot.

  How old is Lara at the start of Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
  o Lara Croft is 23 years old in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.



  How long is the game?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be approximately the same length as the previous two entries.

  Which engine is the team using?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider is built using the Foundation engine as a basis. This is the same engine as Rise of the Tomb Raider, but it was dramatically enhanced by the Eidos Montreal R&D department, and pushed to its limit during game development.

  答: 双人联机将会出现在之后的DLC中,我们会在以后的时间提供更多关于双人联机的信息。
  The Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal press release mentions co-op play. What portion of the game will feature co-op?
  o We have an excellent DLC plan for post launch, and that will include co-op. We’ll have more details on that at a later date.

  答: 我们在听取了粉丝的意见和相关统计后,决定多人联机战斗形式不会出现在暗影游戏中。我们会在以后的时间提供更多关于联机的信息。
  Will there be multiplayer?
  o We constantly listen to what our fans are saying, as well as track what modes they play. As a result, there will not be competitive multiplayer in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. However, we will have details in the future on how we’ll extend the gameplay experience.

  答: 我们会在以后的时间提供更多关于联机的信息。
  Will there be an Endurance Mode?
  o We will have more details on how we extend the gameplay experience at a later date.

  What new game mechanics will Shadow of the Tomb Raider feature?
  o Lara is more capable than ever before, and her new traversal skills include underwater exploration, rappelling, climbing overhangs, and wall running. New tools include the makeshift knife, and Lara will become one with the jungle and utilize fear in combat to take out Trinity as she rushes to stop the Maya Apocalypse.



  答: 劳拉将比之前更加富有战斗能力,在痛失所爱之后,她会有一些自我挣扎的阶段。
  Does the title “Shadow of the Tomb Raider” imply a darker narrative?
  o Lara is more driven and capable than ever before. She has lost loved ones, and will struggle to not become the enemy she fights. She’ll use guerrilla combat, cover herself in mud as camouflage, and employ fear tactics to defeat Trinity. All of this is set against the backdrop of a Maya apocalypse, and will define Lara as she becomes the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.

  What is the significance of the eclipse on the Shadow of the Tomb Raider box art?
  o Eclipses are significant in many cultures, and also has significance to Lara's journey and defining moment.

  o The demo shown at the Shadow of the Tomb Raider reveal events takes place in Cozumel, Mexico. The remainder of the game will take place in the Amazon, more specifically, Peru.

  How long after the events of Rise of the Tomb Raider does Shadow begin?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider takes place roughly one year after the events of Rise of the Tomb Raider.

  答:新的游戏剧情是由詹森·多佐伊斯和吉儿·莫蕾的创作团队,并与水晶动力工作室合作完成的。前作者瑞安娜为前两部古墓丽影重启游戏塑造了很出色的新劳拉形象和相应的剧情 , 我们在此基础上将暗影的故事剧情更加深化和黑暗化,劳拉也终将因此而为之一搏并成为真正的“古墓丽影”。
  Who is writing Shadow of the Tomb Raider after Rhianna Pratchett's departure?
  o Our new story is handled by a writing team led by Jason Dozois and Jill Murray with input from Crystal Dynamics. Rhianna was instrumental in delivering Tomb Raider’s incredible story in the previous two games, and in shaping Lara’s voice. We’ve been able to build upon this successful foundation to deliver a narrative that will showcase Lara’s darkest hour, her fight to rise above this, and most importantly her defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider.

  Do Sam and Reyes return?
  o Sam and Reyes do not return in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Jonah returns as Lara's loyal friend to help her and he’s needed more than ever: At times he acts as a moral compass, other times he may question Lara’s motives. He’s always Lara’s friend, but this time you’ll see their friendship strained like never before.

  Is Shadow of the Tomb Raider meant to be a historical look at Maya civilization?
  o The civilizations and characters in Shadow of the Tomb Raider are fictional. The development team used historical references as a jumping off point for the narrative, which helps ground the events. We also worked with a historian to make sure the content is as respectful to the culture as possible.

