[#2515][当时钟指向午夜(When the Clock strikes Twelve)]下载
The Elite Four, headed by a certain Gary Oak, are a group whose main aim it is to turn the friendly area of Kanto into what can only be described as a battlefield full of wild monsters and people, kno
[#2514][大地神殿(Temple of Earth)]下载
It has only been discovered a few centuries ago that the Earth is sphere shaped, before that the people of the world believed it was flat. Or did they? Underneath an old library in Rome, Lara discover
[#2513/trle2511][重返罗马(Return to Rome)]下载
[#2512][玛瑙斯洞穴(Caves of Manaus)]下载
[#2511][迷失狒狒神殿(The Temple of the Lost Baboon)]下载
[#2510][迷失在新一代关卡编辑器(试玩)(Lost in NGLE (Demo) )] 下载
January 27th This day is reminiscent of all the victims of an unprecedented totalitarianism during the time of the National Socialism: jews, Christians, Sinti and Romanies, disabled people, homosex
[#2508][独屋挑战:被遗弃的修道院(One Room Challenge - The Forsaken Monastery)]下载
Lara read the story of a powerful artifact guarded by monks of the monastery in the Himalayan mountains. One day someone tried to empower the artifact but underestimated its strength. That day, the mo
[#2507][独屋挑战:隐藏的修道院(One Room Challenge - The Veiled Monastery)]下载
While looking for another ancient ruin in Tibet Lara come across a plain with a strange structure in the middle; she could recall no record of its existence, and curiousity compelled her to head for t
[#2506][独屋挑战:消遣生意(One Room Challenge - Snow Business]下载
Lara hears the supposed whereabouts of a cup containing the final remnants of a fabled type of Cinnabar rumored to give whoever drank from the cup the gift of eternal life. The Chalice of Life as it i