古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

古墓丽影官方答疑汇总(FAQ: Tomb Raider)[Bilingual]

发表时间:2012/04/07 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:古墓丽影官方  浏览次数:3562  
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Below you’ll find an archive of common questions regarding Crystal Dynamics and its products, compiled by Global Brand Director Karl Stewart (KS) and Community & Communication Manager Meagan Marie (MM). This FAQ will be updated as new questions come in, so check back regularly.
Last Updated: March 27, 2012

注:以下中Karl Stewart、KS、卡尔,均指古墓丽影全球品牌经理卡尔·斯图尔特
注:以下中Noah Hughes、Noah、诺亚,均指《古墓丽影9》创意总监诺亚·休斯

Newest Q&As

1) Klona: Sam was supposed to die, do you think keeping her alive was an incorrect decision since it was supposed to teach Lara about sacrifices she has to make by killing her own friend? (her talk with Roth) 
Noah Hughes: On some level, it felt like a lot of Lara’s arc could happen with or without Sam dying at her own hand. There was some bold emphasis on that moment of sacrifice that could have been powerful. But Lara’s journey was generally one of endurance and sacrifice without that Sam moment. In the end, rising to that challenge is ultimately a personal sacrifice on some level. Having Lara give up on her old belief structure and be willing to believe that the myths on the island could be real was an important sacrifice for her. And ultimately, what she went through changed her. And that was the important piece of that story. Each of those things that she had to endure on the island may have seemed like scars at the time, but they helped forge her to the stronger survivor that we see at the end of that story, more capable of going to her future adventure. 
It felt like Lara’s arc could be fulfilled with or without that moment, and the trade-off was more about the drama of that final moment, and how that related to a sense of, on one hand, victory, or on the other hand, sort of a sacrificial poignancy. Pushing the scene towards a sense of victory did feel better to more of our players, but didn’t necessarily break Lara’s arc. We felt that you could look at Lara at the end of the game, and see her as someone very different than who she started as, and see that as a sum of the things she’d been through, even without the death of Sam.[From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]
2) SpringAwaken: How did you come up with all the crew from the Endurance? they just came up, or you just got inspiration from something? 
Noah Hughes: With Roth, we clearly drew inspiration from Shackleton. Not necessarily in terms of his visual characterization but we liked the way he represented that sense of expedition that Lara wanted to be a part of; but we also liked how he judged people based on their character rather than their résumé. So we saw Roth putting together this crew that was more about the fact that you could see the redeeming side of them, but they might not be the first choice in someone else’s crew. In some ways, we just fleshed out the crew under that vision for Roth. Sort of a motley bunch.[From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]
3) Valenka: Tomb Raider has had its share of original themes as well as "real-world" elements (Mjolnir and Excalibur, Hel and Valhalla, even Queen Himiko); do you have any plans to continue referencing real themes, such as the Croatoan mystery, as hinted to at the end of Tomb Raider? 
Noah Hughes: I think we intend to still take our inspiration from existing myths. In the case of the Dragon’s Triangle, it’s not even a myth, it’s a phenomenon. We like the idea of having that “Google-able” starting point for a lot of these things. That’s part of how we ground Lara’s experiences in our world, rather than living in a parallel world with made-up things. She’s really able to find these secret hidden things that we’ve only heard about in stories. [From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]
4) AdobeARTIST: Now that Lara has escaped the island and become the woman she's meant to be, will we see a return to Croft Manor in the next game, or any upcoming installment of the series? 
Noah Hughes: I think that’s a good poll for you guys. What do you think?[From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]
5) Blackrook: Which games actually influenced the development of Tomb Raider? Are there any newer games (Bioshock Infinite, Metro: Last Light, The Last of Us, etc.) that show off any storytelling or gameplay techniques that you would like to explore further in a potential sequel? 
Noah Hughes: We look at games like Last of Us – Naughty Dog in general does amazing storytelling – Last of Us is no exception. Things like their companion AI and their story techniques are very admirable. Obviously as we talk about our survival system, we look at games like Far Cry and even some classics like Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater – finding inspiration in those more systemic expressions of survival gameplay. [From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]
6) Blackrook: The reboot featured an extremely focused story for Lara and her Endurance crew peers. Is it possible we'll see a more player-influenced narrative for the characters in a potential sequel? 

Noah Hughes: People would probably expect us to tell a core Lara story that has a fairly deterministic outcome. Part of what we tried to do was make sure that the player has meaningful choices outside of the core story, and finding ways to wrap those in fictional outcomes in things like mysteries on the island that aren’t fully solved when you beat the game – more a narrative parallel to Lara’s core story.[From official forum Q&A session #13 (June 2013)]

