- 15周年庆祝活动社区艺术展览——莱克萨:“希望”(英文稿)
“I decided to draw Lara in a dark, dangerous place. She is nearly unarmed and the torchlight that illuminates the way can be extinguished at any moment. She may remain in this dark place, with many da
- 15周年庆祝活动社区艺术展览——约翰·布莱斯:“发现”(英文稿)
“To me Tomb Raider is an invitation of discovery – to travel. For this reason I wanted to represent Lara in a vast environment. I’m really excited to discover the different landscapes through the new
- 15周年庆祝活动社区艺术展览——坦姬·阿普尔比:“与自然抗争”(英文稿)
“From what I have seen of the new Tomb Raider game it is darker, grittier, and tougher than anything we have seen before. The new game is centered on a young Lara learning how to survive and find the
- 15周年庆祝活动社区艺术展览——普里斯西利亚·托马斯:“存活”(英文稿)
“I thought Lara would feel like all of nature was against her after the shipwreck. With that image in mind, I saw her sinking at the heart of the island, pursued by some scavengers, with the night fal
- 阿什利·奎南:“勇闯洞穴”(15周年庆祝活动社区特稿)
- 15周年庆祝活动社区艺术展览——阿什利·奎南:“勇闯洞穴”(英文稿)
“Two of the attributes that made Lara so appealing to me are her beauty and strength. I wanted to keep those characteristics evident in this portrait, but also present the uncertainty and even fear th
- 古墓丽影发行15周年庆祝活动——数字艺术展览汇总
- 由旭声
- 15周年庆祝活动艺术展览——托比·加德:“弓道”
“我认为晶体动力所重塑的这个新劳拉的关键之处在于她比过去更加人性化了。我想捕捉劳拉的恐惧和脆弱,但同时表现出她克服来自于内心和外在环境的困难的能力。 玩弓箭我很菜,但我想以此将劳拉表现成类似于神话当中的人物,比如那些受伤的浪人,面对这个残酷而又美丽的世界。 我的职业是游戏设计师和动画制作师,它们都与绘画的关系不大,所以我不可能像先与我之前发布作品的那些画家一样去绘制一幅逼真写实的作品。我的选择
- 托比·加德:“弓道”(15周年庆祝活动特稿)