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[#2527][从前(试玩版)(Once Upon A Time - Demo)] 下载

发表时间:2012/04/09 00:00:00  来源:“szswy1013”汇编  作者:Greywolf  浏览次数:2813  
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作者: Greywolf
关卡格式: TR4
关卡简介:Once upon a time there was a winter so cold that it seemed it would have never left Earth, even with the arrival of April. In an icy, yet clear night, a young girl named Lara was standing on a balcony of her home, careless of the cold, gazing at the stars, which looked even brighter than usual. Suddenly the stars of Cygnus looked more gleaming and vibrating, as if they were moving. Then Cygnus turned into a real swan and began to flap its wings and fly. Lara blinked her eyes twice, unable to believe what she was seeing. The Swan performed an elegant turn, as it was as weightless as its own feathers. Lara rubbed then opened wide her eyes, almost in disbelief. The Swan nose–dived straight towards her. Lara would have ran away, but her legs felt like two tree trunks set in the ground. The Swan spread its wings and landed just in front of her, light as a shadow. “Hi!”, it said. “you must be Lara, I suppose.” “Oh, do not be surprised if I know your name,” it went on, answering the question Lara had not been able to ask as she was breathless. “I know many things: every night I watch onto the Earth and I see what is happening there… I think you are the right person for a very important task: saving Easter, the Spring Fairy, who is held prisoner by the evil Winter Wizard.” “Right, but what makes you think that I will be able to succeed?”, Lara asked. “Because to succeed in this task you do need neither strength nor magic or noble lineage: you just need spirit of adventure and cleverness. Well, what do you think about it? Are you ready to come with me?” Lara mounted on the Swans back (which was as big as a pony) and it hovered in the starry nightsky; they overflew fields, woods, small and big towns, until night gave place to day and they reached the Season Valley and an enormous castle. The Swan landed gently on a large balcony and finally Lara could get off and get into the castle. After crossing many halls, she came into a room where a tall figure was waiting for her: he was wrapped in a long mantle and with a long white beard. “Well”, the Wizard said with a voice so cold that gave shivers, “there is a new guest which wants to try to set Easter free. I have imprisoned her inside my Magic Gem: go into it and try to open her prison!” And, at these words, the Gem set on the top of Wizards stick, became more and more gleaming and started pulsing of a strange light, while the room began to spin and whirl around Lara and she felt sucked inside the Gem.

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