1) Blackrook: The reboot was fairly unique in its level design, combining the linearity needed to craft a cohesive story whilst maintaining a more open-ended scope within the individual hubs to keep alive the spirit of exploration. Did the decision to go this direction pose a particular challenge for the team, and do you guys think you'll employ it for future TR games down the line? 
Noah Hughes: I think it was challenging, but it was so central to our vision for a Tomb Raider game that we always committed to it. The scope of the hubs was a challenge for us to build as a team early on, and we had to overhaul our technology to even be able to achieve it. But it was such a part of our vision to be able to tell a very strong version of Lara’s story, and also be able to share that player-driven sense of exploration. So because we wanted to share both of those things, this game structure was essential. We hope it is something people expect from a Tomb Raider game moving forward – a strong Lara story and a world full of exploration and discovery. We’re gong to try and continue to deliver against those goals in the best way possible. [From official forum Q&A session #12 (May 2013)]
2) Gumi: Was there going to be more weapons? Instead of 4 guns, It would be like.. Idk.. 6 guns? 
Noah Hughes : We settled on four guns early on. However, we had played with some portable weapons at one point. They were weapons you couldn’t carry in your inventory, but you could pick up in the environment. An example of that would be a scavenger flamethrower. You wouldn’t necessarily stow that and then climb off, but you could use it in the area you found it. [From official forum Q&A session #12 (May 2013)]
3) Ninja: In your own opinion what is Lara's most admirable quality and her biggest character flaw? 
Noah Hughes: I think she has a number of admirable qualities. The one that we focused on in this story, because it is one of her most defining characteristics, is her force of will. Her ability to really endure whatever it takes to achieve her goals. In the context of life or death survival, it makes a lot of sense. If you take Lara into the real world though, it is a really inspiring trait. To go on because we must. 
In some ways, and we haven’t played with this to the extent that perhaps we will, but the other side of that same trait is one of her biggest character flaws. She can be so determined to achieve her goals that she is ignorant of the risks. In the beginning of Tomb Raider she was so set on finding Yamatai. By the end she finds that caution may have best tempered that passion. I think as we look at Lara getting this taste of the unknown, and having such a force of will, it may play out a bit similar to the “curiosity killed the cat.” She might get herself into trouble because of that trait. [From official forum Q&A session #12 (May 2013)]
4) Valenka: I've noticed that you've instilled yet another mystery into the deaths of Lara's parents. Can we expect another Legend/Underworld debacle or will it be something that's never explained in detail? 
Noah Hughes: In Underworld it was more about making her family Lara’s primary motivation, and we don’t intend to do so again. Having said that, as the story goes on, we’ll continue to showcase aspects of Lara’s backstory and losing her parents is a part of that backstory. It is an element that defined Lara’s character, so it may be referenced. [From official forum Q&A session #12 (May 2013)]
5) Hunter Wolfe18: During development, was there ever a time when Lara actually got to *explore* Himiko's palace? 
Noah Hughes : That area was always intended as Lara escaping the belly of the beast, so we never had that as an exploration space. Upon building it we realized it was such a cool place, we had this sort of wishful thinking that it’s too bad it gets destroyed. Our goal is to allow retraversal of interesting spaces, and that would have been a good one. Something we’ll consider moving forward. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (May 2013)]
6) Hunter Wolfe18: Were there any HUB's that didn't make it into the game?! I'd love to hear about what they were and what Lara had to do there. 
Noah Hughes: Structurally it was always three hubs, but we had different flavors for them over development. One of the most distinct of them was a sinkhole. It was a sunken palace instead of the shantytown. The idea that the ground below had swallowed up the palace on the hill. It was intended to showcase the fall of the queen’s empire and it predated the scavengers. Instead, rather than showcasing the fall of the queen’s empire, we ended up showing the symbiotic nature between the scavengers and the queen. [From official forum Q&A session #12 (May 2013)]
Sunken Temple Concept Art

(click image to enlarge)

Will there be another spinoff title such as Guardian of Light? Will Lara ever be featured in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale? 
LaraRocks2 asks: This may be a little early or irrelevant to ask but: Does Crystal have any further intentions of continuing the spinoff "The Lara Croft and:" titles? Will Lara ever be featured in Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale?
Karl Stewart: Although we loved making LCGOL, we currently have no plans in the works to make a follow up to the title. But as we say at Crystal ‘Never say Never’.
With regards to the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale question. We love what the guys and girls over at Sony have achieved with ASBR, they even approached us about the possibility of including Lara. But to be honest to us it all boiled down to timing. We really set out to create a reboot where the first time you experienced playing as Lara Croft it was in our game on March 5th and nowhere else. We’ll see what happens in the future. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]

Does Lara have an Inventory limit in regards to how many weapons she can have on her at one time? (Question by KnightStar2001.)
Karl Stewart: Lara has a limit of four inventory slots, and therefore four weapons. We’ve detailed them at various points in time so far the bow, a pistol, a shotgun, and an assault rifle. Dont let the limited number fool you, though, as all of the weapons can be upgraded and modified in meaningful ways that drastically change combat. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
What is the Endurance DLC pack? (Question by Klona.)
Meagan Marie: Freebee question! The Endurance Pack DLC is actually the Shanty Town Multiplayer Map. It was originally named Endurance DLC because wed not yet revealed multiplayer. Sorry for the confusion! [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Can you give some examples of what the game contains that warrants the 18/M rating? 
Tecstar70 asks: This is the first Tomb Raider that's rated 18/M. There may be younger gamers who love Tomb Raider and some people will be wondering what the game contains that warrants this rating. I understand that you cant go into too much detail but can you give us any further specifics of the content or themes that attracted this rating by way of guidance?
Meagan Marie: If you’d like a really specific example, the official ESRB rating information can provide it. Warning though, some spoilers to be had. http://www.esrb.org/ratings/synopsis...=Tomb%20Raider [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Can the Guerilla, Aviator, & Hunter skins be used in multiplayer as well as the single player campaign? 
Levyjl1988 asks: Will the preorder skins (Guerilla, Aviator, & Hunter) be used in multiplayer as well as Campaign?
Joe Khoury: The pre-order skins are designed specifically for single player. Multiplayer has its own unique offering of characters and skins. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Does progress in the single player game level up your character or unlock goodies in multiplayer? 
A Big House asks: Lara as a MP character is only unlockable at level 60. Does your progression in SP gain you these levels, or do you have to level in MP only? And, will completing special objectives in SP unlock goodies in MP?
Joe Khoury: While thematically similar, we look at the two experiences as unique. You’ll need to have MP fun to unlock MP goodies. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Can you send text messages in multiplayer? Can you play offline in multiplayer against AI? 
Jurre asks: Can players send text messages to each other in multiplayer? And can an offline player play around in the MP with AI players?
Joe Khoury: No, they can voice chat instead. That’s more fun than text messages, no? In regards to offline MP with AI, that is also a no. For us to provide the best PVP experience we needed to focus all of our attention on the systems involved. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Do we have an option in multiplayer to customize the selected player? (Question by Blackseed32.)
Joe Khoury: We wanted you to reconnect with the characters you met in the single player campaign, and as such you can’t customize their physical appearance. You can however customize your skills and weapons. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]
Is there split-screen multiplayer? (Question by Darksaivan.)

Joe Khoury: No, and this was a very tough decision to make. In order for us to remain faithful to the way the game looks and allow the player to enjoy the same scenery they did in SP, we had to make a call not to include split-screen. As much as we would have loved to have it, it wouldn’t have done our world justice. [From official forum Q&A session #11 (January 2013)]



What’s a reboot?
KS: “Tomb Raider is an entirely new game featuring a new Lara Croft. To us ‘reboot’ means that the past Tomb Raider titles (including the settings, story, and characters native to them) exist as isolated experiences and are not related to this new game.”

2、Is Tomb Raider a prequel?
KS: “While Tomb Raider stars a 21-year-old Lara Croft, it isn’t a prequel to her other adventures. Rather, it’s an origin story with completely new cannon (see question above).”

