古墓丽影1 tomb raider 古墓丽影2 西安匕首 tomb raider The Dagger of Xi'an 古墓丽影3 劳拉的冒险 tomb raider Adventures of Lara Croft 古墓丽影4 最后的启示 tomb raider The Last Revelation 古墓丽影5 历代记 tomb raider Chronicles 古墓丽影6 黑暗天使 tomb raider The Angel of Darkness 古墓丽影7 传奇 tomb raider Legend
Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

古墓丽影 周年纪念 tomb raider Anniversary
古墓丽影8 地下世界 tomb raider Underworld
劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
古墓丽影9 tomb raider 2013
劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2013/02/27 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”汇编  作者:(见文章)  浏览次数:3466  
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游民星空 - 2013年度最佳PC游戏 “阔别5年之后,《古墓丽影9》——这个动作冒险游戏史上最具代表性的品牌创造出新的辉煌。女神劳拉再度涅槃重生;时间追溯回她的首次探险。在跌宕起伏的精彩剧情中;制作团队为我们展现出一位有血有肉,在逆境与绝望中和命运与自然相抗争的劳拉,如同一部真实的女英雄成长史。正是由于在这次探险中的经历,铸造出了她坚强无所畏惧的性格,对劳拉?克劳馥这个经典形象进行了一次更加深入的补完。不论今天的玩家多么的挑剔,这样一个屹立于业界17年的品牌重归原点之作都理应获得尊重。从游戏性,画面以及音乐等各方面综合来看,《古墓丽影9》都达到了系列前所未有的新水准。开放式的地图带来更高的自由度,各种细致的系统设定让玩家体会到了更加真实的荒岛求生,在迎合了时代脉搏加入更多射击元素之后又强化了系列标志性的冒险解谜,让各类玩家都找到了合适自己的游戏方式。在如今商业化和游戏素质难以权衡的今天,《古墓丽影9》破而后立,以崭新的姿态为业界树立了榜样。游戏的画面效果也有相当大的提升,在神秘的小岛上,雨林,冰雪,古迹各种地形丰富多变,让玩家尽情穿梭于山水间。而在PC平台则上发挥了更加强大的潜力;华丽的画面特效和良好的优化带来比其它平台更完美的游戏体验,独有的海飞丝特效福利令人惊艳,摘得最佳PC游戏桂冠实属众望所归。”
FrontBurnr - 年度最佳游戏(GAME OF THE YEAR) “Tomb Raider made me love the Action/Adventure genre again, the same way that Uncharted reinvigorated the genre in the past. Most reboots feel like ambitious fan service but Tomb Raider takes a classic franchise and makes it completely relevant for a new generation.” – Josh Knowles;  “Tomb Raider, as a franchise, had gotten stale. The series got a much-needed reboot, and in this version, you’re playing a much, much darker version of Tomb Raider. It’s gritty, it’s intense, and it’s everything an action and adventure game should be. I have not had more fun playing a game this year than Tomb Raider – and that includes Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us. The true queen of the action adventure genre has returned to reclaim the throne from Nathan Drake.” – JD;  “Going into Tomb Raider, I had less than low expectations. I thought for sure Square Enix would simply cash in on the Tomb Raider name and use sex appeal to get people talking about controversial sequences contained within the story. Little did I know I’d find an adventure game that I simply didn’t want to put down. I played through Tomb Raider almost non-stop over the weekend I got it, and Tomb Raider was actually one of the first games in a very long time that I was sad to see end. I loved it that much, and I can’t wait to see what else happens to the new and improved Lara Croft. Uncharted managed to out Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider; but this Tomb Raider managed to make Drake’s adventures look like a scavenger hunt in the back yard.” – Jonathan;  “Tomb Raider is an incredibly important game on many levels. Not only does it set the standard for all reboots to live up to but it conquers a few gaming tropes that the industry has been mired in for some time. Crystal Dynamics has created a compelling and strong female character that doesn’t exist in any singular paradigm. This version of Lara Croft grows from vulnerable, stranded survivor to tenacious audacity in a believable transition. While as the game progresses the action becomes somewhat repetitious and predictable, you identify so much with Lara and become immersed in her struggle, you care about protecting her from the over top deaths that are around every corner. The reason this is the game of the year is it elevates diversity effectively, uses violence as a narrative tool correctly and at the end of the day it’s just a beautiful and fun game.” – Josh Deane
FrontBurnr - 年度最佳动作游戏(Best Action Game) “I'll never forget playing the original Tomb Raider on PlayStation back in 1996. I was a freshman in high school and my friend and I huddled around his small TV and played through the first game. The Tomb Raider reboot features a young Lara Croft that is coming into her own as an adventure and tells the story or how she didn’t just become an amazing globe trotting adventurer/explorer but also a survivor. The game has a great story, amazing gameplay and rich survival elements. It’s truly a gem of this generation and it was hard to not want to go back when those final credits start rolling.”
Just Push Start - 2013年最佳动作冒险游戏(Best Action Adventure of 2013) “Overall, Crystal Dynamics’ attempt to reboot the Tomb Raider series is indeed successful. Incorporating new gameplay elements while retaining the series’ core gameplay of exploration was successfully achieved in this game. A well written storyline, perfect balance of exploration and action and a non-linear gameplay will make long time fans of Lara Croft happy. The multiplayer portion may not get any attention, but the adventure players will be going through with Lara Croft is one ride that will stick in everyone’s mind. Out with the old Tomb Raider and in with the new Tomb Raider. Oh Lara Croft, you don’t know how much we’ve missed you. - Mark Fajardo, Editor-in-Chief”


