[#2573][丛林关(Jungle Level)] 下载
[#2572][插曲“零”的训练(试玩版)(The Training - Episode Zero (Demo) )] 下载
[#2571][荷鲁斯之谜(Riddles of Horus)] 下载
[#2570][立方20挑战:阿尔迪沙丘之夜(20x20x20 Challenge - A Night at Ardhis Sandscapes)] 下载
The level takes place in the surreal planet called Ardhi, created by the ancient Goddess of Earth named Ardhi. Lara would originally need to find her way to the next realm to fight for freedom in the
[#2569][立方20挑战:珍珠宫殿(20x20x20 Challenge - The Pearl Palace)] 下载
[#2568][立方20挑战:能量水晶(20x20x20 Challenge - The Crytsal of Power)] 下载
When Lara Croft revisited the Lost Library in Egypt later in her life, she found a book about an ancient Crystal that has unimaginable healing powers that lies near a temple in Mount Parnassus in Gree
[#2567][挖掘现场(Digsite Complex)] 下载
[#2566][Tomb Raiders Retold(新编古墓丽影)] 下载
Tomb Raider 1 played as Natla (last level only)
[2291/trle2254/trc2226][再探司祭昂——困难版(Beyond The Scion - Hard Version)] 下载
In this installment, we explore a ‘what if’ scenario. What if all three rulers of Atlantis were immortals, and the other two rulers - Tihocan and Qualopec, like Natla, had survived the destruction of
[#2565/trle2560][韦弗利山疗养院(Waverly Hills Sanatorium)] 下载