3、Is Toby Gard still involved with the Tomb Raider franchise?
KS: “At this time, no, Toby Gard is not associated with the Tomb Raider franchise. As we've mentioned in many, many conversations and interviews in the past, Toby is a friend of the studio, so he has been up and he's been a part of what we're doing for a little bit, but at this time, no, Toby is not. He's off doing his own venture. We talk a lot, Toby's a good friend, he's a good guy. But he's got a lot of creative juices that he wants to keep working on. He's going to appear somewhere else, doing something else, and we're going to be jealous, I bet you.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #8 (March 2012)]

Why does Lara have a modern phone in the Turning Point trailer?
KS: “The reason Lara has a modern phone in our debut trailer is because Tomb Raider takes place with Lara at age 21 come launch day.”

5、Will Tomb Raider release simultaneously worldwide?
KS: “Yes, you can expect a global, simultaneous release!”

Why is the lead up till Tomb Raider’s release so long?
KS: “The reason we’re taking our time with the game is first and foremost to ensure we deliver the quality game fans deserve. Additionally, the longer campaign gives fans and newcomers time to properly digest and acclimate to who this new Lara Croft is. The reimagined game and character are a departure from the legacy franchise, and as such time is needed to properly set the stage from both a narrative and character development standpoint. It will be worth the wait, I promise!”

Will there be more Tomb Raider games after this newest release?
 卡尔:[笑] “让我们晶体动力至少先把九代做好,之后你便可以玩它然后告诉我们你的看法! 当然,我们依然还在做这最开始的故事,它只是第一步。享受它,玩它,然后我们才能告诉你对未来的打算。”
KS: [Laughing] “Let us at least get this one out so you can play and tell us what you think! Of course though, we’re reimagining the entire franchise and this is step one. Enjoy it, play it, and we’ll tell you later what our plan for the future is.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]

8、What platforms is Tomb Raider in development for?
KS: “Tomb Raider will ship for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.”

9、Most developers make a game for one platform and then port it over to another for release. What is Crystal D doing?
KS: “The game is currently being developed for all three platforms simultaneously. Generally studios push from the PC to 360, and then keep PS3 as close as possible in the development timeline. We’ve been demoing the game to Microsoft and then Sony the same week. The goal is to make sure that they are running as close as possible, and then we optimize to play to the platform’s strength.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #6 (January 2012)]

10、Will we see Tomb Raider on the Wii U or any other Nintendo Platform?
KS: “At this time no. When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform. Given that we’ve been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across. If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #3 (September 2011)]

11、Will there be a Mac version of Tomb Raider?
KS: “We’re in the middle of discussions with a company looking to do just that. I’d love to be able to see it day and date with the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC release, but there is a technological aspect to it as well that we would need to achieve. I want a Mac version because I love my Mac.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]

Will Tomb Raider feature trophy and achievement support?
KS: “Yes, we’ll have achievements and trophies. Obviously we don’t know what they will be right now, because that process doesn’t begin until you can go in and play it fully and say, ‘Oh, that’s cool! Let’s make a reward for that!’ So it’s in the back of our heads. I can also comment that we’ll be very cautious about making sure the names of the achievements aren’t spoilers.“ [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #7 (February 2012)]

Are the controls nearly done? Will PC users be forced to use a controller, or will there be a proper keyboard and mouse setup?
KS: “I used to be a big PC fan and I appreciate that individuals want to play with a mouse and keyboard. We’ve already started talking about the PC and keyboard layout, so yes, our goal working on the PC version is to allow for play with the controller or keyboard and mouse. We’ll keep you updated.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #3 (September 2011)]

14、Will there be a Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition?
KS: “Of course! I love collector’s editions and personally designed sets for Batman: Arkham Asylum and Age of Conan. I’ve done loads and loads and I’m a big fan of them. So yes it’s on my list and I’ve already been doing a lot of exploration so I can say with certainty that there will be a collector’s edition. The editions may be unique to specific territories however, because some areas have restrictions and so on.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]

15、Will Crystal Dynamics ever opt to have their own online Tomb Raider store? We want Lara goodies!
KS: “And I want to sell Lara goodies! Yes, one of my roles is to be out there making sure that we bring together all of the merchandise, all of the licensing, and all of the extensions and partners together in one place. Everything from online stores, to collectibles, to you name it. We've been busy. You'll see pretty soon. [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #8 (March 2012)]

Why did Crystal Dynamics decide on a Mature rating for Tomb Raider?
KS: “In the very early stages of concepting the reimagining of Tomb Raider it became evident that we were toning down the experiences that Lara would go through in order to fit in a T-rated game. It belittled the themes we felt so pivotal to delivering a new experience. We took some time and did some soul searching and decided that we had to move into the M-rated space. If we didn’t, the player would feel like the game was soft and light and that it wasn’t believable. It was a tough decision to make because there are many things to take into consideration including the age of our fans and the partners we can work with and even the times we can advertise our game. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but we believe we’ve made the right decision.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #2 (August 2011)]

17、How many hours of gameplay will Tomb Raider feature?
MM: “ It’s a bit too early to put a number on hours. That being said, I know the team is working very hard to deliver a fulfilling experience that is competitive within the genre. I know my answer is vague, but we’ll clarify when we have a better idea down the road.”

18、Will we release a level editor for the engine to allow people to mod and design levels?
KS: “We have no plans to do that right now. I love harking back to the old Tomb Raiders where you can mod your own little story, but at this time there are no plans to a level editor for our newest game.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #6 (January 2012)]

19、Can we request Portuguese subtitles for Tomb Raider?
MM: “We’ve had an outpouring of support from the Brazilian community and the desire for Portuguese subtitles has most definitely been heard. We’re looking into the prospect very seriously and are in the process of meeting with various export market representatives. It’s a bit too early to confirm Portuguese subtitles, but keep an eye on this space for news as development continues.”

