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Tomb Raider

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古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2016/10/19 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:陈君君(June Chen)  浏览次数:13834  
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  为庆祝《古墓丽影:崛起-20周年纪念版》发行,同时也是本站庆祝古墓丽影二十周年活动之一,“古墓丽影文化系列专访”本次有幸通过美国的古墓丽影官方-水晶动力采访到了在《古墓丽影9》和《古墓丽影10:崛起》中饰演劳拉好友-约拿的美国演员厄尔·贝隆(Earl Baylon)。



  To cooperate with celebrating Tomb Raider – 20 year anniversary, Tomb Raider China has been interviewing a few hardcore fans within the Tomb Raider Community for the past few months, including Jenn Croft, Melonie Mac, Rodrigo Martín, Noelle Adams and “Tomb Raider Empire”. All of these interviews brought a lot of attention to the Tomb Raider Chinese community. For a long time, due to language and media barriers, many fans in China felt isolated when it came to acquiring information and communicating with the rest of the world, throughout these interviews, Chinese TR fans are now feeling more connected with the fans all over the world, and this is the key reason why we are trying to build a bridge and strengthen the connection. 
  Today, we are proud to have actor Earl Baylon - AKA “Jonah” from both Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of Tomb Raider join us in celebrating the 20-year anniversary! We'd like to thank him and Crystal Dynamics for giving us such a wonderful opportunity for this interview. If you are a Tomb Raider fan like us, don’t miss out on this interview since it will cover questions from the motion capture experience in Rise of the Tomb Raider, Official Tomb Raider Comics and even the new upcoming Tomb Raider Movie!


  June: Do you play any of the Tomb Raider games (Classic and rebooted)? If so, how did you like it? Which one is your favorite?

  Earl Baylon:  Oh yes, I have definitely played through both TR2013 and ROTTR! I’m actually on a second playthrough of TR2013 after 100%-ing it the first time, and I’m working on a 100% completion of ROTTR as well. As far as the classic games go, I did play the original back in the day with one of my college roommates. I didn’t get to complete it, but I picked it up during a recent Steam sale, and I’m so going to. So going to. I’d say, so far, ROTTR is my favorite, because it’s just so darn pretty and has the game mechanics I loved from TR2013. Also, explosive arrows.

  记者陈君君: 我看过你的个人介绍,你提到你的爱好之一是烹饪,而我们都知道约拿就是个大厨!我想知道这算不算是你和这个角色的共同之处?除了这点,你觉得你和约拿之间的共同点在哪儿? 
  June: Reading your biograph, you mentioned that one of your hobbies is cooking, and we all know Jonah was also a chef! Do you see this as a connecting point with Jonah? What kind of similarities or characteristics do you feel you have with Jonah?

  Earl Baylon: Haha, funny enough, I do see cooking as a connection point with Jonah - though I’d say he’s probably a way more experienced and knowledgeable cook than I. I semi-know my way around a kitchen, and boy do I love cooking (but, I love the eating part more.) Also, I think he sees himself as a protector, despite the fact that he gets himself into trouble at times. He’s one of those guys that just won’t let a friend go alone into certain doom, and I can kinda identify with that.


  June: Compared to Tomb Raider 2013, Jonah took on a larger role with Lara in Rise of the tomb raider. How was the experience working with Camilla Luddington during the motion capture process this time?

  厄尔贝隆:《古墓丽影:崛起》和2013版的《古墓丽影9》确实是两个不同的拍摄体验。2013年版的古墓丽影是我首次参与动作捕捉制作,当时我还有些生疏,边做边学。 而对于这次“崛起”的拍摄我更充满自信。 最大的变化是,在2013年的版本中,整个“坚韧号”(船队)中的演员都在场,你可以跟大家互动,而《古墓丽影:崛起》的整个拍摄过程更像是独角戏。《古墓丽影:崛起》的演员阵容相比较更少一些,因为背景故事更注重在主角劳拉本人身上。但是整个拍摄过程中我们之间的互动非常直接,和卡米拉的合作非常棒。能跟她一起合作,共同发展我们的角色是非常酷的体验。
  Earl Baylon: Working on TR2013 and ROTTR were definitely two very different experiences. I mean, 2013 was my first time ever doing motion capture, so there was a lot going on in my head, a lot of learning happening. This time around, I definitely felt a lot more comfortable with the process. What really changed, though, was that ROTTR definitely felt like more of a solitary experience. In TR2013, the entire crew of the Endurance was there, and you’d be constantly interacting with them in a big group.  In, Rise of the Tomb Raider, however, there’s a much smaller cast of characters and much of the story is Lara on her own. This was definitely reflected in the shooting process, as all the scenes were much more intimate - two or three characters in a scene. And as always, working with Camilla was awesome. It was definitely cool to work with her with the different, more experienced iterations of our characters.

