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发表时间:2010/02/27 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:未知(改版遗失)  浏览次数:2960  
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第一章猫之阴影 第一节重返埃及全部竞速通关高清视频。本节完成时间:0:04:15。

第一章猫之阴影 第二节猫之神庙全部竞速通关高清视频。本节完成时间:0:12:59。

第二章未竟的事业 第一节亚特兰蒂斯要塞全部竞速通关高清视频。本节完成时间:0:00:53。

第二章未竟的事业 第二节孵化所全部竞速通关高清视频。本节完成时间:0:05:14。

完成时间: 0:23:21
作者:Aleš 'Ewil' Horák
Unfinished Business is more like a bonus level pack, but it's a true expansion, although you can download it for free. I thought this run will be done fairly quickly since it's only 4 levels, but at the end it turned out to be hard.
Half of the levels are multi-segmented, because there's lot of randomness in it as well as some hard stuff, particularly in Temple of Cat. All levels are doable single-segmented, but the total time would rise up to 25 minutes or so.
No matter where I saved in multi-segmented level, the camera doesn't start at the exact position when I loaded, which is the reason why you can see a small spike, because I had to cut off those few bad frames in order to get it looked smooth.
I was using DgVoodoo graphic emulator since there's no other way to get this run recorded on XP system and for some reason, you will hear "bad audio cabel contact" sounds especially during beginning of the ambient music.
Luckily, the newest version has a fixed time made specially for the first Tomb Raider, so game speed should be same as runned under W9x or DOS. It doesn't matter anyway, because if the game runs faster, the timer would be also faster.
I'd like to thank to The Croft times for providing an excellent walkthrough, niebezimienny for pointing out that site and a huge shortcut in Atlantean Stronghold, MMAN for founding a faster way in the same level and to the entire SDA crew for this site.
Short comments for every level:
·Return to Egypt: I used a fence bug, otherwise I wouldn't probably survive those 2 panthers and it's of course faster. It was hard even that way. Other than that, I'm very happy with this one. It went absolutely perfect till the very end, where is a small mistake when doing a curve jump. Oh, and the block bug doesn't work there.
·Temple of Cat: 3 segmented level due to hard stuff and enemy avoiding. Could have been done slightly better though. I hesitated a bit in room with 4 keys, which cost me about 5 seconds. It's possible to skip fighting 3 more enemies, but that would require 4 or 5 segments.
·If you go thru death room instead of just going the other way, the cat's tongue will appear without pulling a lever on the top of the cat statue, which means I could take a curve jump shortcut to save more than 1 minute. The block bug used in beginning of the level works at the end as well, but it forces you to top, where you just slide down.
·Atlantean Stronghold: With the lucky 90 degrees turn in that hole leading to pool, I reckon 0:52 is possible.
·The Hive: 2 segmented due to 7 enemies fight at the end, which is random. The last and the worst. About 15 seconds of mistakes has been made, which I'm sorry for. I just didn't have the strength and patience to make it perfect. I'm sorry.

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