[#2351][博物馆(The Museum)]下载
Lara can't even visit a museum without getting into adventures ...
On the Scottish Coast lies a haunted castle. Lara must retrieve the 4 crystals.
[#2805][地平线:黑暗之屋(试玩版)(Horizons - The Darkhouse (Demo))]下载
Originally conceived in 2003, codenamed Legend, I envisioned a set of levels in mythical lands. One would be a cloud domain, another in a forest, and another in a mushroom mountain.
[#2804/trle2785][1943:黑钻(1943 - The Black Diamond)]下载
Marcia L Croft (grandmother of the famous explorer, Lara Croft), woke up one morning to the sound of a ringing telephone. She picked it up but was not prepared for what she was about to hear.
[#2803][恩波里亚(试玩版)(Emporia (Demo))]下载
Lara gets on track of the myth about the holy heart. She starts looking for clues in Emporia, known as birthplace of Ephelia. Though she learns quickly that she is not alone on search and gets caught
[#2086][斯克里伯勒滋之石3.5(The Skribblerz Stonez 3.5 - Kronicles of Kage 2)]下载
Masurao is once again called into action when he hears about the legend of the Skribblerz Stonez. The stone is hidden deep in a jungle citidal and is jealously guarded by its mutant inhabitants.
[2056/trle1925、1926、1927、1928][斯克里伯勒滋之石3(The Skribblerz Stonez 3)]下载
Note: Combined download package for all 4 levels of Skribblerz Stonez 3.
[1897/trle1775、1776、1777、1778][斯克里伯勒滋之石2(The Skribblerz Stonez 2)]下载
Note: Combined download package for all 5 levels of Skribblerz Stonez 2. GMac's Level One World not listed for reviews, as it is now included in the Lake of Fire NG package.
[1724/trle1609][斯克里伯勒滋之石(The Skribblerz Stonez)]下载
The Skribblerz Stonez have been scattered around the world and have a habit of turning up in the strangest places. Even more noteworthy is that they have all been locked away in identical rooms, thoug
[2105/trle1970][丛林废墟NG(Jungle Ruins NG)]下载
Lara is exploring the jungle in search of temple ruins where she believes an old sun worship artefact may be found. When she finds the temple and the artefact she realises that there is far more going