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发表时间:2012/06/28 00:00:00  来源:“JerryC”翻译  作者:Metro  浏览次数:2440  
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William & Kate actress named as new Lara Croft

Square Enix公布卡米拉·卢丁顿(Camilla Luddington)为新劳拉克劳馥配音,同时这位英国女演员也将为角色提供动作捕捉和脸部运动捕捉。【原文见此】【翻译:JerryC】
Square Enix has named Camilla Luddington as the new voice of Lara Croft, with the British actress also providing motion capture and facial animation for the in-game character.

Camilla Luddington has been named as the actress behind both the voice and motion capture of Lara Croft in the new Tomb Raider game. Although the game has been shown at E3 for two years running now, and is due for release on March 5 2013, the voice actress behind Lara has remained a secret until now.

Luddington is best known for playing Kate Middleton in William & Kate, but has also starred in US TV shows such as Californication and the upcoming season of True Blood.

快速阅读她在维基百科和IMDB上的相关页面后,我们可以知道,这个28岁的女演员出生在位于英格兰波克郡的阿斯科特[4],之后迁往牛津。不过在最近几年,她一直在美国工作,现在,随着被Square Enix描述为是“欧美国际型演艺人才搜寻”项目的结束,她被选派出演劳拉。
A quick perusal of her Wikipedia and IMDB pages shows that the 28 year old actress was born in Ascot, Berkshire and went to Oxford. She's been working in America for the last several years though and was cast as Lara after what Square Enix describes as an 'international talent search using scouts in Europe and the US'.

从一开始,她的表现令人耳目一新,尤其是在最近E3的试玩中。我们将采访来自开发小组晶体动力的卡尔·斯图尔特(Karl Stewart),看看寻找一个新劳拉中遇到的麻烦。
We were impressed by her performance from the start, particularly in the most recent E3 demo, and spoke again to Karl Stewart from developer Crystal Dynamics about the difficulties of casting a new Lara.

【译者注:GC= GameCentral、KS=卡尔·斯图尔特(Karl Stewart,晶体动力全球品牌经理)】

GC: So before Camilla was cast what were you looking for exactly in a new actress?

KS: From day one it was very important that we were setting the foundation for emotion, and that personality and emotion were going to be very big catalysts in terms of bringing the game together. The character we were starting to put on paper was one that was going to be multifaceted and needed to show a whole range of emotions in order to bring the story to life.

So we went looking for the right voice. We'd already set our sights pretty high on finding someone who could deliver a thorough performance, rather than just coming into the booth and reading some lines.

We really were looking for someone who could do performance capture and facial capture all at the same time, so we could capture the full range of emotions. Because it was a very important thing for us to bring the story to life.

GC: So does Lara look like Camilla or are you just taking the top level animation?

KS:  她俩在某方面来说有所相似,但是我们搜寻的最终目的不是要找到某个和新劳拉张得相像的人,而是某个能够演绎这个角色的人。从动作捕捉的角度来说,就是要找到某个能够带着专业设备演绎一切的人。
KS: They look similar in certain areas, but the goal wasn't to find someone who looks like Lara Croft, it was someone who could perform the role. From a motion capture standpoint someone who could actually perform with the rigging and everything.

GC: Why did you not go for a big name actress, someone who might have been a draw to the game herself?

KS:  在一开始,我们确实既着眼于已经声名鼎立的大牌又看这些新晋的女演员。我几次飞往伦敦,和一些我觉得可以胜任的女演员见面,但是这些日子里,有着太多的事情要让演员去做,无论是动作捕捉或者是花时间深入角色内心。
KS: In the very early days we did look at a range of both established and upcoming actresses. I flew to London a couple of times and met with quite a few actresses who I felt could perform the part, but in this day and age there's so many things that you ask an actress or actor to do - whether it be performance capture or whether it be to invest the right level of time into the role.

And the deeper we got into the character the more we realised that it was more about the character of Lara Croft than it was having a name attached to the voice. We wanted to immerse the player into our world and we consciously felt that having a voice that was associated predominately with existing movies or TV shows would have distracted you out of the game.

So we began looking for someone that was up-and-coming and showed huge potential for the future. And we would catch them at sort of the beginning of their career, rather than someone that was fully established.

GC: It must be obvious to you though that you could've gone the easier route and just played up Lara's more sexualised image, so what gave you the confidence that this more mature approach could work?

KS:  我们感到现在是时候让角色重获新生并传达一些有意思的新东西了。像《暴雨》这款游戏就传达了一个非凡出众的故事,我觉得对于“古墓丽影”我们是时候闭门修行,然后做出一些新鲜的东西,一些独特的东西,而这些能够让玩家沉浸于一个新世界并且让他们真正和角色感同身受,感受自身处境,感受她所演绎的故事。
KS: We felt that now was the right time for us to be able to bring the character to life and deliver something new and something interesting. And I think certain video games such as Heavy Rain have delivered phenomenal narrative in their game and I think for Tomb Raider we just felt that the time was right to raise the bar and bring something new, something unique that would immerse the player into a world and let them really feel for the character and feel for the situation and story that she's in.

We didn't want to make just another action adventure game. We know the formulas of Tomb Raider but we wanted to deliver something which you very rarely see in a video game, and that's a level of intensity in the narrative and emotion that can set the foundation for the future of our franchise.

GC: So will you still use other models making personal appearances as Lara Croft?

KS: No, so that was one of the first things I did when I took on the role and that was to finish the live action models. That was something that felt very dated and we get back to making the character feel real and feel like you could almost know this person in the game. We want you to almost feel like you know Lara, when you see her she feels real, she looks real. And every emotion she brings is not being clouded by the fact that she's actually a caricature.

And so when she kills that scavenger at the end of the E3 demo the hairs on the back of your head really stand up. Diluting that by having a live action model going from location to location doing their thing, and also portraying a very caricature style Lara Croft, only takes you out of that world.

[1] 《威廉与凯特》主要讲述了威廉王子与凯特·米德尔顿的相遇、王室的家族成员与凯特的见面,以及她在这些拥有贵族头衔人们中逐渐调试生活的过程。


[3] 真爱如血(True Blood)是一部根据查琳·哈里斯(Charlaine Harris)的畅销系列小说南方吸血鬼谜案(The Southern Vampire Mysteries)改编的美国电视剧。2008年9月由HBO播出第一季。

[4] 阿斯科特(Ascot) 是位于英格兰波克郡(Berkshire) 的著名赛马场,每年六月的第三个星期在此地举行赛马时有许多上流社会的人士聚集在此,可以看到服饰的最新款式.


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