Will Tomb Raider feature Croft Manor or Lara’s butler Winston?
卡尔: [笑] “在那座岛上是不会有一座大宅子的,除非劳拉的父母有未来预知能力,在劳拉不知道的情况下把一个建筑师送到那里盖了间房子。而且不,游戏里不会有任何管家去帮劳拉干这干那。”
KS: [Laughing] “There won’t be a mansion on the island unless her parents had the foresight to send an architect there and build it without her knowing. And no, there aren’t any butlers in the game to lock into freezers.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]

Will Lara ever wield dual pistols?
卡尔:“所有人都希望我透露那个!你将不得不拭目以待。关于我要说的有关标准双枪,发辫,还是什么把人锁在冰箱里之类的东西,一个好的提议是,在你游戏的过程中你将会克服许多不同的难关,最终得以发掘出我们女主角必定的未来。如果我们确定了她将会在求生过程中得到她的双枪,那么你以后但凡用那对枪射击的时候都能够回忆起劳拉拿起双枪的那一刻。 这一次你会在那里亲眼见证。”
KS: “Everyone wants me to spoil it for them! You’ll have to wait and see. What I will say in relation to dual pistols, braids, and locking people in freezers, the idea is that as you play the game you’ll come across situations that become iconic and define the future of our heroine. If we decide that she will have dual pistols, then you will remember that moment for the rest of your days. You were there this time.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #6 (January 2012)]

Will there be a large variety of environments on the island?
卡尔:“在我们着手做这个游戏的时候一个很重要的方面就是将整座岛屿看作是一个不可或缺的角色。为了完成这一点,你不能只单单有一个一维的形象;你必须有一个多维多方面的人物。因此,你在这个岛上将会遭遇很多,比如你在黑暗阴湿的古墓里。 但是你也看见过坚忍号在明亮海湾里的场景。想象你从其中一个一下穿越到另一个。岛上会有一些触动你心弦的地方。美丽的景色以及更多。”
KS: “One of the most important aspects for us when we started working on this game was to set up the island as a character. In order for us to accomplish this, you can’t just have a one-dimensional character; you have to have a multifaceted character. Therefore, you’re going to come across situations on the island where, yes, you’ll be in dark, dank tombs. But you’ve also seen the ships in the bright bay. Imagine traversing your way down to them. There will be places on the island that blow your mind. Beautiful vistas and more.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #7 (February 2012)]

23、Will the Doppelganger or Kurtis Trent make an appearance in Tomb Raider?
KS: [Laughing again] “No and no. I could sit here and try and elaborate, but neither of those characters play a part in this vision of Tomb Raider.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #3 (September 2011)]

Did Lara still study archaeology, and is she an aristocrat?
KS: “This is a very grounded Lara. She is still smart, she is still in college, and yes, she is still studying an element of archaeology. Is she an aristocrat? In this game we need to veer away from placing her in a social structure. She’s got a little bit of a back-story, but we don’t go into detail. Lara primarily wants to be accepted by her friends and by people in general. Her getting a job is more about wanting to socially convene with friends and be a team player rather than an issue of her not having any money. I don’t think we’d ever say ‘by the way, now she’s poor and from a broken home!’ That’s not Lara. Again, it’s not so much about financial status as it is the fact that she wants to gain experiences. That’s what Lara Croft is all about – gaining new experiences.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (November 2011)]

Is Lara’s birthday still February 14?
KS: “Let me see if I can answer this in a very constructive way. When we went back to look at this new vision of Lara, we tried to make sure that we positioned the character looking to the future. We had to be very cognizant about dating our character. In the past Lara’s birthday has been February 14, Valentine's Day. And in all of the characters that I've been studying really closely, we’ve found that there are certain personalities and certain things that you don’t need to get into that level of depth. It starts to break down that fourth wall a little bit too much. Look at James Bond. He doesn't have a birthday. Batman doesn't have a birthday. The Incredible Hulk doesn't have a birthday. So it's looking at characters and asking, ‘What is the rationale for having a birthday?’ So despite the fact that a lot of people will probably be a little bit peeved with us for not calling it out and saying, "Hey, February 14!", we look at it and kind of go, ‘Does she need to have a birthday? Is it something that we need to bring to her personality?’ And I think that the answer is no. Really, from our perspective, we don't want to date Lara. But we still keep her in our hearts.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #7 (February 2012)]

Is Tomb Raider a survival horror game?
KS: “It’s funny that the term ‘survival horror’ has been used by the press, because it’s something we’re not trying to be. Obviously we’ve only shown off so much of the game till now and there is a sense of horror to it. It will be horrifying because you’re coming across people and instances and a world that is completely unfamiliar to you. The situations Lara will find herself in will require her to fight to survive. It’s more survival-adventure in our eyes. Lara is still a treasure hunter and adventurer looking for something new.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (September 2011)]

Will weather be scripted in Tomb Raider, or will there be a day and night cycle?
KS: “You will not stand in one place and over time watch the sun set and the moon rise. That being said, you will feel like there’s a persistent weather system. If you play in night hub and it’s raining and you fast travel back to another area, it will be rainy there too. It won’t feel like a dynamic weather system where you can stand on a cliff for hours and watch the sun moving across the sky. We have smart systems in place to help present it so that as you move around it will be the same time of day and weather as contextual to the narrative.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (November 2011)]

Will the camera be unique from past Tomb Raider titles in the upcoming game?
KS: “Yes, the camera will be unique from past Tomb Raider games. We realize that in some ways it always felt a little hard to control. We were very happy with the games we shipped, but we realized we needed to create a whole new camera to add a whole new experience. We needed to immerse the player in the experience and help them feel each different tone. When you Lara going through the tunnel in the scavenger den, obviously you can’t do that with a ten-foot camera off the back of her shoulder. You need to be up close and personal and hear her in your speakers and have the intimacy to see what she is seeing.” 
"When you get into situation such as combat you need to be able to pull the camera back and allow the player to see more around them and evaluate the situation Lara is in. The same is true when she is climbing through the dynamic traversal. You need to be in that space with her. So we class it as a ‘dynamic camera’ and we’ve brought on a whole team just to ensure that experience is unique and different. As the campaign unfolds you’ll start to see some very bold and innovative ways of showing how we’ve tailored the camera for each experience. It really is phenomenal.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #2 (August 2011)]

29、How will Lara interact with water if she doesn’t swim?
KS: “Obviously we want to make sure that Lara feels a part of the world. So when she interacts with water we’ve pushed really hard to make sure that physics is paramount. You’ll see bubbles around Lara and ripples in the water as she moves. I even saw a level yesterday that has some oil on top of it from a leak. And you can see the glistening and the colors of the rainbow. It’s beautiful. As Lara interacted with it you could see it break off and form its own pool.
"Lara will also wade in water, and water plays a huge part in some of the survival situations she finds herself in. You’ve seen in the demo how buoyancy plays a role in her escape.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #6 (January 2012)]

