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Shadow of the Tomb Raider


发表时间:2010/02/27 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Mman  浏览次数:18986  
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第一章 玻利维亚——蒂瓦纳科(Bolivia - Tiwanaku)
第二章 秘鲁——回到帕拉伊索(Peru - Return to Paraíso)
第三章 日本——会见高本(Japan - Meeting with Takamoto)
第四章 加纳——追踪詹姆斯·拉特兰(西非)(Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland (West Africa))
第五章 哈萨克斯坦——『卡本内克』(Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek)
第六章 英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?(England - King Arthur's Tomb?)
第七章 尼泊尔——加拉利之匙(Nepal - The Ghalali Key)
第八章 玻利维亚——镜子(重返玻利维亚)(Bolivia - The Looking Glass (Bolivia Redux))

本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第三章日本—会见高本竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:06:00。录制时间:2008年01月22日。



Part 6: A small general note on this level: every shotgun blast stun I take is unavoidable (or, at least, has about a 5% chance at the most of not happening on hard), so I don't really need to bring them up. I don't know of any faster way to do the glacial beginning, which made it very annoying when replaying the level. The irritation of the start is exacerbated by the fact that the first fight needs a ton of luck; not only do I need to react very fast at the start to make sure the sign kills the first guard, but I also need at least two medikit drops to make the rest of the level possible and need to get in the elevator corridor before the grenade explodes, otherwise another two guards spawn. I got very lucky with the medikit drops, as they fell right in my path, but the grenade failed to kill one guard, losing me a few seconds, I had to detour slightly for an assault rifle after the fight, but you normally have to do that.

The bike can be very hard to control as it's so fast, and if you touch the mouse at all the camera becomes impossible to handle, although that's easy to avoid if you know how. I guess I should be glad I'm not doing this on the PS2 version, where you have to control the bike at about 10 FPS. At the platforming after the IC I tried a bunch of ways to get across to the swinging ledges early, but it seems like your only choice is the intended route. The jump to the garden bit after the swinging ledges was actually a bit of a fluke; I thought I had screwed up the correct positioning to do it, so I just suicidally threw myself off and made it. The large computer room is the only place in the game where the assault rifle is needed, as it's far more accurate than the un-upgraded pistols (but still weaker), the position I take to shoot the hooks seems to be the best one I could find, climbing up the left side of the large screen is intentional, as you seem to randomly die whatever your health if you climb the front (it appears to be something to do with getting shot by lasersights during the climbing animation).

If you jump early enough after pulling down the first billboard you can land on it without having to climb up, I jumped too late here. The bit where you jump onto the thin billboard for a shortcut is quite easy to align with the PC camera control (compared to the PS2 version anyway). I have to jump across the four poles without pausing on any, which I managed. The gun is what the starting medikits are needed for, on hard it tears off about 90% of your health and there's a delay that stops you using multiple medikits in a row, so you need full health, and the first set of lasers MUST be off to make it through (thankfully this happens if you simply get there as fast as possible from entering the art area).

I delay a little before skipping the cutscene in the board room, as I needed to change my positioning to throw a grenade as soon as possible (which kills all three), then I get a shotgun, which is pretty much the best weapon in the game, as it's tears big chunks out of almost every boss' health, and is my secondary weapon for the rest of the game. Getting kicked over after climbing in the window has never happened before, and actually meant I didn't need to grab a health pack, I never predicted that though, I don't think missing a shot mattered here, as I was getting up anyway. I let the cutscene before the boss run a little before skipping, so the camera is aligned optimally to finish the boss; the moves I make cause his AI to be very predictable and lets my tactics work almost every time, allowing me to blow him away extremely quickly with a mix of grenades and shotgun blasts.

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