[#2623][柯蒂斯·特伦特:火与冰(Kurtis Trent - Fire and Ice)] 下载
Kurtis heard rumors that there are two Queens that plan to destroy the Earth. He never cared about it until he knew that the rumors are true. Queen Firkana ( fire queen ) lived in a castle in the Dark
[#2622][西藏的雪(Snow of Tibet)] 下载
[#2621][古墓丽影:预言(TR The Prophecy)] 下载
Lara Croft is searching four Stones which are supposed to be magical. They are parts of a mystrious prophecy. It is a sort of remake from the GameBoy Advance game but with "hd" and 3D graphics. This
[#2620][田间的稻草人(Scarecrowfield)] 下载
Lara is in search of the scroll; find it and explore the areas. Although the main topic is the scarecrow field with scarecrows as oppenents, but there are many more. A castle, a garden, nasty traps, d
[#2618][古老宅邸(Die alte Villa)] 下载
Lara flew to an old mansion to retrieve the Dagger of Xian, which was stolen by some ninjas.
[#2617][古墓丽影:片段1(Tomb Raider - Episode 1)] 下载
“The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are” Lara Croft
[#2616/trle2622][古墓丽影3复刻试玩版:丛林(TR3 Remake Demo - The Jungle)] 下载
Lara went to an ancient and time traveled back to past time. so Lara need to use the time-traveling portal to go further.
[#2614][沉船历险(In the Wrecked Ship)] 下载
Lara is trapped in the seas, exploring the Maria Doria sunken ship. Help her solve the puzzles and find the key to the way out!
[#2613][恐龙猎寻者(Dinocenter)] 下载
[2612/trle2615/trc2583][水晶矿山(Crystal Mines)]下载
After the events of The Lost Artifact Lara hears of a renagade band of Willards mercenary force calling themselves Dead Aim. What interests Lara however is that they are excavating a mine in the Antar
[#2611/trle2616][古墓丽影3:生命水晶(Tomb Raider 3 Crystal of Life)] 下载
[#2610/trle2617][劳拉的度假小屋(Laras Holiday Home)] 下载
[#2609][南美洲(South America)] 下载
[#2608] [帮助晶跑矮人族(Aiding the Crystalrunner Dwarves)] 下载
For countless generations, the Crystalrunner Dwarf clan lived on the Northern Flathead Peninsula at the base of the Cardamon Mountain. One day, a raiding army of Frost Giants marching from the East, u
[#2607][迷你冒险:提诺斯(Mini Adventures - Tinnos)]下载
This idea was inspired by the One Room Challenge where I would build a level with the size of one room (with 1 or 2 exceptions) but with no limits, for example I start off with one room, then split it
[#2606][古墓丽影4启示录:剑的诅咒-试玩版(Tomb Raider Revelations 4 (Demo))] 下载
[#2605][阿拉伯修道院(Arabic Monastery)] 下载
2013年一月,劳拉克劳馥特正在阿拉伯进行短期休假。她下一步准备乘坐坚忍号轮船航行去日本。不过在这之前,劳拉打算在附近寻求一些刺激与冒险。后来,她发现在远处有一座建筑。于是,她滑下陡峭的斜坡来到一扇大门前。 这难道就是他们所说的修道院么? 修道院看起来给人以很虔诚的感觉,而且不欢迎有陌生人来打扰。劳拉必须逃出这里,要不然她就会错过去日本的旅行了!所以,你的任务,就是帮助劳拉找到所有的耶稣受难像(耶
[#2604][搜索古代艺术品(Searching the Artefact)] 下载
[#2603][黄金之心(第二部试玩版)(Golden Hearts - Part 2 (Demo))]下载