Why did Crystal Dynamics partner up with Beats by Dre, Speck, and showcase Lara with an iPhone in the Turning Point trailer? Will product partnerships continue throughout the game?
“对于我而言我们在试着找到一些物件来说明原始劳拉的社会角色并且告诉你一些与她有关的信息。如果你拿起了一个人的iPhone 或IPod你便开始了解那个人。所以对于我们说那对耳机是代表着一些的东西的。它们就是现在的物品。我们没有付它们钱,它们也没有给我们钱。它们仅仅是符合我们人物的选择。”
KS: “What I’d say about those products is that from the very early days when we started concepting out the trailer I really wanted to make sure that we positioned the trailer in modern day. I’m not big into pulling in product just for the sake of it. I don’t like doing deals just for the money. Everything we do has to make sense with the character and the world.
“For me it was about trying to find items that would help ground Lara in the world and tell you a little about her. If you pick up someone’s iPhone or iPod you start to understand more about that person. So for us the earphones stood for something. They are the earphones of today. We didn’t pay them and they didn’t pay us. It just fit the character we were creating.
“As far as longer-term partnerships Tomb Raider has been around for fifteen years and has many partnerships with many companies. We’ve pulled many of them back and decided not to continue with them because they don’t live beside the brand that we envision over the next five to ten years. But then there are partnerships that make perfect sense. Over the course of the campaign you’ll see some, but every partnership we have will fit within the world of the game.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #2 (August 2011)]

Will Lara need food, water, or shelter in the new Tomb Raider?
KS: “Yes, because she’s not a robot. We’re actually deep in that now and fine-tuning it in terms of how much water and how much food; how long she can go before consciously you’re like ‘I’d be starving by now.’ We’re also exploring what it means to collect. I’m not going to detail it too much and spoil it. What I will say is that this is not a simulation game. You’re not going to be picking berries and drinking your own wee in order to survive, but there will be a sense of realism in that she will have to scavenge food to keep herself going.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (September 2011)]

32、Is the model we’ve seen of Lara in the 2011 demos finished?
KS: “What you see right now is very early for Lara. We have artists working around the clock to get things like fabric and hair moving properly. This is one of the problems with showing content as early as we have been. There are certain things that will take the back burner until the game is finished internally and we get into a phase of polish. Lara’s hair is probably 40 or 50 percent of the way. The face of Lara and clothing of Lara is locked and won’t change, but details are still in flux. She’ll get much better.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (September 2011)]

Will cutscenes be in-game or pre-rendered?
卡尔: “我们与VisualWorks所合作的是绝对的一次性产品。所有游戏里的内容制作都会使用晶体引擎,我们并没有精炼任何我们不需要简练的东西。倒不是说我们坐在这里的工作室一段段地制作过场动画。我们把晶体引擎给了在洛杉矶的合作伙伴,他们制作场景截图并记录VO之类的东西,接着帮助我们建立剧情的过场顺序。他们在《阿凡达》工作过,他们也参与过《终极刺客》。世界上最好的人在制作它。”
KS: “The pre-rendered work we did with VisualWorks was purely a one-off. Everything in game will use the Crystal Engine. We haven’t pre-rendered anything and we intend to keep it that way. Not to say we’re sitting here in the studio making every single cinematic. We gave our engine to a partner company in LA and they aid with mo-capping and capturing VO and all that stuff, and then help build out our cinematic sequences. They have worked on Avatar and are also working on Hitman. The world’s best people are working on it.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (September 2011)]

In regards to the E3 demo, will Lara continue to talk to herself and exclaim audibly throughout the duration of the game? How do you balance this self-narration with a sense of isolation?
KS: “When you try to reposition a brand and showcase a new vision, you have to go through a strong character arch. As we’ve stated, Lara is 21 years of age and straight out of college when she ends up in this situation. Just like anyone she is afraid and alone and most people would talk to themselves for hours on end just to keep their sanity.
“The goal as we move through the game is to see this huge character arc for Lara. Every day and every experience will make her stronger and make her closer to the Lara Croft we want her to be. So in the early stages you’ve seen her talking to herself or wincing or moaning, but won’t continue to the same degree. It’s a very serious thing for us, hitting that growth correctly. At the end of the game we want people to sit back and say ‘that’s Lara Croft.'” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #2 (August 2011)]

Is there any chance of seeing cut footage from the Turing Point trailer?
KS: “If I had my way from the very start the trailer would have been much longer. In one of our first brainstorming sessions I pitched an eight minute version to Visualworks. I had Lara walking up to the ship and saying hello to Roth and putting her bag in the room and going for dinner. VisualWorks looked at me and said ‘you’re off your trolley.’ So the final trailer is about four minutes and ten seconds. There is probably about a minute on the cutting room floor.
“I’d love to think we’d put it all together some day, but the way in which it was built isn’t that we left scenes on the floor. It’s more that we were looking to get a specific level of emotion. For example in order to capture the scene where Lara nearly drowns in the escape hatch, we had to shoot it from many different angles. We captured an entire scene from inside the escape hatch and an entire scene from outside the escape hatch looking down. Then you start editing it together. So a lot of the stuff left on the floor isn’t necessarily something we can bolt onto the end and call it the ‘extended version.’” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (September 2011)]

36、Will there be unlockable outfits in the game, or just Lara’s default clothing?
KS: “Of course Tomb Raider has been known throughout the years to have unlockables and ways to interact beyond just the core game. We take that to heart. All I can say is ‘watch this space.’ We love unlockables and we love items as much as you do. That isn’t a yes or a no, but it’s a “worth thinking about.’ We’re still so far out it isn’t a decision we need to make next week.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #2 (August 2011)]

37、Will there be DLC (console-exclusive or otherwise) for Tomb Raider?
KS: “Obviously it’s not something I can get into detail about right now. We will look into DLC and we’ve done DLC in the past, but it all boils down to experience. We need to make sure it fits. We also need to make sure we have time to build it, and we’re focused on the core experience right now. As far as exclusives, again, there is no real comment on that because you never know what’s around the corner. We try and keep as agnostic as possible, but I can’t even say if there will be a repeat of the Xbox exclusive for Underworld. If we do DLC, what’s the story? How does it fit within the game? That comes first.
“We will build our game from start to finish and we want people to experience that 100 percent. When you pick up a copy of our game we want you to feel like you started and finished something. The story ended. If there is a piece of DLC, it may continue on a different trail from something that was hinted at in the game, or it might take something out of left field. DLC will give you a different experience, however, it’s certainly not something that has been removed from the game in order to make more money. That is completely against what we’re all about. Especially in regards to Tomb Raider it’s more important than ever that we do DLC right. The end of the game has to feel definitive. You don’t see a movie in a theater only for the big finale to be reserved for the DVD. That doesn’t happen.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (November 2011)]

