[#2584][亚瑟王计划(King Arthur Project)] 下载
This story starts where Twin crystals saga ended. Cindy finally found the location of the Topaz crystal on Topaz island. While she was searching for it, Lara already collected three of the other cryst
[#2582][巴黎冻雨日(A cold, wet day in Paris)] 下载
由于被陷害谋杀了住在巴黎某所公寓的 沃纳·冯·克罗伊,劳拉必须躲避警察的追捕。与此同时,她还得尽快赶到 卡维尔斯 小姐的公寓去寻找一些很重要的信息,因为这些信息上记载了有关4幅奥布斯丘拉古画的下落。
[#2581][金银岛(Treasure Island)] 下载
劳拉空降在一座岛上。她必须活着逃出这座岛。本关可以收集到许多宝藏。 8处秘密地点。
[2580/trle2586][郊狼溪镇2(Coyote Creek 2)] 下载
跟劳拉踏上冒险之旅,一起去揭开郊狼溪镇的神秘面纱吧!一起帮助劳拉从当地的监牢中解救 乌云 酋长,与他们一同穿过阿帕奇地下洞穴去寻找传说中的黄金之城,之后再越过大峡谷,炸毁桥梁,坐小船划过地下的阿帕奇神庙,直到最后正面对抗曾经击垮纳塔拉的亚特兰蒂斯人 凯勒,并最终摧毁他那可怕的黄金制造机。
[#2579][原始墓穴(Primordial Catacombs)] 下载
On a cold October morning, Lara receives an E-mail from a mysterious sender. He calls himself WS3 and refuses to give further information on his identity. In his E-mail, WS3, tells of powerful, valuab
[#2578][远古墓穴(Primeval Catacombs)] 下载
On a cold October morning, Lara receives an E-mail from a mysterious sender. He calls himself WS3 and refuses to give further information on his identity. In his E-mail, WS3, tells of powerful, valuab
[#2577][斯洛神橄榄石(The Peridot of Sinooh)] 下载
[#2576][盗窃西安匕首(Theft of the Dagger of Xian)] 下载
[#2575][被遗忘的遗迹(Forgotten Ruins)] 下载
[#2574][劳拉之影-劳拉陷入麻烦-卷1(Laras Shadow - Lara Croft in Trouble - Part 1)] 下载