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发表时间:2010/02/27 00:00:00  来源:“ZZer”转载  作者:Mman  浏览次数:18979  
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第一章 玻利维亚——蒂瓦纳科(Bolivia - Tiwanaku)
第二章 秘鲁——回到帕拉伊索(Peru - Return to Paraíso)
第三章 日本——会见高本(Japan - Meeting with Takamoto)
第四章 加纳——追踪詹姆斯·拉特兰(西非)(Ghana - Pursuing James Rutland (West Africa))
第五章 哈萨克斯坦——『卡本内克』(Kazakhstan - Project Carbonek)
第六章 英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?(England - King Arthur's Tomb?)
第七章 尼泊尔——加拉利之匙(Nepal - The Ghalali Key)
第八章 玻利维亚——镜子(重返玻利维亚)(Bolivia - The Looking Glass (Bolivia Redux))

本段视频包含《古墓丽影7:传奇》第六章英格兰——亚瑟王之墓?全部竞速通关高清视频。作者:Shaun 'Mman' Friend。全章完成时间:0:10:14。录制时间:2008年01月22日。



Part 11: The longest segment, I considered splitting it to fit more with the rest of the run, but found I could pull everything off decently consistent, so I decided to do it in one. The left-rolls over the fences are quite inconsistent, so I gave myself a couple of chances on each, since it's still faster than normal, I did them both very quickly here. It's quicker to just get electrocuted when going back. When you grab the pole to pull the bridge down, if you jump too fast the bridge gets stuck and weird bugs happen, so I wait little while before jumping back.

It very easy for the forklift to get stuck on a box and take ages to get free, but I eventually found an angle that gets you through the boxes consistently, and also the second set of boxes outside the breakable wall. All the methods to get down the shaft I had found seemed extremely inconsistent and near-impossible to do (such that they would pretty much require segmenting), but then I found a method of my own that seemed faster than the alternatives and is also very consistent (it namely involves swinging the camera correctly, although I can't remember exactly how at this point), it also causes an amusing sound bug :) . Moving the crate through the blades is quite inconsistent, and one of the biggest potential timewasters, I did it quite fast here, although it still got stuck a little. On lower difficulty settings the crate is not needed to get over the flames, but on hard even at 20FPS this fire still kills you near-instantly; this is the only big difference between playing Legend on hard compared to the easier settings.

Getting on the coffin in the water area can be unpredictable; if the coffin hasn't turned enough you are stuck in crouching position under the gate and lose a few seconds, this time it went perfectly. I use a couple of small shortcuts while climbing the tomb entrance. When moving the broken headstone thing I use the floor patterns to know the earliest time to stop be able to climb the bell rope. The boss is the same as usual, When moving between the second and third bell, the boss will always attack at least once. I dodged the projectile, but then got bit, however, I had already shot the bell enough to draw the serpent's attention, so I probably lost no time. The easiest part to mess up is actually the final bell, as the camera is incredibly touchy here, and having it aligned incorrectly will make Lara either grab the lever that is already used, or fail to grab it at all; the camera is a bigger threat than the serpent here.

While moving across the Serpent's corpse I jump to early and have to do another jump to grab the ledge, which lost me around a second. Jumping on the long slope will make you lose health, and I didn't have enough health to take risks, so I didn't jump. Rolling through the blades was quite lucky, as I did it while they were moving fast and still managed to make it. Jumping across the lava pit is where the biggest time loss of the run happens, as I get knocked off the ledge and had to climb up (while playing I was just glad I didn't fall in), then I got kicked over as I rolled to the guard, however, my luck earlier helped balance against this. The second grenade in the last fight was accidental, but let me finish the fight very fast.

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