Will the music in the trailer be the Main Theme?
d1n0_xD asks:预告片中的那个音乐太可怕了,它会是主题曲?
d1n0_xD asks: The music in the trailer is so awesome, is it going to be the Main theme?
Alex Wilmer: “It is indeed the theme. It was very important for us to reveal it in this way.” [From official forum]

39、Does the game engine support dynamic lighting?
Phaid asks: Lara seems to not cast any shadow in these pics: pic1 pic2 pic3. Does the engine support dynamic lighting?
Brian Horton: “The engine supports dynamic shadows on multiple light sources, the shots you pointed to have shadows but they were not clear in those angles. Thanks for the question, hope that clears it up.” [From official forum]

40、Will we ever see some behind the scenes content, such as motion-capture and voice-recording sessions?
KS: “Yes, we intend to show lots of behind the scenes content, but are working to ensure that it isn’t delivered in the same old vein as developer diaries. We’re going to do something very special in not-so-distant future, although I don’t want to give it away right now.” [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

41、The game will have any stealth system or it will be more action style?
KS: “We’re working very hard to ensure our combat system has a variety of different play paths and play styles. Melee, ranged, and stealth interactions all play a huge part in this world. We’re looking forward to showing you our combat system around E3, when we’ll be unveiling it. [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

42、Can we expect to see a variety of enemies? or will it be exclusive to the islanders and animals? (ie no more mythological creatures?) and/or boss battles?
KS: “I don’t want to keep giving away spoilers. There is obviously an element of mystery to the island that you have to play to properly experience. I can say that there are plenty of people on the island, and lots of diversity in your encounters. I look forward to fans seeing the bow in action, and to hunting. That’s what you do on an island, right? Hunt.” [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

Now that Lara is so much more humanized, what's the potential to see her get involved in any relationships?
KS: “I’ve read and fed into the script now on many, many occasions, and I can tell you that there is no love interest in this game. She is trying to survive. She is busy. Surviving the situation is all she can cope with right now; surviving a relationship would be a bit tough. In one of the next releases we could possibly see this more human Lara meet someone, but that is way over the horizon.” [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

All the past games have had Lara search for an artifact. Will the goal of the game be an artifact, or survival?
卡尔: “劳拉来到的是一个充满了未知,被谜团环绕的小岛,所以很显然我们希望她去揭开谜底。当然最首要的问题是生存。在游戏中会有一个核心的探索,而那核心的探索会揭开剩下整个岛屿的谜题并且回答你的问题。那里有你需要捡起的物品和古物,但是所有的东西都将用来揭开这个巨大的谜团。”
KS: “Lara has landed on an island that is shrouded in mystery, so obviously we want her to uncover that mystery. First and foremost she has to survive. There is a core discovery to be made, and that core discovery will unlock the mystery of the entire island and answer a lot of questions for you. There are items and artifacts that you have to pick up and find around the island, but everything points to this big discovery.” [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

45、Will the axe interact with fixed climbing points, or will we be able to free climb with it?
KS: “We have a very wide range of fixed points, guaranteeing you’ll have freedom of movement. There are limitations, however, like not being able to jump off the side of a cliff and hook onto the side at random to free climb. The real world doesn’t work like that. Like real life you can’t just walk up to a cliff and assume you can climb it. It may be too steep, or too rocky, or jagged. But then there will be other areas perfect for climbing. It will feel organic and natural. The path won’t be screaming at you.” [From official forum Q&A session #1 (January 2012)]

46、Will the game be available to pre-order or purchase on the Steam platform?
KS: “Square Enix has had a fantastic relationship with Steam in the past, with the majority of our catalogue available on the digital platform. We can’t foresee any changes to that relationship in the future!” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

47、How exactly do the Hubs work? Are they the only areas we can explore/traverse around or are there connecting areas/paths so we can travel from hub to hub or will we have to use fast travel?
KS: “Hubs are large, opens spaces on the island that are ripe for exploration. Lara can carve her own path through them, unless a particular area is blocked off through gear gating and requires returning once she’s better equipped. In these hub spaces are basecamps, which we’ve touched on briefly before. Basecamps will allow Lara to fast travel between hubs that she has already visited. This mechanic gives the player the option of retuning quickly to tackle a challenge or area that was previously inaccessible. That being said, you won’t be warped between hubs as the story progresses – slightly more linear paths lead you from hub to hub as the narrative unfolds.” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

48、Will the camera show Lara's whole body, or just half of her body like most of the time in the E3 demo?
KS: “As with most third-person action/adventure titles, you’ll be able to see all of Lara’s body the majority of the time. That being said, we’ve got a dedicated team that made it an explicit goal to retool the camera to be more dynamic and cinematic. In claustrophobic areas the camera will close in on Lara so that the player feels what Lara is feeling. In vast, open spaces the camera will pan back so the player can get the lay of the land. The first part of the E3 demo unfolded mostly in tight, foreboding corridors, which was the reason for the mid-thigh view. The escape sequence from the collapsing cave panned back to a full-body perspective, though. Rest assured, our goal is to ensure the camera never detracts from playability.” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

49、Since Lara is inexperienced, will the combat reflect this by being "unresponsive" or "awkward" to a degree?
KS: “We wouldn’t want to penalize the player with underdeveloped or awkward controls. Rather, Lara’s inexperience and character arch will be fleshed out through the narrative and increasingly difficult encounters as she grows into the woman we know she can be.” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

Is Lara able to do acrobatics moves like in previous games? jumps, flips, rolls, etc
KS: “While Lara is still extremely athletic, her moveset is more grounded and believable than in past Tomb Raider titles. Her impressive ability to traverse through rough and formidable terrain is still intact, however.” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

51、Will there be a hardcore mode, similar to the new Hitman's "Purist Mode" where all helper icons, Survival Instinct and other visual hints will be disabled, to cater to the more experienced TR players?
KS: “We’ve already discussed that Tomb Raider will boast multiple difficulty settings to make the game accessible to a wider range of players. A “purist mode” isn’t necessary in that regard, as hardcore players can choose not to use the optional survival instinct system if they want to keep their experience challenging. Our goal is to ensure that the game is challenging even for the most seasoned Tomb Raider players.” [From official forum Q&A session #2 (March 2012)]

52、What kind of save system does the game have?
Karl Stewart: The game features an auto-save system.[From official forum Q&A session #3 (April 2012)]

