- [#2599][探火之路(The Path of Fire)] 下载
- [#2598][安塔斯地牢(Antas Dungeon)] 下载
- [#2529/trle2527][Aspidetr网站2012年复活节关卡:复活节星期一(Easter Monday)] 视频攻略
- [#2592][怜悯(By Compassion)] 视频攻略
By Compassion 开始不久省略了一段流程。
- [#231][失落山谷(THE LOST VALLEY)] 难点集锦
- [#2597][民俗学者日记:隐藏的宫殿(Folklorist Diary - The Hidden Palace)] 下载
- [2596/trle2598][2021年关卡锻造网站降临节圣诞倒数日历:冬季诅咒(试玩版)(TR Forge Advent Calendar 2012 - Curse of Winter 2 (De
It is Christmas time and Lara reminisces about her past adventures while browsing through photo albums. Especially the one of her trip to the amazing Indian jungle, where she found the Hourglas of Ete
- [#2595][快访丹麦(Sharp Visit To Denmark)] 下载
After hunting for yet another artefact to be added to her collection, Lara Croft ends up in the former industrial area of a small city in Denmark. Because one of her friends had asked her to drop by w
- [#2594][一件小礼物(重制版)(A Little Gift remake)] 下载
今天是圣诞夜,劳拉来到了她的一座建在山上的别墅里。在那里,她已经准备好了所有需要准备的东西,来为她的朋友们开一场聚会。一切看起来都进行得很顺利,但美中不足的是,一件为Jean Yves的女儿准备的礼物却不见了。 劳拉为此感到十分着急,她想在聚会开始之前把所有事情安排妥当。 你能帮她找出那件丢失的礼物吗?(本关有2处秘密地点)。
- [#2593][圣诞之梦(Xmas Dreams)] 下载
Lara has gone to the closet to store her Christmas packages. When she returns to the living room things have changed
- [#2592][怜悯(By Compassion)] 下载
Compassion opens the doors of Heaven. Check it!
- [#2591][蝴蝶花的起源(The Iris Origin)] 下载
- [#2590][圣诞特别版(Christmas Special)] 下载
- [#2589][冰雪之地 2(Irgendwo im Eis 2)] 下载
5 years after her last adventure somewhere in the ice, Lara discovers a place which is only known as the Penguin Sanctuary. But whose manor is this?
- [#2588][迷宫2012(Labyrinth 2012)] 下载
- [#2587][黄金头盔(The Golden Helmet)] 下载
Lara must find the Golden Helmet. She has to solve some tasks.
- [#2586][雪人大陆(The Land of the Snowmen)] 下载
帮助这些雪人找到他们的水桶帽子,不要让邪恶统治者的复仇得逞。 这关非常庞大,请节约使用药包。8处秘密地点。
- [#2585][雪人传说(Yetis Legend)] 下载
Amanda Lepore falls with her airplane in the middle of the Himalayan Mountais. And there's a monster searching for her and her friends... Help her to escape and survive!
- [#2584][亚瑟王计划(King Arthur Project)] 下载
This story starts where Twin crystals saga ended. Cindy finally found the location of the Topaz crystal on Topaz island. While she was searching for it, Lara already collected three of the other cryst
- [#2582][巴黎冻雨日(A cold, wet day in Paris)] 下载
由于被陷害谋杀了住在巴黎某所公寓的 沃纳·冯·克罗伊,劳拉必须躲避警察的追捕。与此同时,她还得尽快赶到 卡维尔斯 小姐的公寓去寻找一些很重要的信息,因为这些信息上记载了有关4幅奥布斯丘拉古画的下落。