[#2594][一件小礼物(重制版)(A Little Gift remake)] 下载
今天是圣诞夜,劳拉来到了她的一座建在山上的别墅里。在那里,她已经准备好了所有需要准备的东西,来为她的朋友们开一场聚会。一切看起来都进行得很顺利,但美中不足的是,一件为Jean Yves的女儿准备的礼物却不见了。 劳拉为此感到十分着急,她想在聚会开始之前把所有事情安排妥当。 你能帮她找出那件丢失的礼物吗?(本关有2处秘密地点)。
[#2593][圣诞之梦(Xmas Dreams)] 下载
Lara has gone to the closet to store her Christmas packages. When she returns to the living room things have changed
[#2592][怜悯(By Compassion)] 下载
Compassion opens the doors of Heaven. Check it!
[#2591][蝴蝶花的起源(The Iris Origin)] 下载
[#2590][圣诞特别版(Christmas Special)] 下载
[#2589][冰雪之地 2(Irgendwo im Eis 2)] 下载
5 years after her last adventure somewhere in the ice, Lara discovers a place which is only known as the Penguin Sanctuary. But whose manor is this?
[#2588][迷宫2012(Labyrinth 2012)] 下载
[#2587][黄金头盔(The Golden Helmet)] 下载
Lara must find the Golden Helmet. She has to solve some tasks.
[#2586][雪人大陆(The Land of the Snowmen)] 下载
帮助这些雪人找到他们的水桶帽子,不要让邪恶统治者的复仇得逞。 这关非常庞大,请节约使用药包。8处秘密地点。
[#2585][雪人传说(Yetis Legend)] 下载
Amanda Lepore falls with her airplane in the middle of the Himalayan Mountais. And there's a monster searching for her and her friends... Help her to escape and survive!