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发表时间:2024/07/14 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:893  
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Lara Croft sitting and waiting for Winston to enter the freezer

  10 Remaster Details You Might Have Missed

  Feb 19, 2024

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered has seen countless additions and improvements. In this feature, we'll explore both the big changes and a few subtle ones that you might have missed. 

  1. 可切换的控制方式
  1. Swappable Controls

  The classic Tomb Raider games were defined by their groundbreaking control scheme, affectionately referred to as 'tank controls,' which gave players complete control over Lara’s movements. Fans are still speedrunning and attempting challenge runs thanks to the grid system that allows players to precisely calculate Lara’s jumps and other acrobatic movements. Modern players may encounter a learning curve with such a control scheme, which is why Aspyr implemented an option to toggle on modern controls that should feel more familiar to first-time players. New movements have been introduced to Lara's skillset to enable swifter traversal through levels.

  As the games were originally designed for tank controls, we encourage new players to try both control options and tailor the settings to their liking. 

  2. 未发布的威拉德Boss战主题曲
  2. Unreleased Willard Boss Theme 

  While testing Tomb Raider III back in 1998, Peter Connelly composed, on a whim, the boss theme for the final Willard encounter. It never made it into the game since it was almost ready for shipment. The boss fight theme for Willard has been reinstated in Tomb Raider I-III Remastered.

  If the theme seems familiar to franchise fans, it's because Peter repurposed the previously unused boss theme for Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation by making slight adjustments to better match the game's tone. 

  3. 新的光源
  3. New Light Sources 

  As with the controls, players can swap between classic and remastered graphics on the fly. Extra care has been applied to the remastered levels by introducing organic and man-made openings that serve as light sources. This is done to present natural lighting in levels that were previously completely enclosed, ensuring it radiates from a visible source. The light sources also breathe life into the environment, providing cause for additional plant placements and making the surroundings more immersive than ever before. 

Difference between the original and modern graphics showcasing the new light source in the Lost Valley

  4. 超过200项成就
  4. 200+ Achievements 

  If you've ever tried pushing these games to their limits, you might discover that some of those tricks now translate into achievements. Here's one (but keep it between us): you can obtain the unreachable medipack in Palace Midas by exploiting the corner bug. 

Lara Croft trying to reach the the unreachable medipack in Tomb Raider I's Palace Midas

  5. “新游戏+”模式
  5. New Game+ Mode

  For fans looking for a real challenge, New Game+ offers exactly that. Beating the game once unlocks New Game+, which is a mode where you can't use medipacks and enemies are harder to defeat. In this mode, you can only save by using the blue save crystals, just like in the good old days. 

  6. 照相模式
  6. Photo Mode

  Thanks to the free camera, photo mode can serve for more than just capturing stylish snaps. Utilize photo mode to scout locations, gain a better sense of traversal, prepare for enemy encounters, or sort out a tricky puzzle.

  7. 隐藏的开发者名字
  7. Hidden Developer Names

  There are quite a few names of developers who worked on these remasters hidden within various levels. Have you found them yet?

Lara Croft and an aircraft with the Saber logo in Nevada

  截图由Raiding the Globe的Roli提供,
  Screenshot by Roli, Raiding the Globe

  8. 凯恩肖像
  8. Legacy of Kain Portrait

  The Portrait of Kain, an Easter egg previously present in both Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Anniversary and Tomb Raider: Underworld, can once again be found in various rooms within the Croft manor. 

Lara looking at the portrait of Kain in Croft manor

  9. 劳拉·克鲁兹的现身
  9. Laura Cruz Apperance

  There are two posters, original renders of Lara signed as Laura Cruz in Tomb Raider III’s The Lost Artifact expansion level, Sleeping with the Fishes. Initially, the character of Lara was named Laura Cruz, but the developers later decided to make her British and changed the name to Lara Croft. 

Lara Croft in front of the Laura Cruz Easter Egg

  10. 重制的呼声
  10. Call for Remasters

  Did you spot this easter egg? All good things are worth the wait! 

Lara next to a screen with a text depicting the fans being vocal about wanting remasters in the level Offshore Rig

  Tomb Raider I-III Remastered is out now! 

  · Steam

  · Nintendo Switch

  · PlayStation

  · Xbox

  · Epic Games Store

  · GOG

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