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Tomb Raider

The Dagger of Xi'an

Adventures of Lara Croft

The Last Revelation

Tomb Raider: Chronicles

The Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Legend

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劳拉与光之守护着 光明守护者 Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
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劳拉与奥西里斯神庙 Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
古墓丽影:崛起 Rise of The Tomb Raider
古墓丽影:暗影 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb Raider: Underworld




Rise of The Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大经典瞬间

发表时间:2024/09/01 00:00:00  来源:古墓丽影网站  作者:“ZZer”翻译  浏览次数:975  
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【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间

  《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大经典瞬间
  Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness Anniversary – Top 5 Moments

  Jun 20, 2024

  Today we celebrate the 21st anniversary of Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, in which Lara Croft finds herself on the run from the police after being suspected of murdering her former mentor, Professor Werner Von Croy. 

  The Angel of Darkness grew a cult following over the years with its intriguing noir, murder mystery story. Fans were captivated by the ominous atmosphere and the incredible soundtrack, which was, for the first time in the franchise’s history, recorded using a live orchestra. A secondary playable character, Kurtis Trent, was also introduced.  

  The Angel of Darkness was an ambitious game that, back in 2003, introduced gameplay elements to the franchise that many modern-day games now use as a standard, such as motion-captured cutscenes and dialogue options. 

  Today we bring you the top 5 moments from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. 

  Welcome to Paris 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间
AOD Welcome to Paris

  Lara survived the collapsing tomb in Giza and is now at Von Croy’s in Paris at his request. Von Croy pleads with her to help him, but she is still unwilling to forgive him for what happened between them in Egypt. It is then that the events become blurry: gunshots are heard, Von Croy is dead, and Lara’s hands are bloody. Lara is forced to leave as the French police suddenly arrive. She outruns two police dogs, but in the process loses her iconic backpack, symbolizing the end of her old life. She is now a fugitive. 

  This introduction immediately sets up the hook and what seems like a simple murder mystery on the surface hides a whole underground of sinister characters with hidden agendas. 

  Move along, Ma Chère 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间
AOD Janice Le Serpent Rouge

  Our favorite lady of the night, Janice, took over fans’ hearts from the moment Lara met her, proving that help is sometimes where you least expect it. Despite having a rough night and meeting individuals who were either rude or wanted to take advantage of her, Lara finally stumbles upon a friendly face who, despite Lara’s sharp tongue, decides to brush Lara’s attitude off and help her in her quest to find out more about a man called Louis Bouchard. By the end of their conversation, Lara even shows a hint of worry about Janice's safety with the Monstrum running around, but Janice is a woman who knows how to handle herself. 

  Hall of Seasons 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间
The Hall of Seasons beneath the Louvre in Paris, France

  After spending quite some time in urban Parisian environments, Lara finally reaches the place closest to her heart – a tomb, or more specifically, the Tomb of Ancients beneath the Louvre Galleries. The tomb leads to the magnificent Hall of Seasons which serves as a hub for four elemental rooms; water, earth, fire and air. Upon completion of each room, Lara is rewarded with a corresponding elemental crystal which unlocks the sub-basement engine room which then in turn enables Lara to reach the top of the hall – the resting place of one of the Obscura Paintings guarded by the angry spirit of Brother Obscura. The entire Hall of Seasons is a beautifully decorated location with a central calendar piece showcasing stunning imagery and astrological signs. 

  Chasing the Demon Hunter 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间
AOD Chasing the Demon Hunter

  劳拉在卢浮宫画廊下方获得奥布斯卡画作后,遭到了一位名叫柯蒂斯·特伦特的神秘恶魔猎人的伏击,自从她进入地铁咖啡馆以来,两人就一直在交锋。随后是一场穿越卢浮宫画廊的史诗般追逐战。马丁·冈德森和他所在组织的雇佣兵追捕劳拉,而劳拉则追捕柯蒂斯,因为他偷走了她艰难获得的画作。追逐场景展示了柯蒂斯的能力,如控制致命的飞盘状刀片“奇鲁盖”和使用意念破门而入。这些能力仅在过场动画中展示,在《黑暗天使》的柯蒂斯游戏环节中无法使用,但你可以在我们的#TR25 《黑暗天使开发幕后:柯蒂斯精彩片段》视频中观看柯蒂斯能力的完整计划。
  After Lara obtains the Obscura Painting beneath the Louvre Galleries, she is ambushed by a mysterious demon hunter known as Kurtis Trent, with whom she has been crossing paths ever since she entered Café Metro. What follows is an epic chase scene through the Louvre Galleries. Marten Gunderson, along with his Agency’s mercenaries, chases Lara, who is chasing Kurtis for stealing her difficultly obtained Painting. The chase scene demonstrates the extent of Kurtis’ abilities, such as controlling the deadly discus-like blade Chirugai and using telekinetic powers to break open doors. These abilities were only shown in cutscenes and could not be used during Kurtis’ gameplay segment in Angel of Darkness, but you can watch the full planned scope of Kurtis’ abilities in our #TR25 AOD Development: Kurtis Highlight Reel video. 

  Hope in Darkness 

  After the battle with Karel, Lara returns to the chamber where Boaz and Kurtis fought, only to find a large pool of blood and the Chirugai lying on the floor. Lara picks up the Chirugai, and it springs to life, vibrating and pulling her in the direction of a big, dark doorway. Lara briefly smiles, retracts the Chirugai’s blades, and slowly walks into the darkness... Kurtis’ fate is still unknown. 

【古墓丽影网站】2024年6月20日官网新闻:《古墓丽影:黑暗天使》周年庆 - 五大精彩瞬间
AOD Finale

  The ending scene marks the end of an era as the final Tomb Raider game developed entirely by Core Design, leaving no eyes dry as Lara walks through the doorway, disappearing into the shadows.   

  What are your favorite moments from Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness? Sound off on social and let us know!   

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