[#2564][失落的宙斯神庙(The Lost Temple of Zeus)] 下载
[#2563][哥拉斯彩虹石(The Tropical Stone)]下载
[#2562][危险的碎片(Dangerous Fragments)] 下载
[#2561][劳拉在德国的官邸(Laras House in Germany)] 下载
[2560/trle2554][魔蛋(The Eggs)]下载
Before the black harpy died, she laid two eggs. It will now be necessary to destroy the eggs before the evil beats its wings again. Can you do this?
[#2559][老船(The Old Ship)] 下载
Lara is in an old ship. She must find a way outside. The path is blocked with opponents.
[#2558][消失的月亮复合体(Lost Lunar Complex)] 下载
Again, the Croft Manor library appears to be a great source of the ancient knowledge, legends and myths. This time Lara learns about a mysterious location that, according to her research, lies somewhe
[#2557][邪恶地域:塔楼1(Quarters of the Evil - The Tower Part 1)] 下载
Lara flew to the accomodation of the bad one. Lara must switch the bad white types off and conquer the accomodation. The tower guards were killed by an unknown woman and become again up-arise, as soon
[2556/trle2551][普罗米修斯的遗产(Prometheus Legacy)] 下载
After recovering a lesser Scion, Lara discovers that the Legend of Prometheus, the Titan who stole the Fire to give it to human kind, hides something different: the "fire" was in reality the knowledge
[2555/trle2550][红星-序章:隐藏的巢穴(Harmony Around a Red Star - The Hidden Lair)] 下载
It was while reading an article on the star Gliese 581 (a red dwarf star) and the possibility of a habitable planet in its planetary system as the idea came to me. (but the game does not go around Gli