关卡简介:After defeating Willard in Tomb Raider 3, Lara kept an eye on RX-Tech guys. So one night, she got secretly into their facilies and she discovered that there is another diary of one of the sailors of Charles Darwins ship, the HMS Beagle. As Lara is reading it, she discovers that the diary of Stephen was just refering where the original meteor pieces had ended up. This sailor writes in his diary that there were also copies of these artifacts, which possess powers, almost same with the original ones. She also, reads that the ancient Polynesians who lived in Antarctica, were absolutely scared when during a ceremony they used these copies and the priest transformed into a creature like human spider. So, they hid them in a temple on a mountain and they locked the creature within to guard them. Lara decides to leave quickly and find the temple before the RX-Tech guys.