  June: (Contains Spoilers) In 2013 Tomb Raider game, few of Lara’s close friends (Roth, Alex, etc.) died during the game. Jonah was one of the survivors, however, during Rise of the tomb raider, there was a moment Jonah was closed to death, how did you feel about that scene?

  Earl Baylon: Oh yes, I remember that scene very well. The funny thing about working on a long-term project like this is that even when you’re working on the project, you have no idea what’s going to happen in the story.  
  I remember being in the recording booth one day, flipping through the script I just received, and I came across one of the scene headings entitled, “Jonah’s Demise.” I went through the entire Kubler-Ross model in my head in the span of 10 seconds. And honestly, I had no idea whether Jonah was going to live or die til the day the game came out. It was like my own personal season finale cliffhanger.


  记者陈君君: 相比较2013年的重启版,你觉得约拿这个角色在《古墓丽影:崛起》中的变化是什么?
  June: How do you feel your Character has grown from Tomb Raider and Rise of the tomb raider? 

  Earl Baylon: I think Jonah has become a lot more wary of the evil that’s out in the world, and not just the spiritual type, which he’s kind of been tuned into from the beginning, but tangible, flesh and blood evil - which is something I think he hadn’t really experienced prior to the events of TR2013. Because of that, it’s kinda pushed him into a full on protector role, which was something that’s always been a seed in him, I think -  but seeing his friends in mortal danger really made it germinate. 

  June: Is there a side of Jonah’s character that you would like to see come out more in future releases?

  Earl Baylon: Hmmm… now, I don’t know what the plans are for the character in the future, so I can only speculate. I do have some friends that totally have created a fan idea of a Jonah spinoff entitled, “Action Chef,” where he flies around the world looking for exotic culinary ingredients and encounters death-defying adventures along the way.


  June: What is your opinion on Lara and Jonah’s relationship?

  Earl Baylon:  Since the beginning filming for TR2013, I always felt that Jonah looked at Lara in a big brother sorta way. Because of their age difference, my headcanon was such that he knew Lara when she was very young, hence the “Little Bird,” moniker. So, I always thought of them as very platonic. Very close friends, nonetheless. Then again, I’m famously oblivious when it comes to relationships in real life, so - grain of salt, there.

  记者陈君君:你有没有关注古墓丽影的官方漫画? 我们留意到其中一期(2014年第11期)的漫画故事中,约拿在自己的剧场中执导《傲慢与偏见》的舞台剧,请问这个故事背景是根据你的真实经历改编的吗?
  June: Do you read any of the Tomb Raider Comics? We noticed in one of the issues (Dec.2014 , Issue #11)it mentioned Jonah was working on a show (Pride and Prejudice)in his theater, was that idea inspired by your own life experience? 

  厄尔贝隆:我一直在阅读古墓丽影漫画系列。而且我还拥有一些TOP COW出版的经典古墓丽影漫画系列。至于目前新的漫画系列,我收集了所有漫画册,包括印刷版和电子版,我一直保持追踪并且非常喜欢他们!
  Earl Baylon: I totally read the Tomb Raider comics. In fact, I’ve got a few issues from the classic series way back in the Top Cow/Andy Park/Mike Turner days. As far as the current series, I’ve got all the issues, either in print or digital - so I’m definitely up to date and enjoying them! 
  Haha I don’t know if Jonah’s production of Pride and Prejudice was inspired by my real life. I am the artistic director of an improv troupe, though… so maybe. Perhaps this is something we could ask Rhianna or Gail. 


  June: The most recent comics were about Lara having an adventure in China with Jonah! Have you been to China before? If not, do you have plans to visit China in the future?

  Earl Baylon: Oh, I definitely want to visit China some day, mostly to experience the food - which is basically the number one reason I travel, really. I’ve been to New York City twice in the past decade, and I’ve still not gone to the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty. I can tell you where my favorite cheesecake, pizza, and falafel places are, though.

  June: You don’t have to answer this question, but fans in China really want to know if you will appear in the new Tomb Raider Movie?

  Earl Baylon: What I truly and honestly can say is that I have absolutely no idea what’s going to happen with that project. Would it be awesome to appear in the film? Yes, it would - I would relish the experience with gusto. But, I know just about as much right now as everyone else, which is to say I only know what I read in the news. If anything changes, though, I’m sure you’ll hear about it at some point from my loud social media mouth.

  To learn more about Earl Baylon, please visit his website: www.earlbaylon.com Or follow him on Twitter or Facebook page!

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