发表时间:2012/01/13 00:00:00 来源:“小T玩转地球”转载 作者:未知(改版遗失) 浏览次数:5467
有用的错误 :
Respawning Items - After completing the Bouchard's Hideout level, when you return to St. Aicard's Church and the Parisian Ghetto levels, all items will have respawned. So you can pick them up again. (This also includes the abandoned metro tunnels, accessible through the manholes in the Ghetto streets but technically part of the Bouchard's Hideout level.) See the walkthrough for additional details.
重生项 目 -完成布沙尔的藏身水平后,当您返回到圣Aicard教堂和巴黎的犹太人水平,所有项目将有重生。 所以,你可以再去接他们。(这也包括废弃的地铁隧道,在少数民族居住区的街道,但可以通过沙井技术上布沙尔的藏身水平一部分。)更多细节,请参见演练。
Replenish Oxygen - While swimming underwater, or when exposed to toxic gas, save the game and reload. Lara's O 2 meter will be refilled.(I believe this only works in the PlayStation version of the game. You may want to save in a new slot in case it doesn't work.)
补充氧气 -虽然水下游泳时,或接触有毒气体,保存游戏和重载。拉拉的O 2米的填充。 (我相信这只是在游戏的PlayStation版本的作品,你可能想保存在一个新的插槽的情况下,这是行不通的。)
Replenish Health - In the Parisian Ghetto and linked areas, where you move back and forth between levels, Lara's health bar is restored when a new level loads. This can be used to save medipacks. (As far as I know, this also only works in the PlayStation game.)
补充健康 -在巴黎的犹太人和相关领域,你级别之间来回移动,拉拉的健康栏恢复当一个新的水平荷载。这可以用来保存medipacks。(据我所知,这也只适用于在PlayStation游戏。)
Extra Respirators - In the Louvre Galleries level, you can get respirators from the locked cabinet in the workroom. Stand facing the cabinet, a bit left or right of center. Press Duck then quickly press Action and Lara will take a respirator through the locked door. Adjust her position and repeat twice more to get the other respirators. She'll still get one more at the normal time in the Galleries Under Siege, for a total of four. In addition to protecting her from toxic gas, respirators can be used like aqualungs, to extend Lara's air gauge under water.
额外的呼吸器 -在卢浮宫画廊的水平,您可以从上锁的柜子在工作室呼吸器。面向柜,位向左或向右中心。按鸭,然后快速按行动和拉拉将通过锁着的门呼吸器。调整自己的立场,并重复两次以上,以获得其他呼吸器。在围困下的画廊,她仍然会得到正常的时间一多,一共有四个。除了保护她的有毒气体,呼吸器可以像aqualungs使用,延长水拉拉的气压计。