The Escapist - 5/5
NZgamer - 10
Telegraph.co.uk - 5/5
GameInformer - 9.25
EveryEye.it - 93
Gameblog.fr - 91
CVG - 9.0
Polygon - 9/10 “很明显,Crystal Dynamics在过去的5年时间中成功的为《古墓丽影9》融入了很多其他人气游戏的优点,这样做的结果就是让这部作品拥有了电影级别的开放式剧情,张弛有度的游戏节奏和新鲜精致的游戏元素。”
AusGamer - 9
Gamesradar - 9/10 “《古墓丽影9》中细腻的操作手感、极具吸引力的剧情故事以及贯穿整个游戏的暗色调画面风格为玩家创造了难忘的游戏体验,游戏的细节处理非常成功。本代游戏中年轻的劳拉彻底颠覆了该人物之前在人们心中的印象,她需要在冒险经验尚不丰富的情况下竭力让自己成为最后的幸存者。”
Eurogamer Sweden - 9
Gamesbeat - 88
Cheat Code Central - 4.4/5
Gamespot - 8.5/10 “不得不说《古墓丽影9》的单人剧情极为引人入胜,它完全凭借出色的操控手感、惊心动魄的游戏剧情和细腻的游戏画面成为一款不落俗套的第三人称动作游戏。(The single-player campaign here is the main attraction, and it is excellent. It doesn’t try to rewrite the book on third-person action adventure games. But with its excellent controls, engaging heroine, thrilling combat, and fascinating setting, it doesn’t need to - 8.5/10.)”
GameTrailers - 8.5/10
Destructoid - 8.5
Spazio Games - 8.5
Multiplayer.it - 8.3
OXM - 8/10
OPM - 8/10
Edge - 8/10 “《古墓丽影9》中的劳拉是一名极具特色的游戏英雄人物,无论是蜷缩在角落规避严寒还是利用爆炸箭轻取5名敌人性命,劳拉都向玩家展示了其饱满的形象和鲜明的性格,本作对于整个《古墓丽影》游戏系列来说都是一次突破,传统的劳拉形象已被改变。”
Eurogamer - 8/10
Gamereactor Sweden - 7/10
Kotaku - Yes
Shacknews - No Score
Meristation (ES) 8.9/10 “Lara Croft returns in an exciting and relatively open game, with all genres very well-realized. Temples, tombs and archeology with intense action, puzzles and jumps. Just what we wanted - 8.9/10.”
Digital Spy 5/5 “《古墓丽影9》很好的塑造了游戏人物,新游戏技术的加入也为玩家呈现了华丽的视觉效果。同时,紧张的游戏节奏和酣畅淋漓的战斗都使得这款游戏能够扛起《古墓丽影》系列游戏在玩家心目中的地位。(With a well written cast of characters, mightily impressive production techniques, sumptuous visuals, tight platforming and surprisingly enjoyable combat, Tomb Raider is most definitely a release to be treasured - 5/5.)”
Gameblog (FR) “This is the reboot we were waiting for. Beautiful, clever, expertly paced, it’s a superb blend of action, exploration and puzzle - 4.5/5.”
EGM 8/10 “Lara is still a fantastic character and displays a level of depth and personality never previously seen in the series. Before, Lara was a caricature; now, she’s a character, one primed to legitimately move the franchise forward from here on out - 8/10.”
Spong 9/10 “This isn’t Lara Croft appearing in a slightly different game. This the start of something big. A new era in the Tomb Raider franchise, and it’s one that will recapture those that it has left behind - 9/10.”
IGN – 9.1
GTTV – 8.5
estructoid – 8.5/10
Eurogamer – 8/10
Shacknews – No Score
CVG – 9/10
Polygon – 9/10
Penny Arcade – No Score
HardGame2 (Spain) – 9.5/10
VaDeJuegos (Spain) – 5/5
Videogamer – declined to review due to NDA issues
3DJuegos – 9.4/10
Vandal – 9/10
Hobbyconsolas – 93/100
Gamereactor – 8/10
NowGamer – 8.8/10
Metro – 8/10

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