[#2443][劳拉快跑(Laras Run)] 下载
[2442/trle2441][耶路撒冷计划:召唤智天使(基路伯)(The Cherubim are Calling)] 下载
Like Indiana Jones before Lara wants to find the legendary Ark of the Covenant mentioned in the Bible and commissioned by God in order to keep the 10 Commandments. In Solomons time the Ark was kept i
[#2441][尼禄(古罗马暴君)之墓(试玩版)(The Tomb of Nero (Demo))] 下载
Lara hears about an Aztec temple in Mexico which is believed to hold an ancient artefact that was worshiped like a God because of the amazing powers it gave to those who touched it. These powers got l
[#2440][威利斯城楼(Venices Gatehouse)] 下载
[#2439][沙漠的秘密(Desert Secrets)]下载
Lara has researched Eygptian artifacts and kings for many years, but in 2011 she stumbled up on some information that Khamoon may have hidden some of his valueable artifacts in a secret location in th
[#2438][劳拉在泰坦尼克号(Tomb Raider and RMS Titanic)]下载
Marco Bartoli from TR2 returned. Like previously, he wants power, strength and his dream is to be immortal. Thanks to Lara he failed last time with the Xian sword, so now he started doing the second p
[#2437][数码的疯狂(Digital Insanity)] 下载
Lara, uh, stuck a paper clip into an electrical socket and is now in a coma hallucinating about being in a computer? Yeah. It is somehow less torturous than the Great Wall, lacking homicidal boulders
[#2436][夸洛佩克的后裔神器(Qualopec's Scion)]下载
[#2435][任务1:逃生(The Quest 1 - Escape)] 下载
After a long journey to finally fight and kill Seth, Lara could never be found in the ruins of the temple. But she did not die. She was found by some of the ninjas she did not kill during her adventur
[#2434][疯狂的长城(The Great Wall Madness)] 下载
You are at a vaguely defined part of the Great Wall. Survive.