发表时间:2012/06/26 00:00:00 来源:“ZZer”转载 作者:小雪鱼 浏览次数:2016
对于迁址传闻,ESA主席的迈克尔·加拉格尔(Michael Gallagher)在接受《洛杉矶时报》采访时表示,他们正在与洛杉矶市政府就此事进行磋商,“我们需要确保有足够面积的展出用地、展位空间的质量、设备装卸和运输的便利程度、发行商和赞助商有足够好的位置用于广告和推广。我们不希望离开洛杉矶,但展会还要继续做下去。”加拉格尔对记者说到:“如果我们无法解决这些问题,那我们将准备离开。”
E3 2012 had 45,700 attendees, will announce dates and venue for 2013 soon
by Alexander Sliwinski
on Jun 7th 2012 11:30PM
The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) had 45,700 industry personnel in attendance for the 2012 show. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), the trade organization that puts on the annual mega show, estimated E3 generated 30,000 total hotel room bookings and nearly $40 million in revenue for the city.
The ESA, for the first time in years, did not announce next year's host city nor show dates at the end of the expo. The group is currently in a
little spat with the city over assurances that the show will run efficiently during next year's construction of the
Farmers Field stadium.