[2433/trle2432/trc2401][月下:吴哥窟的云(Under the Moon - Clouds in Angkor Wat)] 下载
Lara was at home, reading an old book where she found many rumors and one of them especially interested her. It was about an old mystic beast in Angkor Wat...
[#2432][巨型寺庙(The Mountainous Temple)] 下载
After defeating Willard in Tomb Raider 3, Lara kept an eye on RX-Tech guys. So one night, she got secretly into their facilies and she discovered that there is another diary of one of the sailors of C
[中国制造][#2465][劳拉的无聊假日(Laras Boring Holiday)] 下载
上帝造人花了七天,也花了一天时间休息,所以我们的劳拉也终于迎来了她的假日,这天终于到了,为了这天的到来劳拉早以聘请了名设计师江户川小狼在蛋疼山脚下一块克劳馥家族的土地起了座克劳馥庄园 现在,劳拉攀上了蛋疼山,但她此行并不知道将会重遇一些故友……
[中国制造][#271][劳拉的日记2(Lara's Diary 2)] 下载
Inspired on the Karnak level the time has come to explore and meet the challenge.
[中国制造][#226][劳拉的日记(Lara's Diary)] 下载
Trapped inside a tomb and in need of artifacts to finally leave, that is what tomb raiding is all about.
[中国制造][#62][古城萍踪2(Alcazar Raider 2)] 下载
A level with a Chinese atmosphere and quite a few challenges.
[中国制造][#406][古城萍踪(Alcazar Raider)] 下载
The story happens in an ancient Chinese Alcazar. There are 4 secrets in this level, just try to find all of them.
[中国制造][#1296][中国长江(The Long River of China)] 下载
Cliffs,Chiniese writings on the walls and a river is what the player will see in this level.
[中国制造][#61][俄国建筑(The Building of Russia)] 下载
Lara is in Russia,exploring a big city.
[中国制造][#3][遗迹附近的基地(Base Near the Ruins)] 下载
This is the second version of level "Base near the ruins", I corrected some bugs and modified some scenes, removed 2 secret points and added another 2. So there are still 6 in the level.