  答:《古墓丽影:暗影》将是重启版劳拉的终章,游戏的主线围绕玛雅启示录, 劳拉将随着游戏的发展成长为真正的“古墓丽影”。
  Will Shadow of the Tomb Raider mark the end of the trilogy and the conclusion of the Trinity storyline?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider marks the end of Lara's origin story. The game is set against the backdrop of a Maya apocalypse, and will define Lara as she becomes the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.



  Is Crystal Dynamics still involved in Shadow of the Tomb Raider? Is Eidos-Montréal taking the lead?
  o Eidos Montreal is leading development of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, in collaboration with Crystal Dynamics. They have been part of the reboot since TR 2013, and know the world. This partnership has been in place for years, and we can’t wait for everyone to experience Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

  Is Camilla Luddington returning as Lara Croft? What about Earl Baylon as Jonah?
  o Both Camilla Luddington and Earl Baylon will return as voice and performance capture artists in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. We are very excited to have them return as Lara becomes the Tomb Raider.

  答:《古墓丽影:暗影》的发行平台包括:Xbox One, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro 和 PC,发行日为2018年9月14日。
  What platforms will Shadow of the Tomb Raider release on?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider will release on the Xbox One, Xbox One X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, and PC September 14th, 2018.

  答:发行方是Square Enix。
  Who is publishing Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
  o Square Enix is the publisher of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

  问:为什么暗影不会在XBOX 360和PS3的平台上发行?
  Why is Shadow of the Tomb Raider not releasing on Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3?
  o In order to deliver the best experience possible to fans, we focused our efforts on leveraging the most powerful consoles available.

  问:暗影会在任天堂的Switch上发行吗? 是否有VR支持版?
  答: 我们目前把注意力集中在Xbox One, PlayStation 4 和 PC版本上,暂时还没有其他平台的发行计划。
  Will Shadow launch on the Switch? Will there be VR support for Shadow?
  o We’re currently focused on launching the game on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. We don’t have anything to announce for other platforms at this time.

  Will Nixxes be handling the PC port?
  o Yes, we’re very excited to be working with Nixxes on the PC version of Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

  Will there be any timed console exclusivity with Shadow of the Tomb Raider, including console-exclusive content?
  o There will be no console-exclusive content in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

  How do you get early access to Shadow of the Tomb Raider?
  o Fans who pre-order the Digital Deluxe, Croft Edition, or Ultimate Edition of Shadow of the Tomb Raider will gain 48 hours early access. There will be a voucher in-box for physical pre-order purchasers that will enable them to download the relevant content 48 hours early. If you pre-order a digital version, the game will unlock two days early.

  What is Shadow of the Tomb Raider rated?
  o Shadow of the Tomb Raider's official rating is currently pending, but we expect it to share the same rating as the previous two titles in the trilogy - M for Mature / PEGI-18.

  The Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Edition seems to be sold out in most major territories. Will there be restocks?
  o There aren’t any current plans to restock the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Edition. However, we are evaluating if there is an opportunity to create a second run at a later date.

  Will the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Edition release on PC? If not, why?
  o Most of our PC fans prefer to digitally download their games, and as such, we don’t traditionally create collector’s editions for the platform. However, we are evaluating if there is an opportunity to release the physical Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Edition items as a separate purchase post-launch.

  Does the Ultimate Edition come with a steelbook?
  o After listening to our fans, we’ve decided to add the steelbook to the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ultimate Edition for no extra cost.

  Is the soundtrack in the Croft and Ultimate editions physical or digital?
  o The Shadow of the Tomb Raider official soundtrack is a digital download across all editions.

  Are the DLC tombs with narrative elements tied to the main story? Will the main story finish completely on the game?
  o After listening to feedback from our fans we decided to make tombs the focus of our season pass DLC. The narrative elements will fit within the world of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, but were created separate from the main story.

  答: 2018的E3展会上将会有全球首发的暗影游戏展示,我们非常期待你们能看到艺夺团队的作品!
  Will new Shadow of the Tomb Raider content be shown at E3 2018?
  o E3 2018 will feature world-premiere gameplay footage of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. We can't wait for you to see what the team at Eidos Montreal has been hard at work on! 

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