“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”是古墓丽影社区经理梅根·玛丽(Meagan Marie)发布在官方微博上的一个系列短讯,每周一条,报道她在水晶动力办公区里发现的一些有趣的所见所闻。【古墓丽影中国】为大家将这些趣闻进行了汇总,以便我们跟随梅根·玛丽的视角去探访那个成就水晶动力的神秘区域。
[1~10期] [11~20期] [21~30期] [31期~更新]
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十六期
With E3 less than two weeks away everyone at Crystal is hard at work preparing and packing. These massive hard cases are used to transport tech and consoles down to the show. I’ll be using a similar one to protect my podcasting equipment!
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十五期
Crystal HQ is nearly surrounded by sizable salt ponds. Right now this pond is mostly evaporated, leaving behind the salt to harvest. At one point in the process, though, the flats are bright pink, making a jog around the campus very colorful.
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十四期
Packages constantly come and go at Crystal, but the arrival of these beauties was worthy of celebration. Not going to lie, I did a happy dance.
The Sideshow/Adam Hughes/Tim Miller collaboration is even more beautiful in person.
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十三期
I forgot to post a Crystal Tidbit this past Wednesday! Apologies! Here’s a weird one to make up for it. Whenever it rains, the walkway up to Crystal Dynamics is swarmed with snails. Originally hailing from Minnesota, I’m not used to seeing snails in these numbers, and find them exceptionally adorable. As such, I spent a few minutes the other day rescuing them from the walking path, where many of their brethren have perished. After snapping some photos, of course.
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十二期
Check out this pretty little number. Karl picked a beautiful leather MacBook case and decided to have it laser etched with Guardian of Light branding. Too bad it’s a one-off. I’d love to own it. Or at least keep it at my desk and see if Karl notices it’s missing.
译者注:卡尔·斯图尔特(Karl Stewart)是水晶动力工作室的全球品牌经理(Global Brand Director)。
“水晶趣闻(Crystal Tidbit)”第三十一期
“在我把自己办公桌的快照放在推特上分享之后,我就反复收到追随者们要求我发更多的我那有点荒唐的工作区的照片。因此,这就是本周的水晶趣闻 - 我有点病态地痴迷着玩具。”
After sharing a snapshot of my desk on Twitter, I received repeated requests from followers for a handful more images of my somewhat ridiculous workspace. So here’s your Crystal Tidbit for the week - I have an unhealthy obsession with toys.