53、Is there electricity or a power supply on the island?
Karl Stewart: The island itself has loads of history, some of it slightly more modern that you might initially expect. As we’ve showcased through the shipwreck vista, vessels from air and sea have washed upon the beach for centuries. Scavengers, doing what they do best, have lifted fuel from these derelict crafts, and in some cases put them to use in generators. I don’t want to go into it much deeper than that, as we’re always conscious to avoid spoilers. But this again speaks to our promise of diversity in environments and experiences on the island. It’s much more than meets the eye.[From official forum Q&A session #3 (April 2012)]

54、How important do you consider secondary characters from now when compared to previous titles?
Even C asks: How important do you consider secondary characters from now when compared to previous titles? Are these secondary characters heavy enough to make a constant progression within the new Tomb Raider universe, but without making a central appearance in future Tomb Raider Games?
Karl Stewart: We’ll be introducing you to the rest of the cast and crew in the coming months, but what I can say is that we’ve positioned this first journey for Lara as a pivotal one. In this regard alone, all the characters will leave a mark on Lara for better or worse. We’ve been fairly transparent about Roth in this regard, stressing that he’s in a position to push her and challenge her to live up to her family name. So yes, these secondary characters are very important to her growth, more so than in past games. Instead of simply interacting with a cast of support characters, they will have a direct influence on how she evolves.[From official forum Q&A session #3 (April 2012)]

55、Is the fate of the crew pre-written in the script or will you have the ability to influence that during the game?
Karl Stewart: We’re aiming to tell a very specific story in Tomb Raider, and as such the script plays out in a authored fashion. It’s worth noting that this doesn’t negate the freedom of exploration we’ve detailed through the hub and basecamp system – I’m talking specifically about story progression in this capacity.[From official forum Q&A session #3 (April 2012)]

56、Will there be a similar rewards system, such as the artifacts and relics in the previous Tomb Raider games, to reward players for exploration?
Karl Stewart: I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I can confirm that there will be artifacts for you to find and collect as in past Tomb Raider titles. We’re keen to keep exploration and discovery a pillar of the game.[From official forum Q&A session #3 (April 2012)]

57、At a later stage of the game, is it possible to explore the beach with planes and shipwreck?
Karl Stewart: We said early on that one of our goals was to let you explore the extent of what you can see. We’d be remiss to highlight the shipwreck vista, but never let you make your way down to the beach itself. I won’t say anything further! [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

58、Can we search enemy corpses and boxes for items?
Karl Stewart: Some fans noticed and commented on the random ammo pickups in our demo last year. We addressed that acquiring salvage and ammo would be more organic in the final experience. Scavenging bodies and ammo boxes would be one such application. [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

59、Why just call it “Tomb Raider” and not add a subtitle?
Karl Stewart: This new vision for the franchise, and for Lara, is a definitive blank slate for the franchise. A fresh start. The simple and classic title mirrors this sentiment. This is Tomb Raider without question, just retooled for a more modern audience. No subtitle needed. [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

60、Can we expect a reaction of Lara’s clothes with the environment?
Karl Stewart: Both Lara and her clothing will react to situational and environmental factors. While I won’t go into too much detail, we’ve already shown Lara with various states of dirt and grime, and with both wet and dry clothing. It’s important for us to make Lara feel a part of the environment, not removed from it. [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

61、Will there only be one ending, or will we have different ones?
Karl Stewart: As we’ve mentioned before, we have a very specific story to tell in Tomb Raider. Conversation trees and diverging storylines don’t have a place in this strong narrative. Therefore, there will be a singular outcome for everyone to experience, and enjoy. [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

62、What elements of past Lara incarnations do you still hope to bring out in this Lara?
Karl Stewart: To us classic Lara and this new, younger Lara share more than a passing resemblance. Despite her inexperience, this Lara is intelligent, ambitious, adventurous, and loyal. She’s got real grit and determination, even if she hasn’t been put to the test just yet. Her affinity for archeology and ancient cultures remains of the highest importance, and it’s worth noting that Lara remains very physically fit. While a gymnasts’ flair may not be at the heart of her traversal, her physical endurance and fortitude are enviable.[From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]

63、Why does Lara's hair look different in different screenshots?
Dark7Angel asks: "In the two screen shots we got this week it's possible to notice some differences, specially on the hair - in the one where Lara is on the tree, her hair looks amazingly polished but on the screen where Lara is using her bow, while definitely better than the screens from last year, it doesn't look as detailed as the other one.
So my question is: are these screens from different stages of development or is the screen of Lara on the tree from a cutscene and the other from gameplay??? Or some other explanation as to why they look different?"
Karl Stewart: Both screens in question are taken from active gameplay and from the same build. In fact, we gathered a large batch of screens just last week in anticipation for our E3 presence. If you’re noting some discrepancies in her hair, it’s most likely due to different lighting and angles, and not an issue with the actual model. [From official forum Q&A session #4 (May 2012)]  


Will the Xbox 360 exclusive DLC for Underworld ever come to PS3 or PC?
KS: “Unfortunately it will not. That was a deal we had with Microsoft as a worldwide exclusive. At this point, the team has been disbanded and is working on other projects so we wouldn’t even have the staff to work on it.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (November 2011)]

Are there plans to remake any other Tomb Raider titles such as was done with Anniversary?
KS: “No, there are no plans right now or in the future to develop any other Tomb Raider title besides what we’re currently working on. You can still play the original games on your PlayStation or PSP. As you know our goal is to start from day one with the franchise. This is it. This is Lara’s new adventure.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #3 (September 2011)] 


What can you share about the new Tomb Raider movie thus far?
KS: “I can’t share anything apart from what we’ve been telling you. Of course there’s a lot that goes on behind closed doors and when we’re ready to talk we’ll talk. We’re great partners with GK, but a lot of movie stuff will come directly from them. We’ll be privy to it beforehand and we’ll discuss what gets said, but GK is managing that process.
“I can tell you that we have scriptwriters – Hawk Ostby and Mark Fergus – but we haven’t got a director associated with the project just yet. Normally the process is that you get concept approval, script writers, director, and then you hire the actors. I can also say it’s not Olivia Wilde as reported. She confirmed it!” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #4 (November 2011)]

Will the new Tomb Raider movie and game follow the same narrative?
KS: “Our goal is yes. We’ve been working very closely with GK films. You cannot compress the size of a game into 90+ minutes without making some changes, but what we’ve said so far and what we’ll continue to say is that yes, we will take the same survivor element on an island. Apart from that I can’t go into too much detail, because it’s up to Mark and Hawk to decide how they envision the story. We’re close to it, but it’s their baby.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #6 (January 2012)] 


How many projects is the studio currently working on?
MM: “Crystal Dynamics is currently working on three titles – Tomb Raider, and two unannounced, original IP.”

