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《古墓丽影9》不间断(SS)无BUG(Glitchless)100%完成度(100% Run)竞速通关视频。作者:Danza(威尔士),通关完成时间:RTA 2小时41分56秒(不含读盘时间),RTA 2小时56分35秒(含读盘时间),难度:Hard,录制时间:2022年10月22日,录制平台:PC。
Accidentally quit at shipwreck beach, i hope thats fine. Also - I believe load remove failed in shantytown cutscene? I believe it should stop the timer there but mine kept going, costing me time.
Update from Danza - I've set the time to 2:41:56 to exclude the shantytown time the load remove didn't. If the verifier/mods disagree - feel free to set it back to 2:42:57 which includes the shantytown load.