When will we see the next Legacy of Kain game?
KS: “I can’t answer that because we’re not working on a Legacy of Kain game. The studio is focused on our three projects at the moment. One is Tomb Raider as you know, and the other two are new IP. Again, we’re not working on a Legacy of Kain game here at Crystal Dynamics.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]

What’s the best way to secure a job at Crystal Dynamics? Do you need extensive experience? Is picking a specialty the way to go?
KS: “Have confidence and be awesome! We take people into the studio from all different levels – straight out of college, contract positions, sourcing people and so on. It all depends on the requirement. Take something like combat – which is very important to us. We needed individuals with specific experience in that area. But we have artists who have worked on only one other game and those guys are rock stars. I think if you’re really talented in whatever field you apply for, that will shine through. We wouldn’t pass up on someone just because they are fresh out of collage. If you’re good, you’re good.
“If you have the benefit of going into college now and knowing you want to work in video games, that’s great. You’ll have the upper hand. But I’m a classically trained animator. There is an organic element to it too. When I finished college I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had this great opportunity to work on animation and then I moved into marketing and then moved into brand. Now I blend the two together and I understand two fields. So I wouldn’t say that just because you didn’t study it in college means you’re stuck. I guarantee if you asked one or two people in the studio what they used to do, they started in finance or the like.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #3 (September 2011)]

Last edited by MeaganMarie; 03-27-2012 at 11:27 AM.


 Official Forums Dev Q&A Session #14.

1) 是否会考虑让劳拉与别人产生“亲密关系”————例如珊曼莎?
Metal Rocks: Will a romantic relationship be considered for Lara? Like Sam? 
Noah Hughes: I can answer this question in a general sense, as pertains to all friendships and relationships in Lara’s life. 
Lara’s pursuit and journey to becoming a Tomb Raider is almost an involuntary obsession. It starts as her being an archeology geek, but it becomes an all-consuming passion that ultimately she’s willing to risk her life for. And so part of Lara’s journey is to struggle with balancing what it means to be a young person growing up, and what it means to have the responsibilities of a Tomb Raider. Lara has to prioritize. She doesn’t have room for a significant other in her life – she doesn’t have enough left over after archeology and what becomes Tomb Raiding. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have feelings. 
So what we play with a little bit during her journey in these early years is the tension between the life she might have lead if she didn’t get sucked down this rabbit hole. We’re delivering on not the normal life, but the Tomb Raider life. She is so dedicated and obsessed and focused that she doesn’t have room for these other things.[From official forum Q&A session #14 (August 2013)]
2) 是否考虑过在游戏中增加水下部分,创作出一个战斗和解谜的新关卡?
A Big House: At any point during pre-prod, did anyone think that underwater swimming could have been incorporated into the game to create a whole new level of combat and puzzle solving? If so, explain everything? 
Noah Hughes:In my mind and vision of Tomb Raiding, underwater exploration is an exciting facet of discovery. Really, our decisions to include or not include it – and we did think about it – is taken from a practical standpoint. It isn’t indicative of Lara not being able to swim. 
We instead operate from a perspective that all the things Lara can do need to be done well. We’re adding to our set of fun and awesome Tomb Raider verbs, and when we take on something like swimming, it doesn’t leverage the other verbs. To just have underwater swimming loses some of it’s charm and takes the fun out of it. You want to explore and interact and even fight underwater. So that becomes a fairly ambitious mechanic set – it’s a whole new flavor of all the other gameplay bits. 

So to reassure you, we do see Lara as someone that would explore underwater places and tombs and we never rule it out, but we do struggle with the scope and scale of really delivering the full suite of underwater gameplay.[From official forum Q&A session #14 (August 2013)]

3) 卡米拉完成了劳拉的动作捕捉任务,在演出的过程中是否运用了一些技巧?比如开场时劳拉被倒吊,或者结局时劳拉抱着珊曼莎下山,这些动作都是让卡米拉“货真价实”地完成的?

Yansazonov: Is it true that Camilla really does the tricks for the game? How many and what sort? (In the end Lara is carrying Sam, for example). 
A Big House: During the start of the game, we see Lara hanging upside down before setting herself on fire. During Camilla's time in The Volume, was she hung upside down for that particular part?
Noah Hughes: Noah Hughes: We did a lot of game sequences that were not captured, for example, like hanging upside down in the den. We captured Camilla’s voice for it, but we didn’t capture her performance, so that was done primarily by the animators. Whereas with something like jumping to Roth in the opening trailer, we really did make her jump and land against a wall, because we wanted to capture that scene and we benefited by really capturing physicality. 
Other places like when she’s gets blown over by the wind, we had her tied to a rope and we’d yank her sideways. Because if she just jumped sideways, it would look like a jump. So any place we could capture her performance, we did put her through her paces, and that included throwing her at walls and tugging her from ropes, and fighting – we actually had them flip her. In some cases we would get stunt doubles to do the pure action moments, but in most cases we’d get acting right into those action moments, and so when we were doing that it was best to use Camilla. [From official forum Q&A session #14 (August 2013)]
4) 《古墓丽影》的注意力集中在了劳拉的成长和技能以及装备的升级上,以实现玩家与劳拉“共成长”的体验,在下一代中是否也会如此?但这意味着已经经历了这次成长与冒险的劳拉,下一次又要从零开始了。从这个意义上说,或许这个升级系统对于下次亮相的劳拉来说已经不必要了?
Adobe Artist: Since the new game was all about Lara growing and developing her survival skills, the leveling/upgrading mechanic was a great game play feature for the players to experience Lara's growth alongside her. So for the next game will we see a return of this game design?
But would that also mean starting over (level 1 again) to upgrade all over again, which in a sense would be undoing all the progress she made as a person in the first game (of this new timeline)? Or do you now feel a leveling/upgrading system is no longer necessary for the next stage of Lara's adventures, when she's at that point of already being fully developed coming out of the island experience? 
Noah Hughes: We feel that leveling and upgrading still has a role in the future, and part of this is because we want to deliver on the longer journey of her becoming a Tomb Raider. [From official forum Q&A session #14 (August 2013)]
5) 在下一代中劳拉的人设是否与《古墓丽影》中一样?
MangaBass: Will Lara look the same in the next game? 
Noah Hughes: We’ll certainly be looking to take advantage of next gen technology, but right now it’s too early to say any more than that! [From official forum Q&A session #14 (August 2013)]

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